I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 165 Monster Returns Home

When he came to his senses, he found that he was being pressed on the chest by a big fox paw, just like a cat holding a mouse.

A fox head bigger than his entire raccoon cat was facing him, and his lantern-like amber eyes reflected his fear.


The raccoon cat monster opened his mouth and wanted to shout.


The big monster popped out his claws, and it seemed that he was going to pierce his chest if he didn't agree with him.


Dong Yeyu signaled him to shut up, and the raccoon cat monster swallowed his saliva and nodded.

"I ask, you answer, or I will eat you!"

Dong Yeyu saw this and smiled with his fangs: "Don't worry, I have no ill will towards you, I just want to ask something"


Tengu Shuzo, wearing a mountain robe, sat alone on the top of the crown of an ancient cypress tree. The mountain wind blew the brocade handkerchief in his hand, but it didn't make his eyes become chaotic. He just squinted his eyes slightly and carefully dipped some knife oil to wipe the weapon.

Suddenly, he stopped wiping abruptly, frowned his thick white eyebrows, raised his head, and looked at the Taolin Plain in the distance.

He soon noticed a rising white mist, and his expression became solemn.

"I'm afraid something has happened in the fairyland."

He quickly put away the tools for maintaining his swords, hung the two swords back on his waist one by one, and spread his black feather wings with a metallic luster behind him.


Like a big bird, he flew towards the bamboo forest not far away, and folded his wings when he was about to reach Taodong's hot spring hotel. His landing posture was very relaxed, but his expression was very serious.

He glanced at the bamboo forest, where Shichiro and Badger Chiyo were conducting a simulated battle, with flying sand and rocks, and large pieces of diamond bamboo were broken.

The big monsters who like to practice military tactics often conduct simulated battles with friends of similar levels. After all, if there is no special opportunity, the training methods of the big monsters are similar, all of which are to endure years.

Therefore, in their spare time, some monsters practiced battle formations and martial arts, while others indulged in literature or arts.

Want to discuss with them?

Shuzo thought for a moment and shook his head.

Shichiro was taciturn and had no opinions, but Kurochiyo had some opinions, but they were basically reckless.

He silently stepped into the gate of the Tanuki Village Hot Spring Hotel and walked into the courtyard along the corridor.

Taodong's hot spring hotel also has a courtyard. Although it is not big, it is very exquisitely tidied.

Zukan was sitting on a recliner like an old farmer, rocking with his eyes closed and looking very leisurely.

It seemed that he found a shadow in front of him, opened his eyes, and found that it was Shuzo. He was stunned for a second and immediately stood up.

"What happened?"

Shuzo looked solemn, took off a chess-like pendant from his waist, threw it out, and it turned into a gorgeous stool, and sat on it with a big horse and a golden sword.

"I saw a group of demon hunters go to the peach forest in the fairyland earlier. Just now, white fog suddenly rose outside the peach forest."

"Fog?" Zukan pondered for two seconds: "Could it be the Mist Hidden?"

"It should be."

"That is the barrier used by the gods to separate the fairyland from the real world. Generally speaking, it will not appear in the real world."

Zukan touched his bald head and stood up from the recliner: "I will ask Tanuki Goro and Kurochiyo to come here and see what they say."

Zukan acted quickly and quickly summoned the raccoons and big monsters and told them what happened just now.

Santarou, Bean Tanuki and other young raccoons knelt in the corridor outside the Japanese-style room to listen.

After learning that something happened in the fairyland, the raccoons chattered and talked, and many raccoon monsters were anxious.

"Impertinent! All the adults are still here!"

Tanuki Goro blew his beard and glared, and slapped them one by one to make them quiet down, then bowed his body and entered the Japanese-style room and knelt down to the six big monsters sitting at the top.

"My lords, the incident happened suddenly, the fairyland has changed, and the villagers are in danger. Should we set off early?"

The six big monsters looked at each other and had no objection, so they nodded.

"It's good to set off early, but the departure time suddenly changed, and no one went to notify Lord Higashino."

"It's okay to lose a big monster, right? I, Badger Chiyo, can fight a hundred people with one."

The topless Badger Chiyo took a sip of spiritual wine and said with a smile, his tone arrogant.

Sake Zang shook his head: "Although Lord Higashino's training time doesn't seem to be very long, he has secret techniques and his training methods are probably not inferior to mine. If he can come, he will have a better chance."

The other big monsters had no objection, but they all tended to notify Higashino Yu.

At this time, Taodong, who was kneeling in the corridor, leaned over the ground seat and shouted loudly: "Uncle Goro, my lords, please let me notify Lord Higashino."

The raccoon cat monsters gathered around the raccoon cat girl sitting in the ground seat and talked in a flurry.

"Momofuku, you can't run fast, how about I go?"

"The human world is very dangerous, how about more raccoons go with you."

Kneeling in the Japanese-style room, Tanuki Goro hesitated for a moment, and seeing that Shikan and other big monsters had no intention of intervening, he made his own decision.

"Okay, Master Higashino has a deep connection with you, Momofuku, so it's most appropriate for you to go and inform them."

"Uncle Goro, then we--"

"Dou Tanuki, Santaro Tanuki, you three go with Momofuku, and the other raccoons will go back to the fairyland with me first."

Tanuki Goro made a neat decision, and after the monsters discussed it, they immediately packed their luggage.

The raccoons turned back to their original form, which was a super-large raccoon cat that was one or two times larger than ordinary raccoons. Each of them had a big bag hanging around their necks and rushed towards the peach forest.

"I'm coming too!"

Badger Chiyo laughed and turned into a honey badger, running ahead of the tanukis.

"You guys! Charge with me!"

The young tanukis followed him enthusiastically: "Chiyo-sama!"

Zukan and the others smiled helplessly when they saw this. What is this? A big honey badger leading a bunch of civet cats to charge?

"Reckless boy."

Jiuzou shook his head and took out a gorgeous ox cart model from his waist, which was only the size of a baby's fist.

But the workmanship is exquisite, and even the carvings on the windows are meticulous. It looks like the car of an ancient dignitary in the island country.

He blew on the bullock cart and threw it out. The bullock cart rose up in the wind and turned into a luxurious chariot that was almost as big as an ordinary Japanese-style house. The five demons boarded the cart one after another.

The bullock cart slowly took off and rode on the clouds.

Momofuyu and the other three tanuki monsters stood at the door of the hot spring hotel, bowing deeply to the departing monsters=.

After everything calmed down, the remaining tanuki monsters straightened up.

Santaro Tanuki and others were eager to return home. They couldn't wait to turn into a big tanuki and ran forward for a while. Seeing that Momotou didn't follow, they turned back to urge them.

"Modong, follow me quickly."

Momofuyu responded, leaning down and transforming into a small cute raccoon cat, looking back at the hot spring hotel behind him with a firm gaze.

Father and mother, I will definitely take revenge.

The girl said in her heart and ran towards Xiaoli Hot Spring Hotel.

There is also a 4,000-word chapter, which may come later.

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