I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 63 The villain is injured

After a while, it began to approach slowly. The stray cats around it did not move, but just squatted there.

The pairs of cat eyes reflected the cold light, showing pure green, like a group of indifferent bystanders.

"What the hell?"

"My grandma said that cats with two tails are monsters. It's a monster!"

Miyagi Masaya kept backing away, looking terrified.

"What are you kidding?! Wake up, it's just an ordinary cat!"

Narita Tomohiro grabbed Miyagi Masaya by the collar and slapped him in the face.

Seeing Miyagi Masaya looking at him with wide eyes and a stupid look on his face, he pushed him away and looked around for a weapon, but only found a broom outside the closed shop.

Cat, it's just a cat.

Narita Tomohiro tightly grasped the hollow aluminum tube of the broom, but the hard metal did not bring him any sense of security.

Instead, the fear in his heart brought him unreasonable anger.

His face was hideous, he howled meaninglessly, and rushed towards the strange cat with many flaws.

The strange cat lowered its body, dodged gracefully, and after avoiding the attack of Narita Tomohiro, adjusted its center of gravity with its two tails, exerted its strength on its hind legs, and pounced suddenly!

The bloody mouth easily bit his neck.


Narita Tomohiro widened his eyes, and the sound coming out of his mouth was like a rotten broken bellows. His limbs kept struggling, and his two weak hands beat the face of the strange cat.

The strange cat was unmoved, picked up Narita Tomohiro, and raised his head.

It looked in the direction of Cat Town, and a touch of sadness and attachment was revealed in its scarlet cat eyes in a humane way.

It was just a few teenagers' impromptu evil deeds that easily destroyed dozens of beautiful worlds.

The strange cat bared its teeth and bit down hard, chewing the source of sin hatefully, and two lines of clear tears flowed from its scarlet eyes.


The throat made a crisp sound of breaking, and the blood gushed out of the fragile skin, dyeing the pure black fur bright red.

It opened its mouth and dropped Narita Tomohiro, leaving him to cover his bleeding throat and stagger to escape.

The stray cats behind him seemed to have seen something delicious, swarmed in and drowned Narita Tomohiro.

Tomohiro was eaten.

Miyagi Masaya covered his mouth and widened his eyes, and at the same time, he found that the bodies of these cats were very strange with the help of the light.

Some were missing legs, some had half of their heads missing, and some were even flat.

These cats probably have only one thing in common - they are all dead.

"Ahhhhhh! Help! Help! Help!"

This horrifying scene made Miyagi Masaya scream irrationally, and he slapped the closed aluminum roller shutters on both sides of the corridor like crazy.

However, except for the clanging roller shutters, there was no sound to respond to him.

He heard a cat growl behind him, and he turned around subconsciously.


The black shadow threw him down, pressing Miyagi Masaya's chest with its furry claws, making him unable to move.

Miyagi Masaya stared at the strange cat in front of him with a pale face, and he was completely stunned.

The warm blood was still dripping on his face. Perhaps knowing that he was about to face his end, Miyagi Masaya cried bitterly.

"Don't kill me! I know I was wrong. My mother and sister are still waiting for me to go home. I don't want to die. Please, I can go to jail, I can go to jail for a lifetime, just don't kill me!"

The strange cat stared at him indifferently for a moment and opened its mouth.

Miyagi Masaya's eyes reflected a bloody mouth. He looked horrified and struggled frantically like a mouse.

"No, no! Ah ah ah ah! Ho ho."

Hirose Toshiki sat on the ground, his face covered with snot and tears.

He watched all this happen, his eyes were empty, and his mind was blank.

He recognized the leopard, or rather the Nekomata.

It was in the old lady's house. He was venting his anger by stepping on the dying old lady, and a black cat rushed up like crazy.

It wasn't that big at the time, just an ordinary cat, and he kicked it away easily.

Tomohiro grabbed its neck and threw it to the ground. It screamed, lay on the ground trembling, and bled from all seven orifices.

Shoya threw it into the trash can.

It should be dead.

How did it live?

No, I can't fall into its hands, I want to go home.

Hirose Toshiki trembled all over, struggled to get up, and wanted to run in the opposite direction.

Although there were also a group of cats over there, it was better than facing the Nekomata.

At this moment, the Nekomata that was gnawing at Miyagi Shoya suddenly opened its mouth, lowered its body, and its ears were pressed back. The hair of the two tails behind it stood up like a squirrel's tail.

It looked vigilantly at the end of the corridor, and let out a threatening growl.

The group of zombie cats that were supposed to block Hirose Toshiki also turned around and faced the corner of the corridor, taking an offensive posture.

Hirose Toshiki didn't know what happened, but it was obvious that now was the time to escape.

He quickly ran to the end of the corridor, looked at the group of wounded cats in front of him, and swallowed his saliva.

But the fear of death forced him to muster up his courage, pick the gaps in the cat group, and walk carefully through them.

Fortunately, these dead cats ignored him, as if there was something in front of them that frightened them.

Hirose Toshiki quickly walked out of the cat group, suppressed the excitement of escaping death and walked around the corner of the corridor.

He found a door at the end of a corridor on the right, and the silver-gray moonlight was quietly falling there.

The light in the corridor seemed to be broken, and a tall man could be vaguely seen standing at the door.

He seemed to be in the corner there. Taking off his clothes?

But for Hirose Toshiki now, no matter how strange the person he met was, as long as he was a human and alive, it was enough.

"Save me!" He wiped the snot and tears on his face, ran towards the man, and looked behind him from time to time.

After getting closer, Hirose Toshiki looked at the man.

This was a tall and strong man with fair skin, which reminded him of the archangel painting drawn by a top painter when he occasionally saw it when browsing the Internet.

The silver-gray moonlight added a touch of coldness to his handsome profile, and the undulating shadows made his facial features more three-dimensional, and his expression was calm and serious.

His long hair was simply tied up, and his temperament was like the legendary righteous swordsman. He was a decent person at first glance.

He became more and more excited, but was shocked to find that the man walked over naked.

Just as he was about to say something, the man stretched out his hand and suddenly strangled his throat.

This person seemed to know him, and looked at him as if he were looking at a cockroach.

This familiar look was seen by Hirose Toshiki in his father, teacher and classmates.

The ominous premonition in his heart reached its peak, making him tremble all over.

"Why?" Hirose Toshiki asked crying.


Higashino Yu explained seriously, "There are so many bugs in this world, half-dead lives, vulgar and shameless hooligans, cruel and despicable villains, and you are one of them."

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