Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 567 Calling for the Divine Guards

Magic looks awesome, with excellent sound and light effects, but actually warriors have a kind of plain beauty.

Although most of the combat skills used by warriors do not have such exaggerated pictures, it is very difficult for magic to affect powerful warriors.

Just like when Yang Yiyi used the psychic laser gun to attack Shen Qingshuang from behind, when magic hits the energy wrapped around the whole body of the warrior, it will be bounced away in an instant, and the warrior can even use the energy to tear the magic and even abnormal state.

So, there is a kind of plain beauty.

The drow warriors who were guarding the door lay down without saying a word, purely because they were bad, lightning spells were not a particularly strong spell, after all, Alde had no chance to use strong spells.

On the other hand, behind them, the drow warriors and priests who were hit by fireballs and floating mines were at most a little dusty, and they were still rushing forward with a howl.

And because of the noise just now, the drow who were resting in the temporary base also grabbed their weapons and joined the pursuit. Aoerdai and the other two were like a train with a bunch of monsters following behind.

But no matter what, they finally reached the exit and the three of them filed out.

In order to prevent them from continuing to chase, Zora turned around and raised the holy emblem:

"Call the Guardian!"

A golden portal opened in the doorway, and a knight wearing golden and red armor and holding a huge sword walked out of it, but its height almost blocked the entire doorway, and it must be more than three meters tall.

Under the cross mask on the knight's face, a red light spot lit up, moving up and down, locking onto the attacking drow.

Calling the Guardian can call out a messenger of the god that the priest believes in... the power projection.

This is a spell that tests the caster's level very much. The higher the caster's level, the more powerful the messenger called out will be.

To be honest, it is more appropriate to use a blade barrier to block the road, but the other side also has a priest. If you use a blade barrier, it is likely to be easily removed. It is better to ask the God's projection to block the road.

From this perspective, Li Chengxi has a kingdom of God, because the God's envoy lives in the kingdom of God, but he has not seen what his kingdom of God looks like yet.

"Heathen, die!"

The God's projection actually spoke, but the three people who ran away hurriedly did not hear what it said. It felt like it was directly attacked by the guard golem that Li Chengxi only knew, saying all the words of the foul-mouthed enemy.

While the God's projection was blocking the road, the three people continued to run forward along the passage. The God's projection could not stop Zhuo Er for too long, so they ran as far as they could before that.

Not long after, a crossroads appeared in front. According to the map given by Yue Luo, turn left from this crossroads and walk forward for a while, you can find a hidden door, and you can go down to the fourth floor through the hidden door.

But as soon as the three turned left, they saw a group of aggressive wild bear mercenaries also appeared in the passage on that side.

The wild bear mercenaries might have come to deal with the drow, but suddenly Aoerdai and the other two rushed out from the crossroads, and both sides were stunned when they met.

"It's her! It's Professor Aoerdai! Kill her!"

It's normal that some of the mercenaries knew Aoerdai. These guys came to stop Aoerdai from getting the Demon King's Ring, and this time it can be said that they just ran into each other's hands.

The wild bear mercenaries blocked the way to the fourth floor. There was no choice but to give up turning left and continue to run forward.

Feather arrows, crossbows, and steel balls shot from slingshots or catapults, plus alchemical bombs, strong acid flat bottles, fiery glue and other things all came from behind. The things used by the wild bear mercenaries were quite miscellaneous.

For this reason, Aoerdai had to deliberately run at the end of the team and hold up a magic barrier to block the attack from behind.

Going straight ahead, a T-junction appeared in front of them soon.

It was indeed marked on the map that Yue Luo gave. Aoerdai shouted from behind:

"Go right, run right! Let's go around!"

We couldn't turn left just now, but we turned right this time. It seemed like we were going around in a circle, but in fact, if we turned left at this intersection, we would end up in a dead end.

The three of them turned right immediately. There was a straight passage in front of them, which was much wider than before. It should have been an important passage for the dwarves to transport ore or metal products in the past. You can even see the tracks embedded in the floor to facilitate the mine carts to move forward.

When the wild bear mercenaries saw the three of them turn right, they immediately caught up with them.

Aoerdai took out a long scroll and tore open the wax seal, throwing it back without even looking at it.

The scroll instantly turned into dark green grease when it landed on the ground, and the wild bear mercenaries who followed closely behind slipped and fell on the spot, causing a traffic accident immediately.

Aoerdai turned back and raised her finger, ready to give them a fireball to warm them up, but at this time Zora held Aoerdai's head.

"Be careful!"

Something sharp flew over the heads of the three people, even cutting off a little of Zora's hair.

At this time, if you look closely, you will find a spider-shaped shadow lying on the ceiling of the passage. The sharp thing just now is the claw of this thing.

"It's the Shadow Scythe! How can there be such a thing!"

"It must be brought by the drow!"

The Shadow Scythe is a spider monster that roams underground. Its whole body is shrouded in terrible shadows. Only when it attacks, you can see the eight red eyes on its head that seem to glow.

The Shadow Scythes have no toxins, but their claws have the effect of cutting force fields, and can cut through even fine steel armor in an instant. Alde's defensive spells cannot stop it. If it weren't for Zora's quick reaction just now, Alde's head would be in two pieces now.

After missing the first strike, the Shadow Scythe let out a piercing scream and fell from the sky towards the three people.

"Heavy Impact!"

A magic sphere shot out from Alde's hand, but the Shadow Scythe's claws have the ability to cut force fields, and the sphere was cut into pieces in an instant, which only caused it a little trouble.

And this little trouble was enough.

As soon as the magic sphere was cut into pieces, the Shadow Scythe's eight eyes saw Zora leap up, and on Zora's back, Nimia jumped up again, taking advantage of the Shadow Scythe's hesitation about who to deal with first, and threw a small cloth bag at it.

The powder in the bag hit Shadow Scythe's face and instantly turned into a pile of glittering blue smoke. Shadow Scythe even let out a painful scream.

It's very simple. It's a special insect repellent. Every adventurer will carry some to avoid being unable to sleep in the wild due to insects.

No matter how powerful Shadow Scythe is, it can't change its nature as an insect.

Of course, it's a bit of a pipe dream to kill Shadow Scythe with a small bag of insect repellent, but there is still Zora.

When Shadow Scythe struggled, Zora took the long sword snatched from the drow and shouted:

"Holy Sword Technique!"

Some silver-blue blades immediately lit up with brilliant divine light, cutting through Shadow Scythe's thick shell like cutting tofu.

When the two landed again, the Shadow Scythe was torn into two and fell to the ground. The dark green insect blood sizzled under the light of the holy sword, as if it was evaporated. In the blink of an eye, the giant spider, which was almost as tall as a person, didn't even have a chance to struggle, and was completely dead.

"Over here!"

"Quick, dispel the grease spell!"

Hearing the movement from the Wild Bear Mercenary, the three of them didn't even have time to pose, and immediately started running.

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