I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 76 Unforgivable

This man

Several parents looked up at the young man who opened the door and came out. The anger that had been brewing in their hearts for a long time seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water. The two short male parents subconsciously took a step back.

They were afraid that he would suddenly go crazy and rush over to do something irrational.

A plump and charming woman stared at Dong Yeyu's face for a second, and the anger on her face unconsciously dissipated a lot, and her eyes with false eyelashes were shining.

This is much more handsome than those heavily made-up gigolos in the gigolo shop. His appearance is secondary, and his temperament is the main thing.

If those gigolos are rotten peaches with a sweet and rotten fragrance, then this young man is a green grape that is still covered with crystal morning dew and is about to ripen, making people dry their mouths and want to take a bite.

Another serious, ordinary-looking, thin woman stared at Dong Yeyu with hatred.

The child next to her was the one who fell that day, and both knees were covered with gauze.

Dong Yeyu looked around. Except for the one with the charming lady, the other two parents were dressed very ordinary and looked like ordinary working class people.

No wonder the children don't look like humans.

It's not that they look down on the poor people in the island country. This is actually a social problem.

In the grassroots working class in the island country, both parents have to work - in such poor families, the wife has no chance to be a full-time housewife.

Sometimes they come home very late, and they basically neglect to discipline their children and let them grow wildly.

Some families attach importance to education, so their children grow better.

In some families, the parents themselves were once bad or gangsters, so you can imagine what kind of children they teach.

I heard from Arima that there are many high school girls who run away from home in Tokyo's Okubo Park recently.

Many of them come from such families, and the three girls before were probably born in the same way.

There is a lack of communication between parents and children. They have not been disciplined since childhood, and when they reach a certain age, they are released to hurt others and endanger society.

I didn't see the boy with the hedgehog head. Is his name Wenta or something?

Higashino Yu's eyes swept over several children, who were hiding behind their parents and making faces at him.

He glanced at them expressionlessly, and the children immediately shrank back like quails.

Higashino Yu moved his eyes away, looked at the police, and asked calmly: "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

At the same time, downstairs, Oda Saburo was carrying a plate of fried tofu to offer to the roadside Inari.

He offered the fried tofu first, put his hands together and prayed for a moment, then stood up and looked up. There were a lot of people crowded in the residence of the poor high school student Higashino-kun from Kyoto on the third floor.

Oda Saburo thought it was a bad guy looking for trouble with Higashino Yu, frowned, and asked loudly upstairs.

"Hey! Who are you?!"

At this time, a policeman poked his head out of the corridor and nodded to Oda Saburo: "Oda-san, I'm handling a case."

Oda Saburo looked for a while, trotted back to the store, took out his mobile phone and called Iori Tadamichi.

Iori Tadamichi, who was taking a nap, was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone. He squinted his eyes and fumbled to get his tortoise-shell reading glasses in his hand, and pursed his lips to hold the phone farther away.

Seeing that the caller was the owner of the izakaya, he answered the phone and said with a smile: "Hello, Saburo, there is a new brew ready. Do you want me to taste it?"

The old lady Iori, who was lying next to him, opened her eyes and glanced at him without saying a word.

Iori Tadamichi quickly clamped the phone with his shoulder, clasped his hands together and begged for mercy with a smile.

The voice of Oda Saburo came from the phone: "Iori Miyaji, the police have come to Higashino-kun, and there are some other people following him."

After hearing this, the smile on Iori Tadamichi's face slowly disappeared, and his voice became more serious.

"Okay, I got it, I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, the old man was about to get up. Seeing that he was in such a hurry to go out, Mrs. Iori hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing serious, Higashino-kun encountered some troubles. I'll go over and take a look. I'll be back in a while."

Iori Tadamichi said with a smile, tucked in the quilt for his wife, casually put on a blue Wufu embroidered with petal patterns, and walked out leisurely in wooden clogs.

The old lady lay on the bed and looked at his back, feeling a little helpless. She was in her 40s, but her acting skills were still so bad.

But in order not to worry him, the old lady closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Iori Tadamichi looked back and saw that his wife was asleep, so he carefully closed the shoji door.

After walking a little further, his steps gradually became much faster.

The old friend entrusted the younger generation he valued to him. Now that the younger generation was in trouble, he had to help him out of both emotion and reason.

What's more, Higashino-kun is kind to others, polite to everyone he meets, knows when to advance and when to retreat, values ​​friendship, and is the best in both appearance and study. I like him very much and treat him as my son or nephew.

With his temperament, he will definitely not commit a crime. There must be some misunderstanding.

Iori Tadamichi thought so and was about to leave the courtyard when he heard the voice of his granddaughter Miko behind him.

"Grandpa, are you going to Higashino Nissan's house? I want to go too."

Looking back, she was leaning on a cane and was about to follow. Looking at his granddaughter who was not able to move easily, Iori Tadamichi felt a little distressed and walked over to touch her head.

"Grandpa is not going there to play. Higashino-kun is in trouble. Grandpa is going to see if there is anything he can do to help him."

"Then Iori Miko looked at her grandfather's puzzled expression, lowered her butterfly-wing eyes slightly, and said softly.

"The trouble that Higashino Nissan encountered is related to me. I am a witness."

Iori Tadamichi was stunned for a second, "What witness?"

"Yesterday, Higashino Nissan taught a few of my classmates a lesson, namely Ishida and his classmates."

Iori Tadamichi was a little confused now. Higashino Yu didn't look like a bully.

He thought for a moment, frowned and asked, "Why did Higashino teach them a lesson?"

Iori Miko pursed her lips slightly, and Dongquan's misty eyes were a little empty. After a while of thinking, she remembered.

"It seems to be because they said bad things about me?" The girl was a little uncertain. She never remembered these bad words for too long.

When Iori Tadamichi heard this, his mind buzzed, and he remembered that he had heard about Miko's bad situation in school before.

Because it was cold violence at that time, even he had no choice but to change schools.

But after changing back and forth, this situation still occurred.

The malice of children is very simple and direct, sometimes it even makes people feel that human nature is evil.

Recently, Iori Tadamichi has been considering transferring Miko to a school for the disabled.

However, the school is far from the shrine, and he can't drive because of his poor eyesight. It is inconvenient for Miko to commute back and forth, so he has been hesitant.

But now, has it developed into malicious bullying?

The old man's anger rose in his heart.


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