Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 568 Spider Swarm

As a high-level wizard, does Orday have no other good solution? It's too miserable to be chased all day long.

From the macro perspective of the multiverse, people in their 40s are just out of poverty, and some are capable of fighting.

But the multiverse is too big, and this base number is too terrifying. In fact, on average, on each plane, level 40 is already a pretty awesome guy.

Orday does have a way, but the problem is that the environment restricts her performance.

If it were in an open area, or even outdoors, Orday would have opened fire long ago. Not to mention that she could blow everyone away by herself, at least she would have no problem blowing a way out and retreating leisurely.

But this is in the underground ruins, and the dwarf's passage is not wide enough to cast high-powered spells at will. If you blow it up casually, you might bury yourself first.

So you can only run away quickly.

But there is also good news. Don't forget that behind the three of them, in addition to mercenaries, there are also drow.

The two groups of people happened to be chasing Alde and the others into a tunnel, and they were not from the same group.

There was a sound of fighting behind the mercenaries. It should be that the drow and the wild bear mercenaries were fighting. Maybe the drow would think that Alde was a member of the wild bear mercenaries.

After all, in the eyes of the drow, they were all inferior creatures and looked the same.

Zora turned around and raised the holy emblem to add a blade barrier across the middle of the passage. The wild bear mercenaries who were chasing behind them quickly braked. Some of them who were not afraid of death tried to jump over, but they were minced into pieces by the blade barrier on the spot.

This move could not delay them for too long. The wild bear mercenaries must have a mage. They could remove it after a few hits from the mage. As long as they could delay for a while, it would be enough for Alde and the others to escape.

The more troublesome thing was that they were in a straight road, without even a pit. While running, they had to pay attention to various projectiles shot from behind.

Seeing the distance between them and the wild bear mercenaries being pulled away, the three of them just breathed a sigh of relief, when a dense, even creepy sound of footsteps like raindrops broke into their ears, and the source of the sound was in front of them.

Then the three of them saw a large group of spiders rushing into the passage like a tsunami behind the right-angle bend in front of them. Some were only the size of a fingernail, while others were as big as calves. The number was literally like a tide.

The number of drow was insufficient, so they relied on these spiders to make up for it.

Regardless of whether they were poisonous or not, big or small, such a large group of spiders rushing in the passage brought a more terrible psychological impact to people. The three of them braked almost at the same time, and layers of goose bumps appeared on the back of their necks.

Aerde raised her hand and threw a fireball. In the roaring explosion, countless spiders were burned and exploded, but more spiders rushed up from the back, just like a fountain, and the effect of the fireball was minimal.

What should I do now? Continue to use the fireball?

To be honest, regardless of whether such a huge spider group can be blown up, the dwarf ruins are probably not able to withstand the continuous fireballs.

At this critical moment, Li Chengxi finally took action.

A rotating black hole suddenly opened on the ceiling in front of the three people, and a metal can fell from it, with a hand pressing the button on the top of the can.

With a hissing sound, a large piece of white fog sprayed out from the top of the can towards the spiders.

Aoerdai also received instructions immediately and immediately raised his staff towards the spraying fog:

"Wind Creation!"

The underground passage suddenly rolled up a gust of wind, and the white fog that was originally floating in the direction of Aoerdai and the other two was blown by the strong wind and all hit the spiders.

The effect can be said to be immediate. The spiders that squeezed through the passage in groups slowed down the moment they touched the white fog. Every spider twitched into a ball and finally stood still.

It sounds a bit awesome, but actually it's a can of insecticide...

Although spiders are not insects but arthropods in terms of classification, insecticide doesn't care how much you use, they will all die.

If necessary, spraying it on people will also have an excellent effect, it can be said to be a highly lethal poison gas.

For this reason, Li Chengxi didn't dare to spray too much, fearing that Aoerdai and the others would also be affected. Seeing that the spider corpses were almost blocking the passage, he quickly took out the insecticide.

Aoerdai kept the wind-making technique to blow away as much poison gas as possible.

I thought that after waiting for a while, the concentration of poison gas would decrease, and after clearing the spider corpses blocking the road, I could continue to run. As a result, as soon as Li Chengxi took back the insecticide, he saw a strange spider leaping from the pile of corpses and pounced on the three people standing there.

It was a spider covered with a thick shell, but it was different from the shell of a crab. It felt like it was covered with sharp swords. Even if you touched it, you might get a row of cuts on your hand.

This was a sword spider, the size of a pony. In addition to its invulnerable shell, its biggest feature was immunity to toxins.

Insecticides were also poisonous, but it just ignored them.

Alde was maintaining the wind-making spell, and had to interrupt the spell and retreat when she saw this.

The huge body of the sword spider smashed on the ground, leaving a series of eye-catching scratches on the solid ground. If it fell on a person, he would be bloody on the spot.

It's not just the sword spiders. There are many species of spiders that are immune to toxins. The three of them immediately saw a slight tremor under the piles of spider corpses, as if there were still living spiders trying to struggle to crawl out.

There were spiders blocking the way in front and mercenaries chasing behind. It was a very troublesome situation.

However, things have their priorities. The mercenaries are still trying to get over the sword blade barrier, and the sword spiders in front of them are even more problematic.

The sword spider took a hunting posture, leaning forward and pressing down slightly, like a spring full of power.

The spider's feet have extremely efficient hydraulic devices. Although most spiders can only crawl, in fact, the jumping power of spiders exceeds that of most mammals.

The sword spider's sharp shell left deep grooves on the ground. Alde and the other two also concentrated their attention and waited. As long as the sword spider launched an attack, they would immediately start to counterattack.

At this time when it was about to explode, a light "click" sound suddenly came from under the sword spider's feet.

The three saw that the sword spider seemed to have stepped on a movable brick that would press down...

The slight sound of the gears turning entered the ears of the three people. Almost at the same time, a square hole opened in the ceiling, and a huge rolling stone fell from the sky, hitting the sword spider's head.

Its proud shell could stop the slashing of swords and even magic would be bounced off, but compared with the rolling stone that was almost two people tall, it was still nothing.

Like a small insect being crushed to death, the sword spider's shell was broken and its internal organs were squeezed out by the weight of the rolling stone.

Even if it was a spider with tenacious vitality, it would definitely not be able to survive after being hit.

But there was a small problem.

The rolling stone seemed to be moving towards Alde and the other two...

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