Of course, Xie Lun would not believe the female police officer's explanation, so he shot her gun and pushed her into the police station.

   came to the detention room inside, unexpectedly there was more than one person in it. A sturdy white brother sat in the corner, looking dismissively at the man lying on the iron railing of the detention room and crying outside.

   At the sloppy and dirty look of the man, Xie Lun had already believed the female police officer three points in his heart. However, out of caution, he still leaned over and said solemnly: "Sir, please stretch out your hand."

The man stretched out his hands happily and shouted: "Sir, look at the wounds on my hands. They were the ones who hit them. Save me quickly. If I don't go out again, I will die, really... "

   Xie Lun squeezed the opponent's wrist, but did not receive the system prompt, snorted, and said out of breath: "Do you think I am blind? Did the injury on my hand **** and pierce it by myself?"

   "No, sir, please listen to me. I was really wronged. I was arrested for no reason at all..."

   From the pinholes on the man's arm, the deformed teeth, and the dilated pupils, Xie Lun could see that this guy is definitely a drug addict, or that kind of long-term drug addict.

   For this kind of social scum, Xie Lun has no sympathy at all. He stood up and ignored this guy, looked up at the little brother inside, frowned and said, "You, come here."

   The little white brother glanced at Xie Lun, then languidly got up and walked over: "What's the matter, sir?"

   "What's the matter with you?"

"Drunk driving."

   "Put out your hand."

   Xie Lun also grabbed this buddy's wrist, but still did not receive the system prompt, could not help being a little discouraged, frowned and said: "Looking at the calluses on your hand, you should touch the gun for a long time."

   "Iraq 12 Cavalry Division," the white brother said lazily, "but this is a disgraceful war, and I am ashamed of it."

   Did not find the clues he wanted, Xie Lun ignored the two men, returned the guns to the female police officer, and said solemnly: "Sorry, police officer, professional habit."

   The female police officer took her own gun and smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, sir, I know how we work."

   Xie Lun was too lazy to say something, and just wanted to go out. At this time, the door of the police station was pushed aside, and a sergeant with gray hair but a tall and sturdy figure walked in.

  The female police officer hurried forward and introduced Shay Lun: "Sir, this is the sergeant of our police station. The sergeant, this is an agent from NAI."

   Looking at this familiar old sheriff, Xie Lun showed his ID, and said in a deep voice, "NIA Special Agent, Xie Lun."

   The sheriff took a close look at Shay Lun’s credentials before he took the initiative to shake hands with Shay Lun: “Sir, I’m the sergeant of this town, Ray Arnold, just call me Ray.”

   [An important witness of the case-Chief Ray Arnold was detected, and the case code is "Legacy". After the case is solved, experience points and points will be awarded according to the degree of completion. Please pay attention to the detectives.

   "Well, Sergeant Lei, just tell me to thank the agent." When Xie Lun heard the system prompt, his eyes lit up and he smiled, "Can you go to a quieter place and have a chat?"

   "Sorry, please come to my office." Lei hurriedly led Xie Lun to a small but very tidy office, please sit down. He came to the door of the office again and asked the female police officer: "Penny, go make two cups of coffee, remember, use coffee beans, don't use it to melt like cat feces."

   Penny shrugged and whispered: "Sheriff, you should know that our bureau doesn't even have instant coffee right now?"

   "Oh, yes, **** it." Ray took out two banknotes and handed them to Penny, "Then let the restaurant across the street bring them, remember, the best, hurry up."

Xie Lun pretended not to hear Lei’s whisper at the door, and saw Lei close the door and sat across from him. Then he smiled: “Don’t be nervous, Chief Lei, I’m just here for a routine business to see if there are any difficult cases in the local area. That's it."

   "Then you came to the wrong place," Sheriff Lei said with a smile, "Our town has nothing but corn and potatoes. There are no surprises or crimes."

   "Really?" Xie Lun frowned. "Is there no missing or suicide cases?"

"There is no suicide. If I disappeared, it has been more than ten years since I came here. There are only a few cases in total, and they are all young people who have run away from home, and most of them have contacted the family later." Lei Jing Long shrugged and said, "But now NIA still manages the disappearance case?"

   Xie Lun groaned for a moment, and then asked: "So has there been anything strange in the town recently, or any stranger?"

"I haven't heard of strange things, but the words of strangers," Lei curled his lips. "Just when I went to the restaurant to eat, there really came a group of strangers. One by one, they didn't look like good people. But after passing by My warning, they have left the town."

   Xie Lun came to his senses in an instant, and asked in a deep voice, "Tell me about the specific situation."

At the same time, Ferry Puks was struggling to get out of the cornfield, looking at the two-story building full of American style in front of him, he spit on the ground with dusty saliva~www.NovelMTL .com~ No good air said: "This neurosis actually built the house in the cornfield."

   As he said, he stepped forward and knocked on the door, and said loudly: "Mr. Cowes, I am Ferri from the New York investment bank. We spoke on the phone before."

   After waiting for a long time, there was no movement in the room.

   Ferry raised his eyebrows suspiciously. Could it be that this old guy is out and not at home?

   He knocked on the door two more times, and finally lost his patience and waved his hand at will. Immediately a dozen or so armed men in black, armed with guns, rushed out of the cornfield, kicked open the door, and rushed into the small building in an extremely standard tactical formation.

   After a while, a big guy poked his head out of the room and said to Ferri who was standing outside smoking a cigar: "Head, it's safe inside, but there is a situation you better take a look."

   Ferry just walked into the room door, but a stench rushed towards him and almost smoked him out again. He hurriedly took out his handkerchief and covered his nose, frowned and looked in the direction the man pointed.

   The curtains have been opened by the big guys, and the sun shines in, exposing the situation in the living room clearly before Fei Li's eyes.

   Looking at the corpse lying on the solo sofa, Ferry snorted, "Are you sure it's Old Man Cows?"

   The big man behind Ferri nodded and said, "Although his head is half missing, it should be him. From the perspective of the degree of decay, it has been dead for at least two or three days in such a hot, ghostly weather."

   Ferry looked at the shotgun in the hands of the corpse: "Suicide?"


"Very good, we can do it again in this way." Ferry turned around and walked quickly out of the small building, took a deep breath, and breathed in the fresh air outside for a long time, before exclaiming, "Gentlemen, let's start, our There are only less than 24 hours left."

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