Demon King Calendar 648.

April 25th, afternoon.

Silver Pass.

After two days and one night of field marching, Viola led all her troops to the Silver Pass before the winter wolf went south.

The terrain here is very suitable for ambush, with steep rock walls on both sides, and only a gap less than 100 meters wide that needs to be defended.

The magician in the army used fireballs to blow down the mountain walls on both sides in the morning, leaving a large amount of rubble in the pass.

This is not to completely block the pass, but to make it difficult for the winter wolf to move after entering.

The soldiers carried the oil barrels they brought and sprinkled flammable grease around the pass, bringing almost all the oil that could be collected in the entire Leon territory.

Because the winter wolf is very afraid of fire, the thick fur will catch fire at a touch, and using fire attack is a very symptomatic method.

These preparations were all suggestions provided by Lena. Although she modestly said that she had only fought with the winter wolf, she actually knew the habits and weaknesses of the winter wolf very well.

By the way, Wendy didn't come.

After all, in this kind of battle, this young lady can't help.

"Hurry up and move the remaining grease up, it's almost time!"


The soldiers were busy making final preparations. Some of them would climb the steep rock walls on both sides of the pass through ropes, from where they would throw grease bottles or launch rockets from a high position.

This terrain is so perfect that it is equivalent to a natural city gate.

If the successive Leon lords were a little more human and allocated funds to build a real city wall here, they could ensure that the territory would not be affected by the monsters in the northern snowfield.

But obviously, compared to the lives of ordinary people, the successive lords would rather keep the money in their own pockets.

So the most troublesome thing is that the pass cannot be completely sealed. Even if there are rubbles blocking the winter wolves from advancing, people must be sent to guard the front to prevent the winter wolves from entering the territory and endangering the safety of civilians.

Viola took the initiative to undertake this most difficult task. She led most of the soldiers to form a formation here, and even she herself was mentally prepared to go into battle in person.

The royal family of the Avarus Demon Kingdom is like this. They are braver than anyone else in war, and the king and prince also died in this way.

Wendy sent Reina here. In addition to providing professional knowledge on dealing with winter wolves, the final mission is to watch Princess Viola. She must not be in any trouble.

The preparations were carried out in an orderly manner, and everyone was waiting for the battle with bated breath.

According to the forecast, the East Wolf Pack will arrive at the Silver Pass after nightfall. The night is not a favorable factor.


Viola has already led people to the Silver Pass to wait for it. Li Chengxi...

It can be said that he is also waiting for it.

After the store closed, he went upstairs to turn on the desktop computer and watched the Silver Pass on the big screen.

Not only that, he also prepared popcorn and soda, and even used a small electric stove to make some barbecue for himself, sitting in front of the computer as if waiting for the opening of a blockbuster.

"Haven't they come yet... It's almost half past ten."

The sky in the game has completely darkened. Many soldiers standing on the cliffs have lit torches, and the magicians have also shot several large light balls into the sky, which seem to be used as flares.

Due to the four-hour time difference between the game and reality, it was almost midnight on Li Chengxi's side when they had just entered the night.

Grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing it into his mouth, Li Chengxi was just about to see where the East Wolf Pack was when he saw a group of furry huskies appear above the screen.

Here they come! Finally here!

The soldiers who could see Viola also noticed the approach of the winter wolf, and many soldiers who were resting in place immediately stood up and lined up.

And in the hands of the guards knights who were in charge of commanding the soldiers, one after another of the light circles exploded and spread out, enveloping the soldiers in the entire array.

Although Li Chengxi decided not to intervene directly unless necessary, he did not take any action.

He gave the Guards Knights the Blessing spell, which can improve the combat effectiveness of friendly forces within the spell range. Although the improvement is not large, it is a comprehensive improvement.

In this military-level battlefield, the amount of improvement will be very considerable.

The only thing that is a bit eye-catching is that the Guards Knights who use the Blessing spell either shout "Gan!" or "Crap!".

Although the style of painting is strange, it can be regarded as a boost to morale... right?

The movement speed of the winter wolves is still quite fast. After Viola's buff, the vanguard of the winter wolves has already approached the Silver Pass.

Then their speed suddenly dropped because of the gravel on the ground.

Viola did not order people to immediately ignite the grease sprinkled around the pass, but first covered it with a wave of ordinary arrow rain.

Li Chengxi saw it clearly. At that time, a large group of winter wolves were shot into sieves.

"Viola is very sober and knows that there are more behind."

If the grease is ignited now, it will not cause enough damage to the winter wolves behind.

Li Chengxi's side was a 45-degree bird's-eye view, so he could clearly see the size of the wolf pack, but Viola was watching from the first person perspective, and it was dark now, so from her perspective the wolf pack might just be a huge mass, and she couldn't see where the end was.

Even when facing a large group of man-eating beasts, Viola remained sober and rational, which was rare.

As the rows of arrows swept by, the bodies of the winter wolves in the pile of rocks increased, but there were more winter wolves rushing forward against the arrows.

It is said that the number of winter wolves exceeds 2,000, and the number of those killed is less than three digits at most, so it is still a long time before the end of the battle.

Li Chengxi, who was watching the show, found that a messenger ran to the bottom of the rock wall and shouted something to the soldiers above.

Then the soldiers on the rock wall fired rockets down and ignited the grease at the pass.

The fire started up in an instant, and the winter wolves who were only concerned with rushing forward were soon burned into carbon.

Li Chengxi looked at the skewers in his hand and decided to put them down first.

"It's still a little early, but there's nothing I can do. Viola can't see how many are behind."

This fire directly burned the vanguard of the winter wolves. As Lena said, this group of large huskies almost caught fire. If the winter wolves were too close to each other, the flames would spread further.

Of course, winter wolves are not so easy to deal with.

It is said that winter wolves have high IQs. There is a very exaggerated saying that winter wolves can abduct and sell the barbarians who hunt them to human traffickers...

In addition, since winter wolves are called monsters instead of beasts, it means that winter wolves actually have some special abilities.

A little further away, the winter wolves that were not affected by the flames did not face the deadly flames and did not brake suddenly. They knew very well that even if they stopped, the winter wolves behind them would not stop, but would squeeze themselves into the fire.

So the winter wolves facing the flames opened their mouths and sprayed extremely cold liquid and cold air.

The range of a winter wolf's spray is not large, but hundreds of winter wolves spraying together, this range is very excessive.

"Fuck! Can fire be frozen?"

Li Chengxi almost stuffed popcorn into his nose. He clearly saw that the originally swaying flames were sealed by ice, and a group of winter wolves used this method to quickly pass through the area covered with grease.

It is worthy of being a magical script. It is really unscientific, but it is quite magical...

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