Year 648 of the Demon King's Calendar.

April 23, morning.

North of Leon Fortress.

"Rena, look, the wheat in the fields has sprouted."

"Miss, please don't go into the farmland."

"It's okay, the more the wheat seedlings are stepped on, the taller they will grow."

Although she was born into a noble family, Wendy was not just a young lady who only drank tea and chatted all day long.

As long as she can remember, she has often gone to the fields with her grandfather and has a natural affinity for farmers.

"What are you doing over there? It seems like you want to build something?"

"I heard that I want to build a kind of mill called a windmill."

"Windmill? I've only seen waterwheels. Is it driven by wind?"

"According to the guards knights, yes. This is the blueprint given by the Demon King and God."

Wendy was a little confused when it came to the Demon King God.

"What kind of vocation is this god? God of war? God of kings? God of agriculture? God of craftsmen?"

Personally intervening in the mortal world shows that the Demon King God has an extremely high level of divinity and is extremely powerful, but this has nothing to do with his priesthood.

Priesthood, in layman's terms, is the responsibility and authority of God.

Pray to the God of Agriculture for a good harvest, the God of Commerce for prosperity, and the God of Medicine for healing.

It is impossible to pray to the god of agriculture for victory in all battles, and it is not professionally appropriate.

But the Demon King God is very magical, and I feel like I can get anything done by praying to Him.

He personally intervened in the war and gave magic medicine to cure Zola, the leader of the Knights of the Guards. He is somewhat like the God of War or the God of Medicine.

But the change of hands brought brand new crops and a large number of new designs, which felt like they overlapped with the responsibilities of the god of agriculture and the god of craftsmen.

Priesthood is fundamental to a god's existence and is usually expressed very clearly to avoid any confusion.

The Demon King God simply did the opposite. Even if he asked Viola, he couldn't tell what kind of priesthood he had.

Reina couldn't answer this question, so she didn't answer.

"If I am also a devout believer, I might be able to ask the Demon King directly."

"But you are too intellectual to accept belief in God."

Belief comes from the heart and is not pursued for utilitarian purposes. If you don’t want to believe in a religion subconsciously, it will be useless no matter how many times you read the teachings.

Viola and the others became devout believers mainly because they saw the miracle with their own eyes, so they recognized it in their hearts.

"Okay, I'll try to read the teachings a few more times when I get back from my walk. Maybe I can hear the voice of the Demon King."

As soon as they finished speaking, the master and servant saw a guard knight riding a horse in their direction.

"Your Excellency Wendy, Your Highness the Princess has something urgent to ask of you. Please follow me back to the castle immediately."

It seemed that something had indeed happened.


By the time Wendy arrived at the castle, the conference room was already crowded with people, all of whom were the knights and officers of the guard that Viola relied on.

Seeing Wendy coming, Viola said:

"The scouts just reported that a large number of winter wolves are heading south and approaching us."

It's indeed a big deal.

One of the officers asked:

"What's the exact number?"

"The scouts did not confirm carefully, but estimated the number to be more than 2,000."

"so much!?"

Winter wolves are monsters that live in groups. Generally, the number of wolves ranges from a few to more than a dozen. Two thousand winter wolves are enough to bulldoze Leon's territory.

"This is too abnormal."

An officer from the local garrison said:

"In the past, there were reports of winter wolves attacking humans and animals, but it's almost May now, and the climate in Leon Territory is not suitable for winter wolves to survive, let alone such a large-scale move south."

"The specific reason is not yet clear, but it is a fact that the winter wolf is approaching."

At this time Wendy said:

"The winter wolves must be kept in the northern mountains and cannot be allowed to enter the Leon Territory, otherwise the damage caused will be inestimable."

This is the busy time for farming, and the arrival of winter wolves will have a major impact on food production. What's more, it is not an easy task to evacuate all the residents of the villages and towns near Leon Fortress into the fortress.

In this case, we can only stop them before they enter the territory.

"That's exactly what I meant."

Viola pointed to the map and said:

"If the wolves choose to bypass the avalanche, there are only three places suitable for our ambush. Considering the march and preparation time, the most suitable place is only the Silver Pass."

That is the exit into the snowfield further north. If you don't go here, you have to cross the mountains. For the winter wolves who are not good at mountaineering, this is the only option.

"Wendy, did you bring any soldiers?"

"No, Your Highness. This time I quietly bypassed the encirclement and came from Qihang City without bringing any soldiers."

Wendy looked at the map and then said:

"But Rena can help you. I believe she is more useful than hundreds of soldiers."

Reina, who was standing behind Wendy, nodded slightly and said:

"I have experience in dealing with monsters. I have fought winter wolves before."

"Have you ever been an adventurer before?"

"It's just that the master has specially trained us in this area."

"Okay, the specific details of the battle require your knowledge for reference. Do you have any objections to the blocking battle at Silver Pass?"

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Viola nodded and said:

"Then let's discuss the specific battle plan now and try to complete it before noon. We will spend another afternoon preparing. After praying to the Demon King tomorrow, we will set out immediately."


"Winter Wolves..."

Looking at a group of two-headed little people on the screen discussing tactical countermeasures, Li Chengxi sighed:

"It is indeed a magical background. Monsters finally appear. I thought the main enemies in this game were all people."

It always feels wrong to have no monsters in a magical background game. Before this, the most monster-like thing Li Chengxi had seen was the goblins living in the Farthest Forest, the kind of fairy-shaped creatures that appear in fairy tales.

In fact, it's not that there are no monsters, but that the Leon territory is so remote that even monsters rarely come. It's hard to find a second family in such a remote place.

Li Chengxi didn't care about what tactics Viola and the others had prepared. He just took a general look at it, and then raised the camera to move north to find the place where the scouts found the winter wolf pack.

It was not difficult to find them, because a large group of furry things that move are quite conspicuous. Soon Li Chengxi found them in the mountains north of Leon Territory.

"Aren't these just a group of two-headed huskies..."

Hearing the name, winter wolves.

Li Chengxi thought it was some kind of mighty wolf-shaped monster, but when he actually found it, he was immediately disappointed.

After all, a two-headed pixel-style monster would only look cute no matter how mighty it was.

However, the camera followed the winter wolves and soon found that these "huskies" were not simple.

No matter what kind of animal they were on their route, they had to run quickly. If they ran a little slower, they would be swept into the wolf pack and disappear in an instant.

When the wolf pack passed, there would be no bones left on the ground.

So Li Chengxi recognized them as husky-shaped locusts.

"Or, I'll just kill them."

It's unlikely to kill all the winter wolves with one slap, but as long as the camera is raised a little higher, one hand can wrap up the winter wolf pack.

The faith value displayed on the left side of the screen is also approaching the 1,000 mark, which should be enough.

But after thinking about it carefully, Li Chengxi gave up this idea again.

It has been repeated many times that faith value is the most important resource, and it grows the slowest compared to other resources. If you use it casually, you may be at a loss when you need it in the future.

Moreover, Li Chengxi plays the role of God in the game, and he has to think in the way of God.

It is easy to kill it, but the profit is too small, and no audience will publicize it.

This is not conducive to the increase in the number of believers.

Even if Li Chengxi tells Viola after the killing, Viola and others will publicize it, and passers-by will think that it is bragging if no one sees it.

So after a little consideration, Li Chengxi decided to let Viola and others do it themselves first, and he would take action when he really couldn't handle it.

It can not only ensure the safety of the territory, but also maximize the profit, and will not use up the precious faith value casually.

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