I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 202 Untitled

Is it really a god?

Fei Yi was a little bit unbelievable. She had never seen any gods in her two hundred years of practice. Even the big Tengu of Yakuoin Temple in Takao Mountain only occasionally looked out from the forest when he held a banquet.

Although she was more of a homebody, it can be seen that most gods would not show up easily.

Is he here to punish himself or to save himself?

Would such a high and mighty god really come to save an ugly crow monster like himself?

Fei Yi leaned against the big tree behind her and looked up at the fox god in the sky. The bright and warm rays of light reflected on the pale face of the girl, and the moss on the tree trunk stained her dress.

She was afraid that this was another trap, but the blood flowing from the wound on her body told her that if she continued to stay here, she would die sooner or later.

"Why don't you change back to your original form?" The god in the sky urged slowly.

The rosy clouds and divine power in the sky made people dare not resist. Fei Yi hesitated for a moment, and then dispelled the illusion as he said, and returned to his original form.

She was no longer as handsome as before. The feathers that were originally black with a little blue became messy, and many places on her wings were still bleeding. She looked quite miserable, only the pupils like fire rings in her eyes were still shining.

The fox god had no reaction to this. He squatted in the clouds, surrounded by auspicious clouds, and still half-opened his narrow fox eyes, which were both majestic and compassionate, and his voice spread for dozens of miles.

"Follow me."

Fei Yi heard this and immediately understood that this god was probably here to save him.

But what should they do?

Fei Yi looked back at the Furukawa family in the distance.

The fox god seemed to understand her concerns and said, "These people are the defenders of the secular order, and the mortals you are familiar with have not committed any serious crimes in the secular law, so their lives are safe."

Furukawa Hatsue saw that she was still hesitating, and immediately shouted at her angrily, "Stupid girl, why are you hesitating when there are gods to save you? We haven't broken the law, and nothing will happen."

Alas, another trip in vain.

Takigawa Tadahiro did not put down the gun in his hand. He squinted his eyes and looked at the gods in the sky who mostly existed only in legends. Suddenly, he had the urge to squat on the side of the road and smoke a few cigarettes.

He already knew that tonight's action would probably end here. Although everyone performed well this time and nothing went wrong, they didn't kill the monster after all.

Without the monster's corpse, the year-end bonus might not be lost, but it was destined to be less.

Sasahara Shinichiro, under the sunset, carefully observed Higashino Yu's outfit, confirmed that it was the god's carriage, and sighed in his heart.

But after all, we are representing the government, and we can't just let the demon be taken away by the gods without saying anything. We have to negotiate.

So he bowed respectfully first, and then asked: "This demon is making trouble in the world and confusing mortals. How will the gods punish it?"

Hearing this, Higashino Yu stretched out his claws and pointed at Feiyi.

"She was originally a crow monster who practiced for many years in Takao Mountain and never murdered mortals. Although she has a lot of bad deeds in this world, she is just a petty thief. Her nature is not bad, and her crime is not punishable by death. Inari-sama pity her for her difficult practice, so he sent me here to rescue her. In the future, she will be restrained and controlled by Inari-sama, and you can go back and report."

Is it the Inari of the throne of Inari-sama? !

The staff of the Ministry of Religion, Culture, Science and Technology present looked up at the sky.

The tourists and passengers on the bus that was stopped by the highway also lost their resentment after hearing this. Although being stopped for inspection took up a lot of time, it was a rare blessing to be able to see the Gozen Inari with their own eyes, which represented good luck.

Several foreign tourists widened their eyes, holding silver cross necklaces in their hands, and silently chanted the gospel prayer.

Someone took out a camera and wanted to shoot, but was stopped by the police next to him, "Please don't do this, sir, this is an act of offending the gods!"

In the end, almost everyone made the gesture of putting their hands together and praying.

The priesthood of the Inari God is related to many people's livelihoods, and it is quite effective.

In the forest, Sasahara Shinichiro was silent for a few seconds, bowed and saluted: "Thank you, the great god, for subduing this demon. We will report it truthfully when we return to Tokyo."

The fox god nodded slightly and looked at Fei Yi. She immediately understood and flapped her wings to fly to the side of the auspicious cloud, but her eyes were always looking at the Furukawa family below.

"This matter is over. I will take her back to the God Realm to report."

As soon as the voice fell, the sunset glow dissipated and night fell again.

Everyone stared at the sky where the fox god was just now, feeling a sense of loss in their hearts. They lowered their heads and looked at the people around them, and felt as if they were in a dream.

"What should we do now, Section Chief?" Takigawa Tadahiro found Sasahara Shinichiro and asked in a low voice.

Sasahara Shinichiro took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He wanted to calm down, so he waved his hand: "Takigawa, go to the team and organize to clean up the scene. That's it for today."


Takigawa Tadahiro received the order and began to organize the team to count the number of people, preparing to organize people to clean up the scene later.

Furukawa Osamu hid in the dark and observed, then quickly stood up with a cane and urged his family: "Let's go now."

The family carefully slipped towards the seaside, but before they took a few steps, they suddenly bumped into the members of the Special Counter-Mobile Unit who were going to gather.

The two sides stared at each other for a moment, and Furukawa Osamu and others seemed to have seen nothing, chatting with their families and preparing to walk over as if nothing had happened.

The other party seemed to have no reaction, Furukawa Aki patted his chest and gave Nobuyo a look of relief.


Hearing this sound, it was like hearing the referee's shout during a race. The Furukawa family and their group immediately started running wildly in unison, and even the old lady was running briskly.

However, Furukawa Osamu's leg injury had not healed yet, and it was really difficult for him to run in the woods with a cane. In the end, he was caught and pressed to the ground. Furukawa Nobuyo and others saw him being caught, and they had to walk back dejectedly.

"Why are you running?" asked the Special Countermeasures Mobile Unit.

Furukawa Osamu rubbed his knees, cried out "ouch, ouch", looked at the expressions of the two people in front of him, and tried to say in a not very friendly tone: "What are you chasing? With guns on their shoulders, who wouldn't run?"

The Special Countermeasures Mobile Unit member moved the gun behind his back and explained apologetically: "Your family has been bewitched by monsters, and you need to take some exorcism medicine before you can leave. Please come with us."

"Is that so? You should have said it earlier." Furukawa Osamu complained, and looked at his wife Nobuyo and Aki and others, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the people of the Furukawa family were taken to the logistics department of the Special Countermeasures Mobile Division, located in a cleared area in the forest. The staff who brought them here brought several bags of medicine and several cups of warm water.

"Thank you." Furukawa Osamu was thinking about drinking the medicine and leaving quickly. Before the water came to his mouth, his eyes widened and looked at the distance. He turned around and hid as if he saw a ghost.

However, even at this glance, Takigawa Tadahiro noticed him. He walked over quickly and pressed Furukawa Osamu's shoulders to force him to face him.

"Is it you?!"

Takigawa Tadahiro was furious when he looked at Furukawa Osamu. If they hadn't been running around everywhere, he would have caught them long ago.

What's more, the man in front of him was stealing with the child - the little girl was a monster, but the little boy was not.

He glanced at the rest of the Furukawa family, snorted, and ordered the Special Anti-Mobile Unit member next to him: "Don't let them go after they drink the medicine. I suspect this man instigated the child to steal. I will hand him over to the police later. Remember to explain the situation."

"Hi!" The Special Anti-Mobile Unit member stood at attention and saluted.

It's easy to say, but who would be willing to steal if they have money?

Furukawa Osamu couldn't bear it anymore and asked angrily: "You don't understand the situation of our family at all, how can you do this?"

Takigawa Tadahiro glanced at him: "You can't break the law, this is the bottom line. Instigating children to steal is an evil act that cannot be refuted in any way. You are not worthy of being a father."

After saying that, he turned and left, leaving Furukawa Osamu sitting on the folding chair in a daze.

Higashino Yu and Feiyi quickly approached Tokyo. It was raining here. The dark clouds pressed thickly in the sky. Electric snakes frequently passed through the clouds. The muffled thunder made people tremble in their hearts. The pouring rain curtain completely covered the prosperity of the city that never sleeps.

Dongye Yu felt that it was a bit noisy, so he flew up a little and came to the sea of ​​clouds.

It was much quieter here, and the moonlight sprinkled quietly, dyeing the seemingly boundless sea of ​​clouds into silver.

Looking up was the vast and high starry sky, and below were silver-gray rain clouds, with occasional flashes of lightning, and only the sound of the wind in his ears.

Dongye Yu had no intention of sighing at this beautiful scenery, but just silently accompanied the auspicious clouds to fly towards the Inari Shrine.

There are not many opportunities to borrow the Inari ritual, and taking this opportunity to practice more is a gain.

Feiyi endured the pain and followed around. She was very silent all the way. Although she had many curiosity about the fox god in front of her, she was more worried about the situation of the Furukawa family after she left.

"We are here, follow me."

She heard the fox god in front of her say softly, and then the god pressed the cloud head. She hesitated for a second and followed into the thundercloud.

The lightning flashing in the clouds made people's eyes go white, and the raindrops hitting the feathers penetrated into the wound along the damaged parts, making Feiyi feel a little uncomfortable.

Passing through the clouds with flashing lightning, the rain curtain made the whole world hazy, but she could still recognize that it was Ayasezaka below.

A vermilion torii appeared in the field of vision, and behind it was the shrine and the temple. Because of the heavy rain, there were not many people, and the shrine seemed extremely lonely. The stone lanterns on the shrine were filled with halos.

Feiyi was obviously a little surprised. Is this the home of Miko?

The fox god landed outside the worship hall, climbed the stairs, and stood next to the money box in the worship hall. Feiyi also changed back to the appearance of a little girl and followed him.

Then, she saw the fox god in front of her took off the beautiful and exquisite hairpin on his head, and then both the auspicious clouds and the rosy clouds gradually disappeared, and even his figure became smaller. What appeared in front of her was a white fox with two tails.

The white hair is dense and slender, and looks very beautiful. The aura is strong and there is a sense of purity and cleanliness. It seems that it does not belong to the mortal world, but it is obviously not a god.

Fei Yi frowned: "Who are you?"

"As you can see, I am not a god. Are you disappointed?" Dong Yeyu put the hairpin on the small box in front of the worship hall and put his hands together to thank the god.

Fei Yi stood under the porch of the worship hall and worshiped like him, then shook his head: "No, I'm just surprised."

"Why can you pretend to be surprised so much?"

Fei Yi nodded slightly. I don't know if it was because of the injury or the rain, her face was frighteningly pale, her slender willow-leaf eyebrows drooped, and her lips trembled a little.

"It looks like a real god has arrived, and those demon exorcists didn't see it. How did you do it?" she asked.

Higashino Yu smiled softly: "Although I am not a god, this piece of jewelry is a genuine god's item. This is the Inari Sacred Artifact. Gozen Inari in the shrine lent it to me and asked me to save you."

"Gozen Inari? But I don't know her, why did she ask you to save me?" Fei Yi felt strange.

"You will see her later. As for the reason why she saved you, it was actually Miko who begged you. It was Miko who came to beg me, so I used the Inari Divine Art to save you. If I want to say thank you, Just go and tell Yuzi." Dong Yeyu said seriously.

Then it turned around and turned into a pale cloud that looked like a fox head and rose into the sky.

"Who are you?" Fei Yi asked.

Dong Yeyu looked back at her, did not answer, and disappeared into the rain.

A fox? Fei Yi folded his arms and squatted next to the money box of the temple. His black dress was in tatters and was in tatters. His waist-length black hair was wet with rainwater. His blood was flowing down the rainwater, covering the clothes underneath him. A small patch of floor was stained red.

She looked at the direction where Dong Yeyu disappeared, her long eyelashes with raindrops trembling slightly, her expression a little vacant.

At some point, the rain suddenly stopped, and the sky seemed to be getting brighter. The bluestone floor of the shrine was covered with orange-red maple leaves. There was a sound of wind, and the air was filled with a relaxing fragrance.

Fei Yi, however, opened his eyes in a daze as if he didn't notice anything.

Then a hand that deceived Shuang Saixue appeared in front of his eyes and waved, and at the same time a slightly lazy female voice sounded.

"Little crow, are you asleep?"

Fei Yi raised his head blankly, "Who are you?"

What appeared in front of him was a woman wearing a miko costume, with a slim figure and a white fox mask on her face. It was only outlined with simple colored lines, but it had a unique charm.

"My name is Haruyuan, the little fox just told you."

She stretched out her hand to pull Fei Yi up from the floor, turned around and walked towards the main hall.

"Come with me, your injuries need to be taken care of first."

Inari in front of the Haruhuan Gozen? Fei Yi glanced at his hands and followed them with his feet.

Maybe you can find a way to become a swallow this time. She thought to herself that she had great faith in Inari God.

On the other side, Dong Yeyu flew back to the apartment, returned to his senses, and opened his eyes. He still saw his shabby and cramped small rental house in front of him, and Xiuji was practicing in his pigeon nest.

It's rare.

Higashino Yu smiled and gently opened the window. Fresh water vapor mixed with raindrops floated into the house. The neon lights of the distant city were covered with misty colors in the rain. Tokyo was much quieter tonight.

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