I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 195: Must I repay a favor with my own body?

If Higashino Yu hadn't known that this man didn't know that he was a monster, I'm afraid he would have asked at this time: "You might as well speak more clearly."

But even when dealing with other monsters, this is a bit too extreme.

Strictly speaking, this crow monster was caught because of himself. If it died because of this, it would be quite contradictory to his own understanding - at least in his own understanding, petty theft would not lead to death.

But it had already avenged its previous provocation and pecked the bald Xiu Ji's feathers.

Dong Yeyu frowned slightly and pondered for two seconds.

The reason why I think this way is not because of what the lame man said just now, but now the monster is sentenced to death for stealing anything. In other words, doesn't it mean that any crime greater than or equal to petty theft is a death sentence for the monster? ?

Previously I felt that Jinguji Hiiragi was extreme, but why did I feel that the island government was even more extreme than these demon slayers.

Damn it, if one day I accidentally discover that I am a monster, I'm afraid I won't be able to directly activate the battle royale mode.

After thinking for a while, he persuaded: "Deputy Commander Takigawa, this monster's cultivation level can be called a big monster. Although she seems to be not very good at practicing spells, if you teach her a few, she can quickly develop combat effectiveness. Today in Tokyo The undercurrent is surging, and we urgently need to increase the power to maintain order. Aren't you ready to become a shikigami?"

"I would like to accept it, but Higashino-kun, look at it, who among the action specialists in my class has a shikigami?"

Tadahiro Takigawa looked helpless and glanced at Higashino Yu, a little strange: "Don't you know, Higashino-kun, that this kind of magic is a secret skill? Only some families of great demon slayers have inherited it, and it has never been passed on to others."

No wonder I didn't see the magic of signing a contract with a shikigami in Iori's house.

Dong Yeyu was thoughtful and shook his head, "I don't know."

Recalling what I saw in Momogo Town before, there are indeed only a few demon slayers with shikigami following them, and they are basically from big families.

Seeing Higashino Yu shaking his head, Takigawa Tadahiro was stunned for a moment, "I would like to ask, which family of demon slayers Higashino-kun is from?"

"I was born in an orphanage. Because I had some talent since I was a child, I started to become a demon slayer." Dong Yeyu answered.

orphan? It is rare for a big family to have such a level of cultivation at this age. I never expected that he would have such a status.

Tadahiro Takigawa was stunned, and several action specialists who were dragging the crow monster outside the convenience store by pulling the rope also looked sideways. The famous sword in his hand and the spells he cast were not things that an orphan could have access to.

"But, Higashikata-kun, did you learn this spell by yourself?"

Higashino Yu waved his hand: "That happened later. When I came to Tokyo to study, I received a lot of care from Mr. Tadamichi Iori. When he saw that I was already on the road of exterminating monsters, he was worried that I would be harmed by monsters. , so he gave me the famous sword of the Iori family, and also lent me the family classics to read."

Doesn’t this mean that you are regarded as the next generation of God Lord? Tadahiro Takigawa twitched the corner of his mouth, could it be that you kid just wanted to take the inheritance and the famous sword and run away?

There is no such good thing in the world.

He touched his chin and kept staring at the crow monster who was bound by the mana chain and net rope, while talking casually.

"The two couples from the Iori family were my descendants, but I was still an operations specialist at that time and were not in the same class, so I didn't know much about them. I only heard that they were killed by monsters. No wonder the old man is worried about you. , do they have a little granddaughter? I forgot her name, she seems to be about the same age as you? "

What are you talking about? Dong Yeyu was a little confused and corrected: "Two or three years younger than me."

Listening to your tone, someone who didn't know better would have thought you were twenty or thirty years younger. Tadahiro Takigawa looked sideways: "Isn't that just right?"


"Don't you, Mr. Higashino, know what it means to accept a family's famous sword and family classics?"

Tadahiro Takigawa showed a meaningful smile and patted Higashino Yu on the shoulder: "One must know how to repay kindness, so that one can go further."

"Is it necessary to repay a favor with your body?"

As a professional repaying a favor to a fox, Higashino Yu's evaluation is a complete stereotype. It seems that in ancient storybooks, most monsters repay favors with their bodies, especially foxes, who are the hardest hit by YY, the novel author who looks like a sour scholar.

It's just always been like this, right?

And Higashino Yu took the time to imagine walking into the marriage hall with the petite Miko, and shook his head.

Although I have a good impression of Miko, most of it is for my younger sister, and I have no intention of falling in love and getting married.

Moreover, if a fox marries a human, he will be left with nothing but a dead tree in a few decades, right?

Tadahiro Takigawa shook his head slightly: "The Iori family has been the priests of Inari Shrine for generations, and they have no shortage of food and clothing. Higashino-kun thinks, besides inheriting the name of the Iori family, what can you give back? It started at the end of my life. It's the hardest thing to repay for giving help in times of need. In this case, you either don't take it, or if you don't hold back and take it, you may be criticized by thousands of people. "

The Vice-President Takigawa has been in high and low officialdom for many years, but he is still too worldly. He speculates the worst ill intentions on the world, but he never thinks that there are people as upright and upright as Mr. Iori in the world, nor does he know that there are such existences as repaying foxes in the world.

Dong Yeyu smiled and said nothing.

The two strolled out of the messy convenience store. The street was full of broken glass and a few apples rolled down in the middle of the street. Several commissioners drove the white van over, and when the headlights shone, the ground suddenly shimmered. Bright, like the stars on the ground.

They seemed to want to put Sayuri into the car, but after looking at it, it seemed that they couldn't fit it in, so they called for backup and asked the mobility department to send another big car.

The lame middle-aged man took the tranquilizing and exorcising pills but became even more excited. Two tall and strong action specialists hurried forward to press him down, pressed his head on the asphalt road, and twisted his hands behind his back.


A pair of silver handcuffs were put on.

"The functions of the mobile unit and the police overlap a lot, and we also have higher-level law enforcement powers. After all, we face demons directly and encounter more emergencies."

Takigawa Tadahiro saw that Higashino Yu looked over there with some confusion, and explained briefly.

Furukawa Osamu was pressed to the ground and could not move. He could only yell and scream with a red face, and finally cried out.

"Please let her go. She has not hurt anyone. I promise that I also ordered her to steal things. Our family lives like rats, and in the end you want to take my daughter away."

"It's okay, sir, we won't do anything to it. We will just detain it temporarily and let it go after finding out the truth." The action specialist who held him down kept comforting him with calm words.

Furukawa Osamu didn't believe what these people said. When he was carried out just now, he vaguely heard the man named Takigawa say that he wanted to kill Sayuri!

Why? On what basis?

She was killed just for stealing some supermarket goods? Those big shots stole the wealth of the people and enjoyed themselves in peace?

This is unfair.

Although Sayuri was just a girl he picked up from nowhere, and even now she looked like a monster, Furukawa Osamu didn't care about it.

Except that she was a little strange in looking for ways to turn into a swallow all over the world, and she was a little rude and disrespectful to others, she was actually a very gentle child.

At first, it was just that the old woman at home was hungry in the middle of the night and said that she wanted to eat oden, so she went out to the convenience store and stole a portion of oden back.

She had long been recognized by the Furukawa family and was a member of the Furukawa family. As the head of the Furukawa family, she naturally had to save her!

Thinking about how his family was chatting at home last night about going to the beach in the summer, and today they were going to be separated forever, Furukawa Osamu didn't know where he got the strength from, and suddenly pushed the two action specialists to stagger, and threw himself on the net rope that held Feiyi, biting and shouting with his teeth.

"Sayuri! Run!"

Feiyi was trapped by Higashino Yu's magic chain and couldn't move, just looking at him with misty eyes.

The boy called Shota squatted in the shadow of a corner of the convenience store, holding his head and shaking.

Many residents heard the sound of glass shattered by the strong wind just now, some came out of the house, and some turned on the lights and looked down from upstairs.

Their eyes were not baptized by magic power, nor were they affected by the spirit of the monster, so they couldn't see the monster, but only saw a lame middle-aged man going crazy.

Two action specialists subdued Furukawa Osamu again, and the other two female action specialists walked towards the citizens, showing them their police credentials and saying, "Citizens, please go home and wait for follow-up notifications. Some violent terrorist attacks have occurred here, which is very dangerous."

Hitano Yu was a little moved when he saw this scene. He wanted to ask Takigawa Tadahiro to hand over the monster to him, but the other party would definitely take the monster back to report, and this proposal was obviously impossible to agree to.

After thinking for a moment, he gave an opinion as a second choice.

"Deputy Minister Takigawa, why don't you detain this monster first? After finding out that there are no other crimes, selling it to those great demon slayer families is also a good choice."

"This kind of big monster is usually first-class in terms of magic and combat power. Even some great demon slayers are difficult to catch without opportunities. I believe that those families with secret techniques are willing to pay a high price to buy it."

When Higano Yu said this, he inexplicably thought of the human form of the monster and felt a little strange.

The little devil who likes to call his seniors "trash fish" was caught stealing goods from the supermarket. He was forced to be detained and eventually became a slave?

Takigawa Tadahiro didn't rush to speak. He took out two cigarettes and handed one to Higashino Yu, and saw him wave his hand.

"Higashino-kun doesn't smoke? That's fine."

He clamped his ear, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and stretched out his hand to cover it. The flame of the lighter lit up in it. After a moment, a puff of green smoke rose up, and the sparks of the cigarette became a ball of orange halo in the night.

"Don't you know that our Mobile Section 3 has not been able to handle the recent demon disasters in Tokyo. The last Nekomata, many people died and it was a big commotion. It is said that it was finally solved by the eldest daughter of the Jinguji family and a young demon exorcist."

"Katsushika District has a kappa, Setagaya is haunted. Tokyo is very large, so it seems that there will be no peace for a few days. Many ministers in the cabinet have complained. Some people say that the financial allocation of the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Sports should be cut. The superiors refuted it, but it also put a lot of pressure on the various mobile sections below us."

"In this situation, we need the head of such a big monster to shut them up."

Takigawa Tadahiro pointed at Fei Yi's head with a cigarette.

A weak mortal with a lifespan of only a hundred years can decide the fate of a big monster who has practiced hard for hundreds of years in a casual conversation.

Hitano Yu fell silent, feeling a sense of grief, even though the monster in front of him had previously pecked off Xiuji's feathers and clamored to drive away the small apartment on the third floor that he occupied.

How about releasing it first and then catching it back, and letting Yuanjun take it to Lingze for discipline?

Dongye Yu thought about it and shook his head.

Not a good idea, Yuanjun's female dragon is lazy and stingy, and she might team up with this crow to form a Lingze duo of thieves, eating for free, visiting the amusement park without buying tickets, stealing things, etc.

That's a fast-moving dragon. If it's led astray by this crow, who can stop it? Just thinking about it makes me feel dizzy.

Let her be the protector of the child? Xiuji, this bird, doesn't practice hard, and her cultivation is not high. It's useless except that it can fly fast and recognize the road. It's still a little bit short of protecting the child.

The sentence for theft by mortals is based on the amount, which is less than three years and ten years of imprisonment. She stole some food from the supermarket, and the amount was huge. Because she is a monster, the crime is aggravated. She will be a bodyguard for thirty years before being set free.

Anyway, for monsters, thirty years is just a blink of an eye, not to mention that she may be able to contact the messenger of the god Chunyuan through the child. It's hard to say whether it's a punishment or an opportunity.

Just as they were about to take action, a thick fog suddenly covered the area around the convenience store. The fog came very quickly. At first, they felt a chill around them, but in just a few breaths, they couldn't see their hands in front of them.

"This fog is abnormal, be alert! Be alert."

Takigawa Tadahiro only had time to give this order before being submerged by the fog. Although the other action specialists knew to be alert, they didn't know who to be alert to and how to be alert, so they were swallowed up by the white fog with a confused look on their faces.

Feiyi had already accepted her fate, but the sudden fog gave her some hope in her heart, as long as she could break the chain!

I want to become a swallow before that.

She clenched her beak and struggled hard, but the chain made purely of mana was as stable as Mount Tai, and no matter how she struggled, it didn't move at all.

Is this done by Chunyuan?

Dongye Yu felt the breath of the white fog and felt a little strange. Could this white fog be a skill exclusive to gods?

But the opportunity was rare, and Chunyuan took action, which meant that she also recognized this crow monster, so she decisively interrupted the mana supply that bound Sayuri's divine chain. Once the magic was broken, the bondage disappeared.

Feiyi used her wings to cut through the rope of the net, and hurriedly grabbed Furukawa Osamu. Relying on her memory, she carefully flew over and grabbed him. As expected, Shota was squatting there without moving!

"Shh, don't talk, go home first."

She was a little happy and whispered. Shota, who was about to scream, quickly covered his mouth. Furukawa Osamu was still in shock and wanted to wipe the sweat with his hands, but found that he was still handcuffed.

Feiyi flapped her wings and flew high into the sky. When she was completely safe, she finally felt like she had escaped.

There were few stars in the night sky, scattered and scattered. The clouds looked like solid silver-gray in the moonlight. The prosperous Tokyo was dotted with stars and the lights were bright, like the Milky Way on the ground. Both of them were taken away by the beautiful scenery they had never seen in their lives.

Feiyi just looked back. The fog covering the block had dissipated a lot. In the dimness, she could see the young man through the remaining mist. He was standing there looking up at her.

Don't think I will thank you.

Thanks to my brother Meng for his monthly subscription and recommendation tickets (ω)

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