I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 194 Kill him and put an end to it

The sword light cut down vertically, and Fei Yi was about to flap her wings. Feeling the threat from behind, her feathers almost stood up.

Continue to fly?

Fei Yi's mind raced, and then she immediately rejected this idea. The space here was not big, and she might be hit before she took off.

If it was an ordinary demon hunter's knife, it might not even cut her feathers. Maybe she could take off by force, but the sharp breath behind her had already made her spine cold before she cut it down.

So she immediately folded her wings and pushed the two people under her claws in the opposite direction to prevent them from being cut by the knife, and she fell to the other side.

However, even if she made an evasive move, it was too late.

Dong Yeyu grasped the timing very well. It was just when she caught the two people accumulating strength to take off. Even if she changed her movements at this time, there was a moment of lag.

Her evasive action only changed the location of the attack, from the middle of the wing to the root of the wing.


The two men, one big and one small, struggled to pounce on Dong Yeyu.

Takigawa Tadahiro saw the young man leaping up and slashing like thunder in the silence and the giant crow dodging in vain, and couldn't help but applaud: "Good swordsmanship!"

How many times have I said, my name is Fei Yi, not Xiao Baihe.

Fei Yi muttered in her heart, I haven't turned into a swallow yet, I'm going to die.

She didn't feel sad, just regretful and frustrated. She practiced in the mountains for many years and couldn't turn into a swallow. She wanted to try her luck in the mortal world, but she didn't expect to die here now.

Humans are really dangerous and barbaric, mom is right.

She looked back, time seemed to be almost still, no sound could be heard in her ears, it became like a dream.

The light tubes used for lighting in the convenience store were broken by the strong wind, leaving only a few broken ones flashing white light, and the goods were scattered all over the ground. Someone stepped on the overturned shelves, raised a bright sword, and slashed in an impeccable posture.

In the alternation of light and darkness, the man's face seemed a little blurry, but he looked familiar. Although he was clearly killing, his expression did not show any hostility, but was calm and focused.

Was it the man from yesterday? Fei Yi recognized her.


She felt puzzled. She just stole something, and she did not steal anything from this man. Why did he come to kill her?


The buzzing sound of metal collision shattered the almost stagnant time, but the scene of blood splattering did not happen - the sword was about to hit the giant crow's wings, but in the next moment, sparks flew in the void, and something blocked it for her.

All the senses seemed to be celebrating this moment of escaping death, and they all overloaded. The world has never been so vivid, the air has never been so fresh, and the colors have never been so gorgeous. Fei Yi blinked, and her body has already reacted.

There are still masters?

Dong Yeyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time, he was alert in his heart and changed the angle of the sword to make a diagonal slash similar to the cassock slash by taking advantage of the falling momentum.

But the giant crow had already reacted and pounced forward.


A clean and neat sound rang out. Although the giant crow avoided the fatal blow, its beautiful black tail feathers with dark gold luster were all cut off.

But this pounce fell into the blind spot of the convenience store wall. Dong Yeyu blocked the way out of the convenience store with a knife, "Surrender, I won't kill you."

I didn't actually want to kill this monster with one blow before, but I was just going to chop off its wings with a knife so that it couldn't escape. As for how to deal with it later, it depends on the results of the subsequent interrogation.

It's not that Dong Yeyu's ceremonial cultivation killed innocent people indiscriminately. This monster repeatedly injured Xiu Ji and threatened to drive him out of the rental apartment, and also made him look bad. He was so arrogant and domineering, how could he not be a good monster.

Monsters are more terrible than criminals. Who knows if these monsters have a hidden trick? When I investigate and confirm that it is a bad monster, I am afraid that the trick will jump on my face.

How to solve this problem?

The police of the Republic of the United States will give the most efficient answer - shoot first, then interrogate.

As for the appearance of the little girl, if it were an ordinary human, they might not be able to bear it, but Dong Yeyu, who is familiar with monsters, will not be confused by her illusionary appearance.

What the monster wants to transform into depends on who they have carefully observed. This is an illusion, not that the monsters have really turned into humans.

If I have a talent like the Sky Eye, what I saw just now is probably a huge crow shopping with two men, one big and one small.

Rather than a beautiful scene of a little girl shopping in the supermarket with her father and brother.

Only transformation can really turn into a human body, such as Yuanjun is transformed from a dragon into a human body.

But transformation is an ability that only monsters in the realm of refining spirits and returning to the void have. Such monsters completely shed the characteristics of monsters and are no different from humans. They enjoy the two major buffs of the monster's super-long blue bar and the rapid cultivation of humans. As long as the five qi return to the origin, they can be called monster fairies. Their strength is so strong that it is incomparable to ordinary fairies.

Fei Yi stood in the corner, his eyes fixed on the katana covered with a hazy aura. The golden pupils in the black pearl-like bird's eyes shrank slightly, and the feathers on his body exploded, turning into a round, fluffy crow.

At the same time, the members of the Special Incident Response Mobile Unit, who had just been blown away by the evil wind, had already climbed up from the ground and surrounded them.

One of the members received an order from Takigawa Tadahiro and raised his net rope gun to aim at the giant crow.


A large net was spread out in the smoke, covering the giant crow. The thin net rope seemed to be specially made and quite strong.

She did not struggle after being caught in the net, but just looked at Dong Yeyu and asked, "Why?"

It was quite strange to be asked why by a crow with a wingspan of several meters, which was larger than a bald eagle, in a little girl's voice.

Dong Yeyu answered while pinching the seal and silently reciting the spell: "I am the resident of the third floor of that apartment. You repeatedly injured my subordinates' Shikigami and threatened to drive me away, otherwise you would come to my house to cause trouble. You, the monster, forgot after you were rampant?"

Fei Yi was stunned for a second and was furious: "Are you the owner of the dead pigeon monster?!"

No wonder the dead pigeon was so mean and behaved like a villain. The owner was a rat who was used to sneak attacks, so how good could his subordinates be?

"I won't let you go!"

The giant crow struggled, and its iron-like wings swept across twice, cutting several large holes in the net rope covering its body, and the strong wind blew people all over the place.

The staff grabbed the shelves beside them to stabilize their bodies, holding white talismans in their hands, and their faces were pale.

The cultivation of this monster far exceeded their expectations. They thought it was a monster of medium size and let them rush to improve their performance, but they didn't expect it to be such a big monster.

The trap prepared earlier was broken by her in the blink of an eye. What can these talismans do at this time?

They all cast their eyes on the tall and outstanding young man standing in the front.

I saw him pinching the seal in his hand and gently chanting: "Bind!"

As soon as the voice fell, several golden chains projected from the floor, wall, and ceiling, completely binding her. After struggling for a few times and unable to move, people breathed a sigh of relief.

"This demon is really powerful. Fortunately, you have a high level of cultivation and excellent magic--"

Takigawa Tadahiro frowned and sighed. He walked forward and looked up. He was shocked to find that this man was so young, no different from his high school son.

Although he was tall, his face still had a childish and bookish look that was visible to the naked eye. He looked like a student who had never stepped into society.

He was definitely no more than 20 years old.

But I didn't underestimate him because of this.

Although this demon looked stupid and didn't seem to have practiced any evil magic in all these years of cultivation, it could crush ordinary demon hunters just by relying on the numerical value.

You have to know that I led nearly ten people to set traps and still couldn't suppress it.

One person solved a big demon so easily. Putting aside his age, this strength alone can be regarded as the backbone of the demon hunter world, not to mention the Ministry of Religion and Humanities, which is short of talents.

Such a great talent must be well-befriended. If he can be brought into the Ministry of Religion and Literature and work in his Special Incident Response Division for a period of time, even if he is promoted to the position of minister in the future, he will have the grace of promotion from his old boss here, and his future life will be much more comfortable.

Maybe the next generation can also go further with this friendship.

The demon disasters in Tokyo have been happening more and more frequently in recent years, and there are many vicious incidents that have a far-reaching impact on social security. Even if he is unwilling to join the Ministry of Religion and Literature, knowing a demon hunter with profound cultivation, he can ask for help when he encounters any difficulties in the demon hunting operation in the future, which is a hundred benefits without any harm.

Takigawa Tadahiro thought a little far-sightedly for a while, with a serious look, he took out a business card from his arms and presented it with both hands.

"It's true that heroes emerge young. I'm Takigawa Tadahiro, the deputy director of the Special Incident Response and Mobility Division of the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science. What's your name?"

Higashino Yu glanced at the crow monster that was staring at him, returned the greeting, took the business card, and replied with a smile on his face: "It turns out to be Deputy Director Takigawa, I'm Higashino Yu. I just happened to pass by and saw that this monster was rampant, so I came to help you."

In the future, I will have to go to the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science to take the qualification certificate for demon exorcists, so it is necessary to build a good relationship with these officials.

"More than a helping hand, Higashino-kun is too modest. If it weren't for Higashino-kun, I and my subordinates would probably be buried in the belly of the bird tonight."

Takigawa Tadahiro was not greedy for credit and pushed most of the credit to Higashino Yu, but in fact, his superiors were too lazy to check who solved the problem. As long as the problem was solved smoothly, his credit would not be missed, and everyone would be happy.

As he said this, Takigawa Tadahiro smiled on his serious face and took out his mobile phone from his arms.

"It was thanks to Mr. Dongye that we were able to easily subdue the monster this time. I will report this matter when I return. How about Mr. Dongye leave me your contact information later? There may be some bonuses and certificates issued by then."

A bonus?

Dongye Yu caught the key point. Although the labor fee he received for helping the Ministry of Religion, Culture and Arts before was exclusive to black slaves, what if it was more this time?

"How much?" he asked.

"Well, it depends on how much money the higher-ups are willing to allocate."

Takigawa Tadahiro's old face was a little red. Although the Ministry of Religion, Culture and Arts has a transcendent status, cultivation consumes resources, so the funds are also quite tight.

Dongye Yu understood when he heard this. It was probably not much, but mosquito legs are also meat, so he exchanged phone numbers and email addresses with Takigawa Tadahiro.

Seeing that this young man was not the kind of arrogant person who was successful at a young age, and having obtained his contact information, Takigawa Tadahiro was in a good mood and said with a smile: "Would you like to trouble Higashino-kun to help us transport this monster back? After we deal with it, let's have a drink together?"

Higashino Yu declined, "Vice Minister Takigawa, I am not yet an adult and cannot drink."

Takigawa Tadahiro did not force it, but just smiled and nodded, calling his men, and a group of people walked towards the crow.

Just then, the lame middle-aged man leaned on his crutches and opened his hands to block between Dongye Yu and the crow.

"What's going on?" Takigawa Tadahiro was a little confused.

Furukawa Osamu had been a rat in the gutter all his life and had never seen the light. At this time, facing this group of suspected government personnel, his forehead was full of sweat, his whole body was trembling, and his voice was a little deformed and dry.

"Don't hurt her, it's all my fault, I ordered it, it has nothing to do with Sayuri."

Feiyi didn't correct him this time, but was afraid that these demon exorcists would attack him, so he drove him away loudly: "Go away, if you don't go away, I will eat you!"

The little boy who was traveling with him was already scared silly, standing blankly in the aisle of the convenience store, staring at the crow monster tied up by the magic chain and speechless.

"Sir, you are bewitched by a monster. It's not a little girl, it's just a big crow."

Takigawa Tadahiro persuaded the middle-aged man, but the middle-aged man didn't listen. He just wiped his sweat and begged for mercy for her anxiously, at a loss.

"Sayuri didn't do anything wrong. My family was in financial difficulty. I asked her to help us, so she stayed with us. She just stole some things. Put me in jail! Let her go! She is a good child. She is very kind. She-"

"Okay, okay, I got it."

Seeing this, Takigawa Tadahiro comforted the middle-aged man and looked at his specialists: "Take him away and give him a pill to calm the nerves and expel evil spirits."

"Sayuri! Spare her, I beg you! Shota, save your sister, quickly!"

Furukawa Osamu was dragged away from the convenience store, struggling and shouting at the top of his lungs.

The little boy stood in the convenience store with his head down, as if he had hysteria.

After listening to it, Higashino Yu looked thoughtful.

"These mortals, bewitched by monsters, are still helping to beg for mercy. It's ridiculous and lamentable."

Takigawa Tadahiro said as his eyes fell on the knife in Higashino Yu's hand, and he exclaimed: "Is Higashino the next generation of the shrine's Iori family?"

Higashino Yu followed his gaze and saw the Sumime Ichimonji Nagamitsu in his hand, and smiled: "Vice Minister Takigawa misunderstood. My elders and Grandpa Iori are close friends. When he saw me exorcising monsters with my bare hands, he was worried that I would be in danger, so he gave me the sword."

"Is that so?" Takigawa Tadahiro nodded thoughtfully.

After that, Higashino Yu looked at the crow monster locked by the magic chain: "How does Vice Minister Takigawa plan to deal with this monster?"

"This monster is a habitual thief. She has visited convenience stores, cake shops, department stores and even fishing tackle stores in Ayasezaka. We haven't found out whether she has killed anyone or committed other crimes."

Takigawa Tadahiro smiled when he said this: "But even if she hasn't killed anyone, she will probably die. Monsters are a disaster to the world. If she doesn't kill people today, she will kill people tomorrow sooner or later. In order to prevent trouble before it happens, it's better to kill them all and put an end to it all."

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