Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 510 There is everything in the dream

On a dark night, the moonlight just reached the treetops, and the gauze-like clouds covered the moonlight, leaving only a hazy layer in the sky.

On the ground, it was already time to turn off the lights and go to bed. The huge building complex that could not be seen at a glance seemed like a sleeping giant with a hundred eyes, closing its countless eyes.

At this time, Qin Yan flew lightly over the roof, her whereabouts were ghostly and erratic, as light as a falling leaf, as fast as the wind, even if she jumped over the head of the night watchman, she did not even roll up the slightest ripple.

If you ask where the most heavily defended place in the world is, the palace is naturally on the list.

Countless soldiers patrol day and night, and the masters of the palace hide in the dark to spy on all possible threats, especially the treasury in the palace, and there are countless traps specially made by skilled craftsmen. Even if it is a famous (or notorious) thief, it is not easy to get in.

And Qin Yan's goal today is a night pearl in the treasury.

She easily found a gap in patrols, and was literally as light as a swallow, jumping over the towering wall with just one leap.

Stepping on the glazed tiles used exclusively for the emperor, Qin Yan walked briskly, and no one noticed that there was a thief on the roof.

The palace was so big that it was not possible to visit it in a day or two, but Qin Yan had prepared in advance, and had already stepped on the plate in the shape of a palace maid. She even knew the patrol time of the soldiers in the palace, and had already locked on where the things were.

So she went straight to the treasury without stopping or hesitation. Even the master of the palace who was a secret sentry did not notice that there was an uninvited guest in the palace.

The huge treasury was half on the ground and half underground. Qin Yan found the ventilation window on the ground part, and used the bone shrinking skill to get in like a loach.

Even without candles, the treasury was not dark, and the jewels and treasures were shining with golden light, and the whole room was full of valuable treasures.

However, as a principled thief, Qin Yan would only take the predetermined target and would not take anything else.

So she completely ignored the dazzling array of jewels and quickly scanned the surrounding floor.

It was hidden so deeply, but it could not be hidden from me!

Qin Yan used a knife to cut a silk-thin tripwire, and then pulled out the iron wire that was usually used as a hairpin, found a very inconspicuous hole on the floor, and opened the secret door in a few moves.

The treasures stored in the underground of the treasure house are naturally even rarer, but for some reason, Qin Yan could not see clearly.

She rubbed her eyes and did not want to pay attention to these, because she saw the conspicuous night-shining pearl on the central cushion at a glance.

Like a gymnast, Qin Yan used incredible movements and flexibility that seemed to be boneless to accurately avoid the triggering mechanism of each trap and put the night-shining pearl as big as a longan into her pocket.

At this time, the cushion where the night-shining pearl was stored sank slightly, and Qin Yan secretly thought it was not good.

For a moment, the golden bell above the treasury rang, and everyone in the palace heard the alarm. Countless soldiers rushed to check, and the imperial guards quickly blocked various important places. The whole palace was like an angry beast.

But this had nothing to do with Qin Yan. She listened to the noisy voices and even played with the night pearl for a while, and then disappeared completely like a puff of smoke...


The sun was shining and spring was in the air. At this time of year, it was the most comfortable day of the year.

Wujiazhuang opened its doors to welcome guests and held a banquet.

As the young owner of the manor, Wu Shaoyi of course had to greet the guests at the door. She smiled so hard that her face was cramped, but she still couldn't hide her joy.

"I have heard of the great name of Wujiazhuang for a long time, and I came here to congratulate you. Please don't despise some small gifts."

"In that case, you can come to give face to my Wujiazhuang. Please come in."

Wu Shaoyi happily invited the guests in. She had repeated this action many times.

Wujiazhuang finally became famous in her hands, and became an important part of the Central Plains martial arts world. Whenever there was any major event, they would first consult Wujiazhuang, and every word and action was of great importance.

Wu Shaoyi was happy, and his long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled.

But after welcoming the guests in, Wu Shaoyi suddenly felt something was wrong.

Speaking of which, why was the banquet held today?

Wu Shaoyi couldn't quite remember, and for some reason, the people who came to congratulate him looked like they had seen him at the Youth Hero Conference. Except for Jianghu Sanren, the faces of the people from various major sects looked a little blurry.

"Miss Wu, am I not late?"

Wu Shaoyi just realized that something was wrong, but immediately saw Yang Yiyi enter the door, and immediately put the abnormality she just noticed behind her.

"It's not too late, it's enough that Miss Yang can come."

"I didn't come empty-handed today. I found a magic medicine that can help you stand up, Miss Wu."

"Are you serious?"

The wound that almost cut Qin Yan open, after taking a bottle of medicine, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. This was what Wu Shaoyi saw with his own eyes.

So although he said "this is serious", he actually drank the medicine without hesitation after taking it from Yang Yiyi.

A warm current spread from the abdomen to the legs. The magical thing is that Wu Shaoyi could actually feel the existence of her legs.

She held the armrest of the wheelchair and slowly stood up.

For the first time in her life, Wu Shaoyi walked on her own legs. It was both novel and exciting. She walked faster and faster. In an instant, it seemed that everything in the world disappeared. Wu Shaoyi only remembered that she was running, like a sika deer jumping in the woods.


Dark clouds covered the sky, thunder shook the earth, on this deadly thunderstorm day, a group of martial arts masters gathered at the top of Leishan Mountain.

Yang Yiyi stood on one side, not caring about the thunder above her head at all, and said to the master on the other side:

"Please teach me."

After that, the two of them fought together, and the strong energy made the thunderclouds show some signs of dissipation, and the earth was shaking. All the spectators showed horror, and they never thought that this person would be so strong.

Yang Yiyi responded calmly. She felt that her mind had never been so clear. Every move was as if assisted by God. It was a unique move at will, and it was a unique skill as soon as she thought about it.

After fighting for less than a cup of tea, Yang Yiyi locked the opponent's throat with a mantis trick. As long as she wanted, she could make the master in front of her fall at any time.

However, fighting is not a fight of life and death, Yang Yiyi gently let go of the other party:

"Thank you."

The crowd exclaimed, cheered, and praised, but Yang Yiyi didn't care until she saw a man coming.

This man was dressed strangely, like a long gown or a tight suit, the color was uncertain, one second he looked like a crescent white, and the next second he was a dark color.

The dress was unclear, sometimes it looked like a Taoist priest with white hair and a youthful face, sometimes like a gentle scholar, and sometimes like a young man with a happy face.

As for the face, it was even more unclear, as if it was shrouded in a fog, and the facial features kept changing.

But Yang Yiyi didn't notice this abnormality, and even happily moved over.

The other party patted Yang Yiyi on the shoulder and said Li Chengxi's voice:

"Yiyi did a good job."


Yang Yiyi couldn't help scratching her head and giggling, very excited, and said in a tone like a child showing off his achievements:

"I am already invincible in the world!"

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