Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 836 Void Creatures

On the seventh day after the attack on Black Hand Port, the Swan was pulled out of the dock by a tugboat and sailed into the star port.

After confirming safety and all tugboats were away, the three engines of the Swan arranged in a V shape ignited and slowly sailed out of Black Hand Port.

Alyssa on the bridge inserted the data stick into the terminal interface:

"The coordinates are here."

An Yun quickly set the route according to the coordinates, and the idling engine began to slowly accelerate and move forward according to the designated route.

"Have you left the port? When will you enter pulse flight?"

Sanna was also on the ship at this time, lying next to the glass of the bridge and looking at the starry sky outside.

Even the golem called Benben was fixed next to it and shrank into a ball.

"It is expected to enter pulse flight in ten minutes. Fasten your seat belt and don't fall."


Sanna will be on the ship, and this has to start from a few days ago.

Regarding the matter of the Star Child, Father Pro sent a letter to his scholar friend. He thought it would take at least four or five days to get a reply, but he didn't expect it to be delivered on the third day.

What exactly was written in the letter, probably only Father Pro knew, but it is certain that after reading the letter, Father Pro was not in a very good mood and seemed to be more troubled.

After finishing a day's work and returning home, he talked with Alyssa alone again.

Since Alyssa's personal terminal had never used a boot disk, Li Chengxi didn't know what they talked about. Anyway, after this conversation, Alyssa told others that Sanafia would join us.

Li Chengxi really didn't care much about the specific details. He just wanted to play a space war. However, after looking at the coordinates given by Alyssa, he asked:

"Where are we going?"

"To explore."

Alyssa glanced at Sanafia and added in a low voice:

"It should be a relic."

Got it, it's related to Sanafia.

The Swan sailed to the designated location, started pulse flight, and after a few seconds, it was away from the space station and started the jump again.

According to the route guidance, it jumped three times in a row and flew around the star three times in a row to erase the jump traces and try to avoid leaving any traces to be tracked.

There must be a traitor in Black Hand Port who tipped off the news. It is estimated that the news that Sanafia boarded the Swan has spread now, so we must be careful.

The coordinates that Alyssa sent to Li Chengxi are about 22 ar in a straight line, which is not too far. With the specifications of the Swan, it can be reached in one jump, but in order not to be tracked, it took almost two hours to go around.

With the end of the last jump, the Swan seemed to have arrived in an empty star field.

This does not belong to any star system. Except for the floating meteorites, nothing can be seen. The darkness seems to cover everything, even the navigation lights on the Swan seem to be swallowed by the darkness.

Alyssa's coordinates are actually the star map displayed on Sanafia's escape pod. Alyssa has never been to this place, so she doesn't know what she will encounter.

"Go forward at a quarter of the ship speed, turn the radar power to the maximum, and fire flares. There should be something hidden in this star field."

The coordinates are not accurate enough. Anyway, it seems to be just a very empty star field for now.

Li Chengxi found the flare option on the ability disk. The upper part of the Swan fired several flashing balls of light. Although they could not illuminate too far, at least the area around the Swan was illuminated.

And this light made everyone see that this place was not empty.

There was a fish-like creature that swam quickly under the stimulation of strong light. They were covered with bone armor all over their bodies. Their heads looked more like skulls. Their dark blue eyes and upper jaws, which were completely made of bones, were exposed. There were large and small pores on both sides of their bodies.

"That is a void fish. It is not dangerous to the ship."

Alyssa had seen a lot of it, so she explained to the others on the bridge.

The void environment is completely unlike the one that can give birth to life. The ultra-low temperature, invisible deadly rays and vacuum are all very deadly.

But there is indeed life in the void, and there is not a small amount of it.

Void fish look like fish, but they are actually closer to plankton, and they mainly survive by absorbing cosmic rays. Because they are afraid of light, they generally do not appear in star systems or busy routes, but gather in dark corners of the void.

As the flare moved forward, the people who were just surprised that there were creatures in the void saw a huge eye open in the darkness.

That thing was so big that the eye alone might be bigger than the bridge, and it almost filled the glass when looking through the porthole.

When the flare was about to hit the eye, the thing moved, and it seemed that it didn't want to provoke the Swan, and its eyes sank down.

Only then could it be clearly seen that this thing was actually a super-large whale-shaped creature. It swam in the void like swimming in the sea. With its size, it could easily smash the Swan with one tail. Fortunately, it chose to slip away from under the Swan without looking back.

This is the void narwhal.

The narwhal is a very successful species that survives in the oceans of many planes. It is huge but docile, and sometimes even guides lost ships.

But there are also many subspecies of narwhals, from the Celestial Narwhal to the Infernal Narwhal, their huge bodies can be said to cover every corner of the multiverse world, and even the soul river connecting to the Holy Domain of the Deathly Hallows has the spiritual narwhal.

However, the Void Narwhal is afraid of light like the Void Fish, and can be dispersed by firing flares.

If it could talk, it would most likely hit the Swan with Zaun output, disturbing its sleep.

Continuing to walk forward, some creatures like starfish and octopuses appeared outside the portholes, and from time to time they would suck on the portholes, leaving a faint mark.

Sometimes, meteorites are covered with things similar to corals, which refract brilliant light under flares and lights, giving people the illusion of driving a spaceship into the dark bottom of the water.

If you keep going forward, you will encounter "snow".

A large expanse of white stuff enveloped the Swan, and it really felt like it was moving in a blizzard. However, if you lean on the porthole and look carefully, you will find that the 'snow' is actually some kind of ultra-small polyp creature. The Swan is just right. Passing through their huge colonies, that's why it looks like snow.

The void is like this. It looks empty, but it is actually full of life.

But having said that, it seems that apart from these void creatures, nothing special was found. The radar only showed some nearby meteorites.

Anyun, as the navigator, reported:

"Arrived at the coordinate location, no visible targets were found."

The place arrived, but there was nothing. Everyone lying on the portholes could only see darkness and void creatures in the darkness.

But at this time Li Chengqi said:

"I saw it."

Then the Swan began to slowly turn around, turning 180°.

Just like tearing apart a transparent film, a huge, mountain-like meteorite slowly emerged in the dark void. You can even see the traces of artificial modification on this meteorite.

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