I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 77 I am underage

Iori Tadashi was very angry. He lost his son in old age, and his son only had a single child like Miko.

Therefore, the old couple, with their grief for the passing of their son and wife and their love for their granddaughter's birth disability, devoted all their love to Yuzi and treated her as the apple of their eye.

Miko is more important to the old couple than this shrine.

Now someone dares to bully her?

Iori Tadamichi fell silent and looked at the warehouse next to the courtyard. If things got worse,

He stared for a moment, and the wind chimes on the porch were moved by an unpredictable breeze, making a tinkling sound.

Iori Tadamichi came to his senses quickly, silently confessed to Inari God, then carried Miko on his back and walked out of the shrine.

But the anger in his heart has never been extinguished, but has become more and more intense.

Iori Tadamichi was walking on the shrine and asked Iori Miko: "What did they say about you?"

"I forgot."

Iori Miko lay on her grandfather's broad back and laughed a little shyly, "I just remember that Higashino Nissan was very angry at that time."

Even Higashino-kun, who abides by etiquette like a humble gentleman, is so angry. You can only imagine what nonsense those words are!

Iori Tadamichi fell silent, and the anger in his heart became more and more. Maybe it is a good choice to let Miko go to a school for the disabled?

After sending away the izakaya owner, the policeman took out an ID from his pocket, showed it to Higashino Yu, put it away, and said at the same time.

"I am Inspector Ryoma Irano of the Adachi Ward Police Station. I received multiple reports that someone had beaten these children. I found this place based on clues provided by some witnesses."

"Are you Dong Yeyu?"

Dong Yeyu leaned on the outside of the door frame and looked down at the police: "I am Dong Yeyu."

Irano Ryoma nodded and continued to ask: "So, do you have any excuse for beating these children?"

"Shouldn't you ask them why they were beaten in the first place?"

Dong Yeyu folded his hands and looked around at the parents in front of him, his tone full of scrutiny and questioning.

"Bullying the disabled, bullying the weak, without any shame, and even losing the most basic empathy and compassion. Is this how you teach your children?"

"This kind of humanoid creature, even if it grows up, is just an insect that disturbs social order."

Uchiyama Daisuke and several other parents pointed at Higashino Yu and scolded: "You fart! My children are both good in character and academics!"

"That's right! He's talking nonsense!"

The child hiding behind Ryoma Irino showed his head and said pitifully.

"We were just joking with Iori-san, and he suddenly rushed up and beat us. Bunta's clothes were torn by him, and Kazuki was kicked down by him, and his knees were completely worn out."

"He even forced us to kneel down and apologize!"

After hearing this, Ryoma Irino looked at Higashino Yu.

"Look, these kids were just joking with their classmates. Regardless of whether the joke is bad or not, it is illegal for you to hit them."

"And as far as I know, you don't seem to have anything to do with that Iori-san?"

"The apartment manager said you just arrived from Kyoto a month ago—"

"Who told you it doesn't matter anymore?"

Dong Yeyu leaned against the door frame, not showing any uneasiness like those bad guys when facing the police, and said calmly.

"My elders are good friends with Iori Miyaji. After coming to Tokyo, Iori Miyaji took great care of him. He and Miko are like brothers and sisters."

"Seeing these future social bugs bullying Yuzi, educate them to let them know the error of their actions and apologize to Yuzi. Is there anything wrong with this?"

"It's your turn to educate my son? Who are you?" Daisuke Uchiyama, wearing silver rimless glasses, stood behind and shouted angrily.

"Then I would like to ask you, who teach future generations to be born, what are you doing?" Dong Yeyu looked around at the few people and asked calmly.

"You bastard!"

Uchiyama Daisuke and several other people became excited. With the police around, they were very strong-willed. They waved their arms and rushed over to beat Higashino Yu.

They didn't believe that the police were present and this kid dared to beat someone.

Irano Ryoma stood aside, as if he didn't see it, and acquiesced to their intention to beat people to vent their anger.

Isn't it normal for parents to lose control and hit someone during mediation?

Dong Yeyu glanced at the policeman on the side and smiled, releasing a little of the aura that he had just broken through to become an immortal.

Under his restraint, no strange phenomena occurred, not even the wind, but a kind of pressure that could be felt like a mountain fell on everyone's spirit.

Yin gods have a natural suppressive effect on pure yin and yang-free souls.

Several people immediately clutched their chests, with slightly painful expressions on their faces. They felt as if their hearts were being grasped by someone's hands, making them unable to breathe.

Dong Yeyu glanced at the parents and their children in front of him and said in a deep voice: "If you don't know how to educate your children, they must get education from society!"

This feeling came and went quickly, and in an instant, everyone felt relieved.

Uchiyama Daisuke stood up in confusion and looked at several other people with confused expressions on their faces.

Ryoma touched his heart strangely, wondering if it was because he had drank too much recently.

Thinking of going to the hospital for a checkup as soon as possible, Ryoma Irino was too lazy to delay and took off the handcuffs from his waist.

"No matter what, hitting someone is illegal."

"Dong Yeyu, I am telling you now that your behavior is suspected of intentional injury, provocation and trouble. Come with me to the police station."

As he was about to put handcuffs on Higashino Yu, he saw a pair of hands firmly grasping his hands the next second. He looked up and saw that the young man still had a polite smile on his face.

Irino Ryoma asked in a deep voice: "You want to resist arrest?!"

"I'm still a month away from turning sixteen, so I won't be given a criminal penalty."

Higashino Yu smiled fearlessly, and he finally enjoyed the privileges of a minor.

Fifteen years old?

Irino Ryoma was a little stunned and disappointed. He originally wanted to detain this kid for a few days.

Now it seems that the best situation is to press this kid's head and make him apologize, and he may not even have to pay money.

After all, the most serious injuries on these guys are just knee skin contusions, which can't even be considered minor injuries.

Higashino Yu continued to add: "It was just a fight, not even a minor injury. It is unreasonable to put handcuffs on you, and you didn't bring a law enforcement recorder. I can file a complaint against you."

"You can file a complaint." Irino Ryoma was unmoved and was determined to handcuff him, sincerely wanting to humiliate him.

He has been a policeman for decades, how could he be intimidated by a young boy.

Although it is not quite in line with the rules, there is no rule that prohibits police from handcuffing people under the age of sixteen. Even if it is a complaint, the most he can do is deduct some of his salary.

byd, you are taking revenge on someone, right?

Then it's no wonder I called someone.

Higashino Yu frowned, "Then I'll make a phone call first." He said and walked into the house.

Irino Ryoma was about to stop him, but he met Higashino Yu's impatient eyes, afraid that he would do it regardless of everything, so he had to let him go.

It was just a phone call. If he angered him and started fighting, how could he beat the strong young man at his age? At that time, he would still be embarrassed, it's not worth it.

He thought so, gave a quiet gesture to the impatient parents, and waited outside the door with handcuffs.

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