I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 62 Weird Cat

After escaping from the detention center, Hirose Toshiki followed several people and ran all the way, unknowingly entering the area of ​​Kosuge Town.

The lighting of this section of the street is not very good, the light of the street lamps is extremely dim, and the light bulbs in some sections are even broken.

Fortunately, it is a full moon tonight. There is no cloud in the night sky like a black velvet curtain. The silver-gray cold moonlight is like a hazy veil, and the wet ground is like a broken mirror reflecting the sparkling moonlight, giving people the illusion of being in a dream.

However, at this time, several people had no intention of appreciating the moon. The faint smell of slightly rotten vegetables in the air was like a beacon in the real world, letting them know that they were running for their lives.

Turning the corner, climbing the stairs in the dark, and entering a huge rectangular building.

Hirose Toshiki looked up at the sign with the help of the dim lighting, which read Kosuge Market, built in Showa 55.

How did he come to Kosuge Town?

Hirose Toshiki suddenly remembered the old lady he had killed half a year ago. Her face was already blurred.

What kind of eyes did she have when she looked at him?

Hirose Toshiki could not remember clearly.

In the past six months, he had deliberately tried to forget that experience, constantly telling himself that it was over.

In fact, he did not hate the days he spent in the detention center. It would give him a sense of atonement. As he served more and more time, the guilt in his heart would slowly disappear.

He had killed someone and paid the price. It was time to turn the page and move on to the next page. Life had to go on.

Under such psychological suggestion, the memory quickly blurred, just like a yellowed and distorted photo. The old lady's appearance was also blurred.

But now that he came to Kosuge Town, the long-forgotten memory quickly became clear and vivid.

Hirose Toshiki's breathing became rapid. He wanted to escape from here.

So he suddenly turned 180 degrees in the direction of his running, but he stopped again before he ran a few steps. He found that he had no way to go at the moment of escaping from prison.

If he escaped alone, without ID and money, he would be caught by the police again sooner or later.

The crime of escaping from prison is not a small one. Will he be sentenced to a few more years or decades?

He might even be shot.

Hirose Toshiki was only fifteen years old. He had hardly studied in school, and naturally he had never studied law.

He only remembered that the criminals who escaped from prison and were caught on TV and in movies all had a bad end.

He suddenly regretted following the prison break.

He didn't have to serve too long in prison. According to Tomohiro, he would be tried soon and then transferred to a child guidance center. If he behaved better, he would be able to resume normal life soon.

Like countless ordinary people, he would continue to go to high school, college, work, get married and have children, and live an ordinary life.

The life that he once hated and felt boring became extremely precious at this moment.

Hirose Toshiki sighed, turned around helplessly, and followed.

Things had already happened, so he could only bite the bullet and follow.

That person dared to take the risk to rob the prison, so he should have made proper arrangements for the follow-up.

It was almost 10pm now, and people in the vegetable market had already closed their stalls and went home.

The shops on both sides of the aisle also closed their shutters. Fortunately, the energy-saving lamps on the ceiling were still providing lighting, but it seemed a bit cold.

After entering the vegetable market, they found that there were no police chasing them, and their tense nerves relaxed a little, and their pace gradually slowed down.

"Is it over?" Hirose Toshiki looked around.

"Not yet, someone should come to pick us up."

"Finally got out of there, I was almost suffocated for the past six months."

Narita Tomohiro stretched lazily: "Miyu, that stinky woman, didn't even come to see me once! I must deal with her when I go back."

"And those prisoners, how dare they bully us, when they become Yakuza, they must take revenge!"

Miyagi Shoya said in anger, he had been bullied a lot in the detention center.

"Ha, many Yakuza now may not be as powerful as us, they don't dare to kill people."

The three of them were talking in a low voice, and suddenly found that Hiratsuka Satoshi, who was walking in front of them, stopped at some point.

He looked at his hands, somewhat incredulous, and hope strangely ignited in his dead and turbid eyes.

But then he understood something, his eyes dimmed, and his hands drooped weakly.

"What's wrong?"

"Why did you kill that old lady half a year ago?" He asked tiredly, his voice trembling.

"It's in the way. If she had honestly handed over all the money and shut up and stopped nagging, we wouldn't have thought of killing her."

Narita Tomohiro didn't notice anything unusual, and shrugged nonchalantly.

"And didn't you say you could kill people at will? You said you would save us at the time, but you didn't come until half a year later." Miyagi Masaya complained.

Hirose Toshiki observed the surroundings in silence.

He didn't like the vegetable market since he was a child, no matter the unpleasant smell or the humid environment.

"Is that so? What a bunch of damn bastards. Really, damn it."

Hiratsuka Satoshi looked up at the cold light above his head, sighed helplessly, and his body lost support, like a puppet with a broken string, falling on the wet ground in a weird posture.

"Hey, big brother, what's wrong with you?"

Narita Tomohiro called out, but got no response.

The three looked at each other and walked over carefully.

Hirose Toshiki's eyes fell on Hiratsuka Satoshi's pale face, and his heart suddenly tightened, with an ominous premonition coming to his mind.

Narita Tomohiro pushed Hiratsuka Satoshi who was lying on the ground. Seeing that he didn't respond, he looked at Miyagi Masaya.

"Masaya, you have been on duty in the school infirmary, come and take a look."

Miyagi Masaya pursed his lips and reluctantly reached out to feel his breath.

He was stunned for a second, and then hurriedly pressed against his chest and listened for a while in disbelief.

Then he raised his head in astonishment and looked at the other two companions: "He is dead"

Narita Tomohiro opened his mouth in disbelief and pushed Miyagi Masaya away. Before he had time to check Hiratsuka Satoshi's vital signs in his way, his eyes were fixed below his collar.

He frowned, unbuttoned Hiratsuka Satoshi's collar, and suddenly found four big holes under his neck.

As if he had been bitten by something, the flesh was grayish white, and the blood had dried up.


Narita Tomohiro let go of his hand, rolled and crawled away from Hiratsuka Satoshi's body, his eyes full of horror.

"I said you shouldn't escape from prison, I said you shouldn't escape from prison."

Hirose Toshiki only took a look, his face turned pale with fear, and he kept repeating this sentence.

"What should we do now? How about we run first?" Miyagi Shoya barely had some reason.

"Run, Toshiki, we have to run."

Narita Tomohiro swallowed his saliva and pulled up Hirose Toshiki, whose legs had already gone limp.

Just after dragging him up, before they ran far, several people stopped.

They found themselves like mice in a bellows, blocked.

Blocked by cats-a large group of stray cats appeared in the shadows at both ends of the corridor.

The leader was an incredibly large strange cat.

This strange cat was as big as a leopard, with shiny black fur that was a little reddish, two tails behind it, and a few clumps of white hair like cherry blossoms on both sides of its body from the buttocks to the abdomen.

It squatted there, staring at the three people with its scarlet cat eyes quietly.

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