Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 587: Battle of the Sea (1)

If someone had told Aoerdai that it would rain underground, and that lightning and dark clouds could even be seen before.

Aoerdai would have looked at him with contempt, meaning that he should not confuse dreams with reality.

But now...

Aoerdai just felt like shit.

The rain fell from the sky without any warning, like a hanging rope, and directly soaked the three people on the deck from head to toe.

These crystal ships have no cabins. The so-called bridge part is just to raise the stern and put a steering wheel made of the same crystal material. Apart from that, there is nothing else.

The good news is that there are drainage facilities on the deck, which are high in the middle and low on both sides. The rain will naturally flow to the side of the ship and then flow out from the drainage holes.

The bad news is that the rain seems to be getting heavier and heavier, and people are worried about whether the drainage holes can withstand it.

This is obviously not a good day to go out to sea, but there is no way, the arrow has to be shot.

Aoerdai tried to use magic to stop the rain from soaking her, but the rain was too heavy and it didn't work at all.

The impact of the rainstorm on vision is even more disastrous.

Since the rainstorm began, the three have completely lost their way. At first, they could vaguely see the torches or magic lights on the boats chasing them from behind through the rain curtain, but soon these lights were submerged in the rain and nothing could be seen.

The sky and the sea seemed to be integrated into one, and the ship seemed to be sailing in the darkness where one could not see one's hand in front of one's face, as if it would be swallowed up in the next moment.

The only lighting was the lightning that flashed across the sky from time to time, which would illuminate the surroundings for a moment, but this light was too short and too bright, often causing a large bright spot to be reflected on the water surface, and it was impossible to see what was around them.

In this environment, it was obviously very dangerous to have no light. Alde wiped the rain off her face and had to raise her staff.

A striking ball of light was launched onto the mast and immediately lit up with a strong light.

This is the Daylight Spell, which can be seen from the literal meaning that it is a spell that emits strong light. However, it is generally not used for lighting, but to deal with some creatures that are sensitive to light.

There was no other way. In this environment, the commonly used light spell or dancing light spell did not work at all. The only way was to use the brighter daylight spell.

The light ball hanging on the mast successfully illuminated the surroundings of the crystal ship. The light passed through the light blue crystal, making the water surface seem a little more dreamy.

"Over there! Shoot!"

Then the troublemaker came.

When the light source was lost, no one knew where anyone was, and they even doubted whether they would drift back to the dock with the current.

But when Alde turned on the light, she immediately became the brightest person in the room.

A ship of the Wild Bear Mercenaries that had been chasing them nearby unknowingly immediately discovered them, and summoned the people on the deck to rain arrows.

This sounds dangerous, but in fact it was just a lip service.

The arrows were only halfway through their flight when they were forcibly rolled back by the strong wind blowing sideways. Even if there were a few stray bullets, they could not even touch the edge of Alde's ship and fell into the water.

But to be honest, it was not an easy task for Alde to fight back.

After all, the sea was too bumpy now. It was a lot of effort just to stand, not to mention casting a spell in such a bumpy situation. Orde used the light ball of daylight two or three times before it succeeded.

At this time, Nimia, who was controlling the rudder, shouted loudly:

"Hold on!"

Under the light, the sea water, which had changed from pitch black to light gray, suddenly rose up a huge crest, and Orde's ship just happened to be on the crest.

Going up, you will naturally come down, and the undulating waves will not wait for you to slowly drive down.

Just like being thrown up, the whole ship was thrown directly into the air, and then it hit the water surface with a bang.

Although the ship is made of crystal on the surface, it actually only looks like crystal. In fact, who knows what material the elves used at the time. If it fell down like this, the wooden ship would have fallen apart long ago, but this crystal ship would be fine.

But the boat is fine, which does not mean that the people are fine.

Only Zora was strong, holding the winch that controlled the sail tightly. Nimia and Orday fell directly on the deck, and their whole bodies hurt as if they had broken bones.

This was considered good luck. Many of the wild bear mercenaries who tried to shoot arrows at Orday and the others had been thrown off the ship and into the sea because of the flying.

"Are you all right? Is anyone broken? I still have some magic power and can cast healing spells."

"I'm fine, it's just my head...ah, my horn seems to be broken!"

Tieflings also care about the horns on their heads. Nimia even waxes them carefully every day. I wonder if the healing spell can connect them if they break.

Orday didn't seem to have broken bones, but she must have bruises from the fall. She was about to speak when she heard a loud bang.

Hurrying up, Orday saw the bow of a crystal ship that had just hit the left rear of their ship.

With the light and the occasional lightning flashing across the sky, you can clearly see a large group of densely packed spiders crawling towards them along the place where the two ships touch.

Let’s put it this way, it has a kind of beauty like the march of cockroaches, and people who see it will get goose bumps on the back of their necks.

Aurda quickly raised her palm towards the spider crawling over, and sticky flames immediately spurted out from her palm, and the scorched spiders were washed off the boat mixed with heavy rain.

Low-level spells like Burning Hands have little effect, after all, there are not many casting gestures.

In the darkness illuminated by the flames, Aurda saw a huge black shadow on the other ship. The spider elf stepped on eight legs and approached the side of the ship, even slightly accumulating strength, as if to jump over.

In this situation, if the spider elf is allowed to board the ship, it will be troublesome.

By the way, are you guys sick? Why are you staring at us!

At this moment, complaints and various countermeasures flashed through Aurda's mind quickly, but at the moment when the spider elf was about to jump, a roar fell from the dark clouds.


This voice, it is impossible to recognize it.

It's a dragon. No creature can imitate the roar of a dragon.

The next moment, a huge monster passed through the dark clouds full of lightning and entered the illumination range of the daylight spell.

It was a black dragon with black scales all over its body, about ten meters long, and blood-red eyes.

However, this black dragon seemed to have been shot down from above. It was not in a normal flying posture, but was facing down with its belly up. Its huge wings were wrapped around its body like a cloak. Maybe its wings were injured and it couldn't continue to fly.

Let's not talk about where this dragon came from. Coincidentally, it hit the Zhuoer ship exactly, and almost pressed it into the water in an instant.

But I don't know if it was an illusion. At the moment when the black dragon hit Zhuoer's ship, Alde, who was lying on the side of the ship, seemed to see Andy, the holy warrior who had met him once before, standing on the belly of the black dragon...

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