Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 586 Herd Effect

These crystal ships are not big, far from being the level of large sea ships. They are about ten meters long and three or four meters wide, similar to a relatively long boat. The raised bow shows an elegant curve, showing the aesthetics of the elves.

But I don’t know how it was designed at the beginning. The side of the ship is four or five meters high, and there is no gangway nearby.

It is not difficult to slide down from a height of four or five meters, but it is not easy to climb up, especially since these ships are made of crystal. Standing on them will make you slip, let alone climbing.

This requires some other methods to get up quickly.

Nimia is okay. She is very flexible. She jumped hard on Zora’s shoulders, stretched out her hands to grab the side of the ship, and climbed up in two steps. Then she immediately untied the hemp rope hanging on the backpack, tied one end to the mast, and let the other end hang down along the side of the ship.

While tying the rope, Zora threw two more fire strikes to force back the approaching spiders and wild bear mercenaries.

When it was Orday's turn to go up, it was very difficult. Don't expect a wizard who has only lifted a staff, the heaviest thing, to have strong physical ability. The side of the ship was four or five meters high. Orday climbed up along the rope hanging from Nimia, and slid down a section after climbing a few times. She was really not good at it. If she hadn't had to maintain a large barrier, Orday would have used flying.

In the end, it was still up to Zora. She dragged Orday's butt and threw it up hard. Orday grabbed the rope and was thrown on the deck of the crystal ship like a yo-yo.

Zora, who was left at the end, showed the holy emblem to the mercenaries who surrounded him. The roaring flames sprayed out like a gust of wind, and the rumbling sounded like a train whizzing past the dock.

This is a firestorm, a very powerful divine spell, which consumes a lot of magic power.

In terms of mana, Zora is definitely not as good as Orday. This shot almost ran out of mana.

After Alde went up, there was no longer any protection from the large barrier, so Zora had to leave as soon as possible.

She slashed at the crystal chain with a sword, and the dark gold blade was indestructible. With a click, the chain broke.

"Now, start the boat!"

Then Zora grabbed the rope hanging from Nimya, twisted it around her hand twice, and jumped on the crystal floor of the dock like a swing.

Alde, who was slapped on the deck, shook her dizzy head, and just heard Zora's voice, and immediately took out a scroll from her magic bag and tore it open.

A strong wind appeared out of nowhere, blowing up the sails, and the crystal ship docked on the shore, which was rising and falling with the waves, also slowly left the port under the force of the wind.

This timing was just right, and the wild bear mercenaries chasing Zora could not continue to chase forward, because the end of the dock was in front. At the closest time, Zora, who was hanging on the side of the ship, could feel that the blades of the mercenaries were only an inch away from the soles of his feet.

Holding the sword in the backhand, clang clang blocked the arrows shot at her. The hull of the crystal ship obviously tilted to the side. It should be Nimia who was steering the rudder.

The tilted hull helped Zora block the subsequent arrows like a shield, and she also took the opportunity to quickly grab the rope and climb up.

"I can't believe we actually rushed over!"

Nimia is a member of the reconnaissance team and usually does not participate in the frontal battlefield. It is the first time for her to be so exciting. Although it is thrilling, she seems particularly excited now.

This should be caused by excessive secretion of adrenaline. When the excitement is over, it will be scary.

However, Zora is very experienced in this regard. Let alone other things, when she and Viola fought their way out of the capital, they had to face much more dangers than now. It was really thousands of troops chasing them.

Excessive use of magic brought a strong sense of emptiness. Zora put the sword back into the scabbard and asked Alde:

"Where should we go now?"

"I don't know. I just saw the Wild Bear Mercenaries burning the ships and thought that these ships must be very important, so I planned to rob one."


This is a big problem.

From the dock, you can't see the end of this underground ocean at all. Anyway, looking far away now, you can only see the hazy darkness without any indicators.

But they don't have to worry about this problem soon, because Zora, standing on the side of the ship, saw that among the crystal ships docked at the dock, several have been started and seem to be chasing them.

"Professor Alde, speed up! Can't this ship go faster!"

"Windmaking is already the limit! I want to go faster too!"

Windmaking is not a powerful spell, and it is even more incomparable to the wind of nature. It's okay to leave the port quickly, but it will be unbearable soon.

In fact, the wind on the sea is not small now. Alde uses windmaking purely because she doesn't know how to control the sails.

Seeing this, Zora rushed over, grabbed a crystal capstan behind the mast, and turned it a few times.

The sail, which had been deflated because the effect of the wind-making magic was about to disappear, was blown up again by the sea breeze because of the change of direction.

"Have you learned to control the sail?"

"My father taught me before. He was the commander of the navy."

Most of the Knights of the Guards formed by Viola were daughters of nobles, and there were also many military dependents.

Since Zora knew how to use the sail, it was easy to say. Alde immediately gave way and returned to the side of the ship.

At this time, it can be seen that there are more than a dozen ships leaving the port, all of which have lit torches or magic lights, and they are all very tacitly, chasing Alde and others straight.

No, I can understand the Wild Bear Mercenaries chasing us, but why would the Drow and the Glow Ion Yin Cult chase us? !

The reason is actually very simple. Neither of them actually knew where to go when they sailed.

This is a bit like the herd effect. It was because Alde and the others rushed to grab a boat and set off that the other three parties immediately put down their fights and also grabbed a boat to leave the port.

The Wild Bear Mercenaries thought that Alde must have known that she had to take a boat to the other side to find the Demon King's Ring when she sailed out, so they hurriedly followed.

The Drow and the Glow Ion Yin Cult thought that since Alde had seized the boat and ran away, they would definitely not go wrong as long as they followed her.

However, in fact, Alde knew nothing. She was confused about which direction to go when she arrived at the sea.

Regardless of whether they knew it or not, everyone was at sea now, and it was unlikely that they would listen to Alde's explanation.

Since they set out early, they would not be caught up for the time being. Now, from the sky, it seemed that the ship of Orde was leading the way, which was particularly bright and prominent.

And speaking of the sky, there was bad news.


Along with the fierce lightning and the thunder from the horizon, heavy rain fell.

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