I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 164 Satan must tattoo you on his back

On the way to Lixiang, Dongyeyu would jump up from the peach blossom forest from time to time to observe the surrounding situation and make sure that he was not lost.

At the same time, his spiritual consciousness probed the surroundings to ensure that he would not run into other monsters.

Kaori and Shiori lay on the back of the fox. When he took off, they looked at the wall of white mist behind him that looked like a waterfall in the sky.

The two almost identical cute little faces were full of worry and confusion.

They never thought that their parents would leave them so suddenly one day, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Kaori thought of her cousin's previous words to protect herself and her sister's safety first.

Maybe if you and your sister are better, Ayu and your cousin can go to Baiwu to find their parents?

Kaori was silent for a while, remembering that she and her sister were always lazy in practicing, and felt an inexplicable anger in her heart that could not be suppressed.

"It's all your fault for being lazy in practice!" She began to accuse her sister.

Shizhi was stunned and said angrily: "You are obviously lazy, but you drag me to sleep in with you!"

"You were in a daze while practicing!"

"You wear manicure when you practice!"

The two started to pinch each other on Dong Yeyu's back.

How long has it been since you were still fooling around? !

Seeing this, Jinguji Hiiragi frowned and recalled the paper figurines. Dozens of paper figurines were connected into two chains, neatly tying them up and tying them to the hair on both sides of Higashino Yu's body. Also blocked.

Is this kind of education possible? You still have to be reasonable with children, right?

Higashinoyu who was running slowly stopped, thought for a moment, and asked Kaori Shiori who was struggling like a carp.

"It is certainly right to practice seriously, but if you think that the whereabouts of Mr. Jinguji and the others are all due to your lack of effort in cultivation, you would be too arrogant."

"Miss Jinguji's cultivation is already among the best among her peers, but when facing those demons, she is still unable to defeat four hands with just one fist. Do you think you will be stronger than her if you work hard?"

"In fact, even if there are two more Jinguji Hiiragi mirrors, it will still not help. This is the territory of the gods, and mortals have their limits. Don't blame yourself."

After hearing this, the two were silent for a while, stopped struggling, lowered their heads in frustration, and their limbs drooped.

Jinguji Hiiragi glanced at Higashino Yu in surprise, but he didn't expect that this big fox monster could comfort people.

She looked at her two cousins ​​and said softly: "No more arguing."

Seeing them nodding in agreement, he cast a spell to let the paper man tie them back to Dong Yeyu's back.

The paper man let go of them and flew into the forest again.

Kaori and Shiori rubbed the uncomfortable areas where they were strangled, and quietly glared at their cousin, their eyes making contact midway.

"It's all your fault!"

He snorted and turned his head away, ignoring the other person.

Shizhi was sulking alone for a while, not wanting to pay attention to her cousin and sister, and turned to look at Dong Yeyu: "Ayu, how did you become so good at cultivation?"

"There is an old saying in China, one minute on stage, ten years of work off stage. This describes drama actors, but it also applies to practitioners. Am I pretty good now?"

Kaori came over and interrupted: "Yeah! Ah Yu was so powerful just now, he could kill a demon with just one claw!"

"It was obtained through two hundred years of hard work."

Dong Yeyu calmly said the number that shocked the two girls.

How can there be two hundred years? !

The corners of Jinguji Hiiragi's mouth twitched slightly when he heard these words. How come his habit of talking about running on the train is exactly the same as Higashino Yu.

Not like a good fox.

She even suspected that the fox was Dong Yeyu, but she felt it was unreasonable.

Only a legendary monster can transform without being noticed. Neither Higashino Yu nor the giant fox in front of him are qualified.

Higashino Yu didn't notice Jinguji Hiiragi's gaze and looked at Kaori and Shiori and said very seriously.

"But without you, even I wouldn't be 100% sure to come out of that white mist."

"So, we helped and didn't hold anything back?"

Kaori and Shiori stared at Higashinoyu with wide eyes, showing expectant expressions.

"Of course, otherwise you ask your cousin whether her situation would be worse without you."

The two turned to look at Jinguji Hiiragi. The girl glanced at them and nodded slightly: "Without your talent, my situation would indeed be more dangerous, but it is not completely without means to fight against the enemy."

After receiving the affirmation, Kaori and Shiori's faces were still worried about their parents, but they no longer blamed themselves so much.

Dong Yeyu smiled slightly, "Hold on!"


The fox rushed forward suddenly, and the strong wind hit them head on. The two girls screamed and hid themselves in the fox's fur.

After running at full speed for about ten minutes, Dong Yeyu found a road that had been opened by humans.

Continuing to run along the road, about ten minutes later, Dong Yeyu suddenly smelled the scent of a civet cat monster a few kilometers ahead, so he stopped where he was.

"Ayu, why did you stop?" Xiangori and Shiori asked curiously.

"Hush, there is a tanuki monster ahead. It should be approaching Tanuki Township. Miss Jinguji, can we get closer and take a closer look?"

Higashino Yu looked at Jinguji Hiiragi and asked her opinion.

The girl nodded slightly and pondered for two seconds: "Should we capture a tanuki monster to torture for information?"


Are you also torturing an innocent raccoon cat? Satan will have to tattoo you on your back.

However, this suggestion is indeed true.

Dongye Yu thought for a moment and said, "If there is a chance not to alert the enemy, it is possible, but then you can hide with talismans and I will ask."

Jinguji Hiiragi nodded slightly, and the paper figures that were sent out to explore the way returned one after another and automatically got into her sportswear pockets.

Dongye Yu continued to walk lightly, and the three girls on his back hid very quietly in his slender fox fur.

Not long after, Dongye Yu saw a different scenery outside the peach forest not far away. He approached and hid in a hidden bush, only showing his eyes to observe.

Outside the peach forest suddenly opened up.

The land is flat, with thousands of acres of fertile land reclaimed, and the houses are neat. The architectural style is traditional Japanese style, with fish ponds, and small bamboo forests and mulberry trees planted in front and behind each house.

A river of medium size flows in front of the village, and a waterwheel mill is built on the riverside. The source of the river is the large lake that is almost like an inland sea.

There were many little raccoon monsters wearing simple Wufu running on the ridges of the fields, carrying food boxes, and some small ones carrying rice seedlings.

The adult male raccoon monsters stood in the fields and sang and danced happily. Some monsters played flutes, and some monsters beat drums and sang the rural rice planting songs with a voice like a drake.

It sounded a bit unpleasant at first, but the more you listened, the more you felt it was very rhythmic.

There were also raccoon monsters who used illusions to transform into colorful flags and Daruma tumblers, and some even hung themselves on flagpoles as carp flags. These were probably the atmosphere group.

Other middle-aged male raccoon monsters were also working, either carrying a load of specially prepared fertile soil, or using a rake to smooth the soil under the water in the paddy fields.

The female raccoon monsters wearing bamboo hats bent over to plant rice seedlings to the sound of drums, occasionally singing in harmony, and moving in unison.

Probably because they were in the fairyland, they did not use illusions, and all looked like human raccoons.

There are many raccoon monsters working in the fields. Roughly speaking, there are probably nearly a thousand of them, each doing their own job.

From a distance, there is a sense of order, just like the busy spring farming scene in the island country during the Edo period.

Dong Yeyu looked at the scene in front of him and felt a sense of disconnection and unreality.

Not long ago, he and the three girls on his back fought with monsters in the white fog, and Tanuki Goro and others begged for mercy from the big monsters in the monster market.

But these raccoon monsters continued to laugh and work as if they were not affected.

It was like a group of raccoon monsters standing on a seemingly paradise, but underneath there was a volcanic crater that was about to erupt and was brewing magma and dancing unconsciously.

It was really weird.

Dong Yeyu frowned slightly, and then began to choose the lucky ones.

He scanned the paddy field several times and subconsciously counted.

According to the number of these working raccoon monsters, this raccoon village has at least hundreds of residents, which is considered a large village.

According to the ancient times, a family with five mu of land could be considered rich.

This is also a fairyland, so there should be no shortage of natural treasures, which can explain why Tanuki Goro and his men can take out so much divine money to worship the big monster.

Although farmers are always dressed in gray and unkempt, if there are no vampires lying on them to squeeze and drink blood, the wealth they have accumulated will be beyond people's expectations.

Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami climbed behind Higashino Yu's head, lay on his head, and pointed not far ahead.

"Look there."

Higashino Yu looked in the direction of her finger. After leaving the bamboo forest and crossing a rural dirt road, there was a farmland, where a male raccoon monster waving a rake and wearing a bamboo hat was working.

Okay, it's decided to be you!

But now the problem is how to attract him. You can't rush out to rob raccoons by yourself, right? This is the fairyland of the gods.

And Uda Hideki brought all the demon exorcists into the fairyland, so he must have some understanding of this place, and there is no guarantee that there are no spies in the raccoon village.

Dong Yeyu thought about it, controlled his tail to disturb the bushes and make a sound, and then exposed a part of his tail.

The raccoon monster raised his head and was stunned for a second, wiped the sweat, twisted the wet tail, put his hands on the awning and stretched his neck to look over here, and found a white tail that looked like a fox exposed outside the bushes.

White fox? !

The raccoon monster showed a surprised expression on his face. The white fox skin is precious. If you peel it and take it to the monster market, you can exchange it for some spiritual wine!

He spit on his hand twice, and approached carefully with a rake.

Seeing that the tail was shaking and not moving, the expression on the raccoon monster's face became serious and nervous.


He raised the rake and smashed it hard, but suddenly two furry claws stretched out from the bushes, hugged him and dragged him in.

The raccoon monster showed a horrified expression on his face, and he couldn't react in time. In the blink of an eye, he was dragged into the forest.

I wrote it all night, brothers, please vote, and continue to make 6,000 today!

Thanks to my brother Meng for his monthly subscription and recommendation tickets (ω)

Please give me monthly tickets, subscriptions and recommendation tickets (╰╯)

If you have free time, please give your favorite characters a little heart!

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