If you look down from the sky, you can see a long, naturally formed rift valley, right on the border between Arizona and Mexico.

   Such a natural barrier almost prevented illegal activities such as smuggling, trafficking, and crossing. This is also the main reason why the small town of Ding Mingtu is so safe for so many years.

   But today, there are a group of ambitious people with "guts" and "strategies" who just want to break through this natural danger and transform it into a free and unobstructed thoroughfare.

   Well, to put it simply, a group of desperadoes chose the narrowest spot on this rift and prepared to build a temporary floating bridge.

  Heavy machinery roared from the Mexican side, and the folding pontoon with the Mexican military logo on it was slowly unfolded and steadily erected on the rift valley.

  The armed men who had been waiting for a long time on both sides swarmed up and used other tools to reinforce the bridge. After confirming that it could be opened to traffic, trucks came along.

"Hurry up. We must build a road that leads directly to here within the next twenty hours." Ferry took the loudspeaker and stood on top of the truck and shouted, "The eldest master has said it. Everyone was rewarded with one hundred thousand dollars, so I was quick to work hard."

   Seeing these big guys, stimulated by money, they rushed to the cornfield in excitement. Ferri jumped off the truck and whispered to a man behind him: "Be careful, don't go wrong at this time."

   The subordinate sneered and said, "Don't worry, head, brothers are all thrown out. Anyone who dares to come and take a peek will be executed on the spot."

   Ferry nodded: "Where is the town?"

   "There are also people in the town, but you are too careful, just the three police officers in the town and a few small broken guns can pose any threat to us."

"You know what a fart, there is a proverb in the far east, "Be prepared for a rainy day, take precautions before you happen"." Ferri glared and closed his eyes, "I will determine the position with the young master, and you have to keep an eye on it. I can't spare you what went wrong."

  Ferry Pux, the top fighter of the Gabriel family, has made great contributions to the Gabriel family who occupied half of Mexico.

  From the top of his half-bald head and the scars all over his body, I know how much Ferry has put in for the Gabriel family.

  Originally, according to the regulations, most elderly people like Ferry’s age should retire and support them all. It is a pity that there is an heir in the Gabriel family who does not let him worry.

   Edmund Gabriel, the eldest son of the Gabriel family, is also the first heir. They were taken care of by Ferry since they were young, and the two have a very deep relationship.

   "Master," Ferry got into his car and asked in a deep voice to the satellite phone, "How are you doing now?"

   The voice on the other side of the phone is a bit noisy, but a young man's voice can still be heard clearly: "Don't worry, Uncle Ferry, I'm already on the road, but the NIA trash is still following me."

   "Then be careful, I will prepare this place before you arrive at Dingmingtu Town."

   hung up the phone, Ferri looked out of the car window with some worry. Not far away, a large bulldozer was roaring into the green corn field.

   Large tracts of corn stalks were ruthlessly shoveled by the bulldozer and then flattened by the track roller behind. The two Mexican buddies who are in charge of driving the bulldozer are driving the car while chatting in Mexican.

   "Jimmy, my grandmother said that waste of food will be condemned by God. Let's overthrow all these corns. We won't get retribution, right?"

   "Shut up, Ayi. Boss Ferry said that we can do whatever we want, not to mention that we still have US dollars when we are done. One hundred thousand US dollars, even if we spend a lifetime, we can't make so much money."

"Master Gabriel has always been very generous. By the way, Jimmy, how do you plan to spend this time when you make money? All my sisters took it over and lived together."

   "You are satisfied with this little money? I won't be as stupid as you. I will use this money as starting capital, and continue to do business with the boss of Fei, and I will become a small boss in the future, so..."

   The two were chatting with joy, when suddenly a group of crows were frightened and rushed out of the field in front. A few even flew too fast and hit the front window glass of the tractor heavily.

   The two screamed in fright and stepped on the brakes to death. Seeing the scarlet blood stains on the large cracked glass, the two looked at each other, and no one dared to speak for a moment.

   The road roller behind it blew its whistle to protest. Soon two armed men with guns ran over and shouted at the drivers: "What's the matter, why did you stop suddenly?"

   The two buddies shrank their necks, did not dare to reply, just pointed carefully at the front window.

   The two armed men walked around in front of the bulldozer and saw the **** car window and the dead crow falling to the ground.

   "Why do so many crows suddenly fly out?"

   The two militants were wondering when they suddenly heard a piercing "croak" from behind, and several crows flew out of the corn bushes. The two militants were so scared that they turned around abruptly, and almost went off fire with the rifle in their hands.

   But when they got back to their senses and saw something in the corn bushes ahead, the fingers on the trigger could no longer control them.

   "Boom boom boom..."

   The sharp and rapid gunfire ~www.NovelMTL.com~ resounded throughout the cornfield.

   inside the police station.

   Xie Lun and Lei leaned to the desk and looked at the local map spread out on the table.

   Xie Lun frowned: "Do you think they are not like investors?"

  Lei shrugged: "At least investors will not have a gun in their waist. Although they are covered with clothes, they are bulging around their waists, obviously hiding things."

   Xie Lun slid his finger along the only road route on the map, past the small black spot that represents the small town, and finally stopped on the border line, saying in a deep voice, "You said they don't want to cross the border illegally?"

  Lei shook his head and said: "Thank you, agent, you don't know the local situation. This is a long and big rift valley, which can neither pass people nor traffic. They want to smuggle things or people unless they can fly."

   Xie Lun took a picture of the empty place on the map: "Then from the border to the small town, is there anything valuable or suspicious?"

  Lei shook his head again: "Except for the farm, it is wasteland. There is nothing else, even the basic roads are not repaired. They are ordinary country dirt roads."

"I always feel that something is negligent," Xie Lun frowned and stared at the map. After a while, he picked up the cool coffee on the side and drank it. "I decided to go around. See what those guys want to do."

  Lei picked up the car key: "Then I lead the way, and there is such a group of strangers wandering around on my site, and my heart is not at ease."

   However, Xie Lun and Lei didn't know, just after they drove one after another and left the police station. In the alley diagonally across from the police station, a man hiding in the car dialed the phone:

   "Head, there is movement in the police station... Yes, the sheriff took the people out of the town. It's not clear where to go. Do you need me to follow?"

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