I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 201: The evil beast, why don’t you show your true form?

"Okay, hurry up, get out of the car."

Arita Ken's voice was trembling, and he quickly braked and stopped, holding the steering wheel with both hands, looking around and urging the Furukawa family.


Furukawa Nobuyo pulled open the sliding side door of the van, and the family took their valuables and filed out of the van. At this time, the police in front seemed to be still checking the bus and didn't find that someone had escaped here.

The group hurriedly crossed the highway guardrail and entered the rice field. Not far from the rice field was the forest, and the dark area was almost connected to the night sky, which was daunting.

But the flashing police lights behind them were more frightening than the darkness, and the occasional sirens were more like a death knell.

"Be careful not to fall into the field, walk on the ridge."

Furukawa Osamu whispered, running at the end, looking behind him to see if there were any pursuers. The sharp leaves of the early rice on both sides of the ridge scraped against the skin, itching and painful.

Shota accidentally fell into the rice field, and was immediately covered with some foul-smelling sewage and mud.

"Furious, be careful."

Someone lifted him up by the back of his neck.

It must be Azhi. Shota covered his throat and muttered in discomfort.

After running for a distance in such an embarrassing manner, he entered the dark shelter of the forest. He ran two more steps before stopping. He didn't see any police chasing him, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

There were not many shrubs in this forest. The family found a relatively clean open space and took a breath for a while. Some moonlight fell from the gap between the treetops above their heads, as if someone had sprinkled a pinch of salt from above.

They could barely see the outlines of their family members in the moonlight, and they all laughed.

"We're here already." Old lady Furukawa turned on the flashlight, shielded the light and looked at the map, and said happily: "Let's go, this is not far from Inamurasaki, we can walk there, Mr. Arita will send the luggage to his hometown." "Give me a drink of water." Shota walked towards Nobuyo. Aki tore open a bag of small cookies: "Does anyone want some cookies?" Furukawa saw that his family was indeed a little tired, and he pondered for two seconds, then asked his wife and the old lady: "Why don't we rest for a few minutes before going? This is a distance from the highway, I'll keep an eye on those policemen." "Okay." The old lady hammered her leg. She hadn't run so recklessly like this for many years. She was like a rusted machine, and everything would make noises when she ran. They didn't turn on the flashlight, but just used the moonlight to repair. Compared with the always depressing atmosphere in Tokyo, it seemed interesting in the forest. With the unique fresh smell of the woodland, the atmosphere became a little lighter. However, Fei Yi's anxiety became more and more serious. She looked at the surrounding dense forest vigilantly, and her cute little face was full of seriousness.

Suddenly, a beam of strong light shone directly on Fei Yi from the forest. Before she could react, more than a dozen strong flashlights suddenly lit up and gathered on the girl. There were dozens of flashlights not far away.

This is a trap!

The people of the Guchuan family were stunned for a second, and their faces suddenly became panicked, but they did not dare to act rashly. They could only stay where they were and bend down to try to hide themselves.

The old lady pulled Fei Yi to squat, and the lights also squatted down, and now both of them were exposed to the field of vision.

Fei Yi pursed her lips and wanted to change back to her original form and fly away at the first time, but the next moment she thought of the Guchuan family. She could run, but they couldn't.

It was this hesitation that made her fall!

There was a sound of a mechanism pulling, and a large net with countless white spells unfolded from the top of the head. This large net was based on the crowns of various large trees, covering an area of ​​dozens of meters in radius.

At the same time, someone shouted with a loudspeaker: "We are the Special Incident Response Mobile Force of the Ministry of Religion, Culture, Science and Technology, and we are here to rescue the hostages held by demons. Citizens, please squat down and hold your heads with your hands to wait for rescue. Do not move around at will to avoid accidental injury!"

Furukawa Osamu swallowed his saliva, put his hands on his mouth in a trumpet shape and responded loudly: "We are not held hostage, Sayuri is not a demon."

However, the other party just repeated the previous paragraph, and at the same time, fully armed personnel holding semi-automatic rifles continued to take positions in the forest.

Can't wait any longer.

Fei Yi bit her teeth lightly, knowing that this was a trap they had carefully prepared. The longer the delay, the slimmer the hope of breaking through.

But there were old, weak and disabled people around her, and it was almost wishful thinking to want to break through.

She was a crow, not an airplane, and could not carry so many people.

So Feiyi decided to strike first. Only by defeating all these people could the Furukawa family escape danger.

She broke free from the old lady's hand and jumped. Gray smoke suddenly swirled up. A black crow rushed out of the smoke and rushed towards the unknown number of demon hunters in the old lady's worried look.


She first made a shrill crow cry, like a messenger of mourning from the end of the world.

People who were close were immediately shocked by the sound and lost their minds. They stood there like wooden chickens. Even the police on the road and the passengers on the bus heard the sound and became drowsy.

Then Feiyi wanted to flap his wings to blow up the demon wind, but found that the forest was dense and his wingspan of dozens of meters could not be used at all.

"Hahaha, you demon, you still dare to confuse people. I, Sasahara Shinichiro, have set up a net and waited for a long time!" A strong man in the combat uniform of the Special Mobile Unit crossed his arms and shouted in a deep voice. The sound was so strong that the sound waves spread and made people's eardrums hurt. Those Special Anti-Mobile Unit specialists who were taken away by Fei Yi for a moment woke up one after another.

These people were well-trained. After waking up, they were only stunned for a few seconds, and then immediately continued their work. The entire encirclement and suppression scene was orderly, with some providing lighting and others pulling the net.

"Jizou, Yoshiki, you guys are with me to restrain that monster, Takigawa, you command the others to wait for the opportunity to open fire, there is no need to force the capture alive, dead monsters can be dealt with too!"


Everyone responded in a deep voice, and gunshots began to sound from time to time in the forest.

Bang bang bang!


These bastards.

Fei Yi was shot several times, and the pain made her burst into tears. She felt angry and aggrieved, so she had to protect her vital parts with her wings, and at the same time opened her mouth to spit out a special kind of demonic mist.

Dark mist spat out from Fei Yi's mouth, and soon the vision of everyone in the forest began to become hazy.

This monster has this trick?

Tadahiro Takigawa frowned. He was very cautious now and began to think about countermeasures.

I failed my mission last night and was scolded by my boss when I returned home.

Fortunately, there was a feather of the monster left at the scene, so it was not a failure.

The reason why we were able to successfully wait for this demon was because the demon exterminators from the Ministry of Religion, Liberal Arts, and Science cast spells on the feathers, contacted the police and traffic police to block the intersection, and the entire Special Countermeasures Mobile Section 3 was dispatched to track and determine their direction.

That's when she was caught.

Although it is a trapped beast right now, we must be careful.

Tadahiro Takigawa held the gun and took aim for a long time. The gradually thickening black fog made it impossible for him to aim. Neither the bright flashlight nor the work lights erected by other staff could penetrate the fog.

On the contrary, some lights occasionally dazzled people's eyes through the weak spots in the fog, and then dimmed suddenly, disturbing people.

"Stop shooting first! Move in, maintain light, and compress its range of activity!"

He gave the order, visibility in the forest was too low now.

Although this crow monster has a big target, it is still night, and it is in a dense forest. There is also monster fog that affects the vision, and the lighting at the scene is not very sufficient. If you fire again, you may accidentally injure someone.

If this kind of large-caliber rifle accidentally shoots someone, they will either die or be maimed.

Only by making some progress can we be sure.

Sasahara Shinichiro took advantage of the gap where Hii was breathing mist, drew his sword and rushed in. At the same time, he held a red talisman on his fingertips and attached it to the sword. The originally cold steel sword flashed with a flame-like light.

Several subordinates, some holding talismans and others holding acrylic shields, followed in a special formation to ensure that they could support them at any time without getting too close to affect each other's battle.


After Shinichiro Sasahara approached Hiotoshi, he shouted deeply and at the same time, he used the sword in his hand to use Beichen's unique skill of the Golden Winged Bird King Sword. He gathered all his energy and energy and quickly made several forward slashing gestures. The light of the sword shone in the hazy black mist and They were connected in the white light at extremely fast speeds.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The long knife slashed at Fei Yi's metallic luster wings, constantly colliding with sparks. At first, the blade could not break through the defense, but later, feathers kept breaking, and the bright red blood on the dark feathers was shocking.


Hibi was furious with pain, and used his wings to flick away Sasahara Shinichiro's knife, while at the same time scratching and pecking at him with his sharp claws and pick-axe-like beak.

Sasahara Shinichiro narrowed his eyes slightly and took a few steps back, trying to get out of Feiyi's attack range. The bird's claws were like iron hooks. If he was caught, his brain would burst at least.

"Free fire!"

Tadahiro Takigawa led his Special Counter-Mobile Division Specialist to a certain distance, and upon seeing this, he immediately gave the order.

Bang bang bang!

Semi-automatic rifle gunshots rang out continuously. The bullets of these firearms seemed to have some special power on them. Fei Yi did not dare to fight hard. The whole bird transformed into the appearance of a little girl again and hid in the black mist to avoid the bullets.

Although her flight was limited, her feet were still very fast.

But the bullets were faster, and even though he was hiding in the black mist, several blood holes still appeared on his body, and the blood flowed down like a stream.

Everyone in the Furukawa family just took advantage of those people's attention being on Fei Yi and quietly sneaked under a big tree on the outside of the encirclement. They squatted together behind a big tree and covered their ears. From time to time, they secretly poked their heads out to observe. This group of mobile teams suddenly appeared with guns and ammunition.

Occasionally, he saw Fei Yi's figure appearing in the black mist, and he quickly suppressed his voice and shouted in a low voice: "Sayuri, come over here!"

Fei Yi glanced at them, reversed his steps, and ran in the opposite direction.

"This silly girl! Azhi, what should I do?" The old lady was scared and anxious, pulling the sleeve of the only adult male in the family.

They have guns and they are from the government. What can I do? Furukawa Haruya was so anxious that he was sweating profusely: "Let me think about it, let me think about it."

Furukawa Nobuyo seemed to have thought of something at this time and asked: "Sayuri is a bird monster, why doesn't she fly away?"

Hearing this, Yaji guessed: "Perhaps she has not left because she was worried about us. Although she scolds a lot, she is indeed a child with a delicate mind."

Looking at Hiyi who was disappearing into the black mist, Furukawa Nobuyo leaned on the tree trunk with some weakness.

"Our family is really doomed this time."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Furukawa family fell silent.

The old, weak, sick and disabled in the family will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of these well-trained special forces. When they are caught and taken to the police, those who should go to jail will go to jail, and those who should go to the Children's Rescue and Counseling Center will go to the counseling center.

In short, the Furukawa family is indeed doomed.

"It's really unfair." Furukawa murmured. He lay on the moss-covered tree trunk and watched the mobile team representing order keep firing at Sayuri who was running away.

Even if you are hiding in the gutter to survive like this, you are not allowed to do so.

"Anyway, it's over. Let's shout together and let Sayuri leave here. As long as Sayuri is saved, there will be hope for the Furukawa family to reunite."

So they all put their hands in front of their mouths in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted in unison in the direction of Feiyi's escape: "Sayuri, leave quickly, they won't do anything to us!"

"Sayuri, run away!"

Fei Yi heard their voices and was disapproving.

A few idiots, humans are the most cruel creatures, actually believe these people.

Although she had been at Furukawa's house for a few months, her understanding of human society was not yet comprehensive, so she did not believe it when she heard this in the fog.

She also visited Mount Takao more than two hundred years ago. At that time, humans were more cruel to their own kind than to monsters, killing each other to the point of devastation.

I heard from Grandpa Tengu in the mountains that humans were like this hundreds of years ago and thousands of years ago, and it has never changed.

"Escape? You guys, send someone to control those confused people."

Sasahara Shinichiro looked around at the black mist, first issued an order, and then took out another piece of pure white talisman paper, placed it in his palms and clasped his hands together: "The place where the gods are clean does not allow heretics!"


There was a pure white light point flickering in the black fog. Then, the light point expanded rapidly, with Sasahara Shinichiro as the center, spreading to all directions, like wind, dispersing all the thick black fog in the forest.

The woodland has become purer than ever before, the leaves rustle in the gusts of wind, and the night sky becomes much clearer.

Fei Yi sighed, hid behind a tree and looked up at the starry sky. There were dozens of members of the mobile team approaching quickly behind him, and the beam of a strong flashlight illuminated the dark woodland in white.

This time it seemed like he was really going to die. She thought to herself that in the end, she still couldn't find a way to become a swallow.

But I don't seem to have any regrets in my heart. Fei Yi felt it was strange, but he didn't bother to think about it. He sat slumped on the ground covered with dead leaves in a daze.

At this moment, there was suddenly an auspicious light and mist in the dark forest, and the faint sound of silk, bamboo, bells and drums could be heard.

"That's..." A mobility department specialist subconsciously put down his gun and looked up at the sky, looking shocked.

Sasahara Shinichiro cast his gaze towards the sky. When he saw the appearance of the visitor clearly, he frowned: "God? How could that happen?"

"It's the gods, hurry up, let's ask the gods to save Sayuri. She is a good child and will be saved."

Furukawa Hatsue knelt down to pray devoutly, and at the same time, she also pulled Furukawa Haru, Furukawa Shindai and others around her to worship together.

Even the policemen on the highway in the distance and the passengers on the bus looked here, looking at a loss.

I saw golden light shining in the night sky, ethereal music, and auspicious clouds surrounding a majestic white fox. The warm and sacred golden-white light continued to spread from him to the surroundings.

A crown of light blooming with warm rays of light appeared behind the fox's head, and silky mist-like light hung down from the full-moon-like divine crown, protecting his body within it.

The fluttering fox hair is crystal clear, flowing with golden light. An illusory celestial robe made of pale golden light passes through the fox's armpit and floats behind the neck. This is the celestial robe that represents the identity of the god.

He just opened his narrow fox eyes slightly, but it didn't give people the cunning feeling of a traditional fox. Instead, he had an indescribable compassion.

He lowered his eyebrows and said softly in a voice without any emotion: "Let's just let it go."

As soon as he finished speaking, like a typhoon hitting, the hurricane swept through the forest, and the large net composed of spells covering the tree crown disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Yeyu turned his eyes to Fei Yi, who had fallen into a sluggish state: "You evil beast, haven't you shown your true form yet?"

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