Pure optical invisibility is not difficult, especially since the starships here are all powered by magic, but invisibility does not mean non-existence.

The Swan clearly drove over from the location of the meteorite just now, but did not hit it at all, as if the meteorite would only appear when approached from a specific angle.

The light of the flare will obviously bend when approaching the meteorite, as if the meteorite is detached from the world, with a sense of unreality, as if it is separated by a veil of mystery.

"We are here, right here."

Alyssa unbuckled her seat belt and stood up, saying to Shanna who was lying on the porthole looking out:

"Hurry up and put on your protective clothing, let's go explore."

"Explore! Okay, okay!"

Shanna was very happy, stepped hard, and flew to the small room on the side of the bridge to change clothes.

Seeing her leave, Alyssa said to everyone:

"This is the ruins of the ancient elves, and Shanna may have come from here."

Villania was still studying the meteorite, and turned back to say:

"Are we here to send Shanna home?"

"No, we are here to decipher and find out what Shanna's life story is."

The scholar friend of Father Pro did not write much in his reply to him.

According to the scholar, there are only a few records of the Son of the Star in the ancient elves' documents. It is said that she is a priest who protects the star field from the invasion of darkness and has a noble power. If there is no Son of the Star, those incomprehensible and indescribable existences in the void are likely to corrode the star field and invade.

When the scholar said these words, he could clearly feel that he was not strong enough. He also added a sentence at the end, 'All this is just a legend. I can't guarantee the authenticity. There are too few materials and books on the ancient elves.'

But these are actually enough.

Regardless of whether the scholar is right or not, at least one thing is certain, the star map displayed on Shanna's escape pod is definitely closely related to Shanafia.

The biggest effect of the scholar's letter is to make Father Pro determined that no matter what Shanna is, this time he must figure it out.

So he asked Alyssa to bring Shanafia here. He was worried about letting others come.

He took out the mask and weapons from behind the captain's seat. By the way, Alyssa also took out the boot disk and put it on her personal terminal.

Li Chengxi can hack into all equipment, and the ruins of the ancient elves have basically achieved automation. He should be able to help a lot with him watching.

"Sophia and An Yun will go up with Shanna and me. The others will stay on the ship to meet them and keep an eye on the surroundings. I think the fleet that attacked Black Hand Port may also be looking for this place."

Let alone the combat effectiveness of Vilania and Fang Lanyin. One of them can only drive a magic mecha, and the other can't even use a pistol properly. I don't know what is in the ruins, so naturally I have to bring someone who can fight.

As for the fleet...

We can only be careful.


The Swan did not land, but turned off all the lights to avoid being too conspicuous.

The Manta Ray drove out of the Swan's airlock and flew to the ruins with Alyssa and others.

They found a hidden flat land to land, shot out the hook to prevent the Manta Ray from floating away, and took out the camouflage net to cover the Manta Ray, making it look like a stone from a distance.

Then Alyssa and others took the authentic space walk and approached the ruins.

From the outside, the ruins looked like a mountain. There was a square hole that could be entered not far from where the Manta Ray landed. There was originally a gate here, but the gate has now disappeared.

After looking at the marks on the door frame, Sophia said:

"Boss, this looks like it has been blown up."

"Well, it seems that we are not the first group of visitors. Everyone prepare your weapons. Shana, don't run around, just follow me honestly."

Shana lay on Benben's back. This golem actually has the ability to move in the void, and there are two small electric propulsion engines on its legs.

Everyone pressed the side of the mask, and the internal lights and the lights on the mask were turned on. Then they lined up and floated into the cave.

This tunnel still has traces of the ancient elves. Although it looks like a tunnel dug out of stone, the walls and ceilings have been well decorated, and the exquisite lines are outlined with gold powder. The decorative gems inlaid on it are still shining.

If it was just an adventure, Alyssa would have started to put gems in her pocket, but the most important thing now is to find out Shana's life experience, so everyone didn't even look at these decorations and flew forward all the way.

Going further, you can see some places are damaged, like there are traces of explosions. Due to the problem of the void environment, it is difficult to judge how long ago they were left.

As the traces of explosions or battles become more and more, some human-shaped things gradually begin to appear in front.

When you get closer, you will find that they are actually void protective suits and mummies curled up in the protective suits.

Because there are no microorganisms in the void, most of these corpses still retain their appearance before they died. The ultra-low temperature makes everything solidify at the moment of their death. They are called mummies, but they are not really shriveled, or more like frozen meat that has been left here for who knows how many years.

Alyssa is really fierce. She directly reached out and grabbed a corpse and started to check.

Exploring ruins is not unfamiliar to Alyssa. This is also one of the main jobs of recyclers. Valuable data and technology are sold to officials, valuable items are sold to collectors as antiques, and some contraband items are sold to grocers.

This set of procedures is very familiar, and it is not uncommon to encounter corpses during exploration. They may be the unlucky ones who came here to explore before, or they may be the original owners of the ruins.

The corpses floating in the passage should belong to the former.

Most of these people are human, and their bodies have undergone a certain degree of mechanization.

The ancient elves are already semi-energy creatures, and do not need to eat or excrete. For them, the best way to transform their bodies is through drugs or magic, and mechanical transformation is too ugly.

However, it is impossible to judge how long they have been dead. It can only be confirmed from the shape of the protective clothing that these people must not have died here recently.

Throwing away the corpses and continuing to float forward, everyone passed through a group of corpses. It was quite scary at first glance, but even Sanafia was not afraid. Instead, she seemed particularly excited, like a child who learned that she was going on an outing. It was a bit outrageous.

Continuing forward, they came to a closed airlock door soon. An Yun stretched out his hand and pressed it on the airlock door with his eyes closed.

After a while, she said:

"No signs of living creatures were found behind, but there was an energy reaction, which should be a membrane airlock."

Alyssa found the panel to open the door next to her. The symbols on the panel were all in ancient elven language, but it was not a big problem.

She pulled out a cable, opened the cover of the panel and plugged it in. With the beeping prompt sound from the personal terminal, the airlock door slowly opened.

A light green membrane first came into view. Everyone passed through it and suddenly felt their bodies sink, and staggered to the ground.

This damn place actually still maintains artificial gravity.

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