Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 509: Lost as expected

Anyone who has experience in outdoor operations knows that once you enter the woods, it is easy to go astray.

This is because you can't walk in a straight line. After all, there are trees and vegetation everywhere. If you encounter them, you have to go around them. If you go around them a few times, the direction will be completely messed up.

Fortunately, there is sun in the sky now, so it is not difficult to lose the direction. There is no forest on the map, maybe the map is too old.

So the three of them discussed and decided not to go west to chase Ning Xianer and the others. It is very difficult to track footprints in the woods. In addition, the vegetation is extremely lush, and the three of them are afraid that they will enter the Lost Forest while walking.

So the three of them turned south and planned to go in the direction that the people of Southern Xinjiang had inquired about, and then inquire when they arrived at the next town.

And this walk lasted a whole morning, and they still didn't leave the woods.

This is strange, is this forest that big?

Yang Yiyi and Qin Yan are not locals, and have never been here. Although Wu Shaoyi is considered a local, he has never left home. The trip to the Youth Heroes Conference was the farthest trip.

So the three girls could only scratch their heads and continue to walk south. Anyway, they would definitely be able to leave the woods if they aimed in one direction.

Then they saw what it meant that good fortune never comes alone, but misfortune never comes alone.

They used the dry food they brought with them to have lunch, and soon after they got back on the road, the three heard the roaring thunder in the sky.

Damn, is it going to rain?

Getting wet by the rain is not a big deal, but it will be troublesome if the sky is covered with dark clouds and the sun cannot be found.

Facts have proved that luck is really unreliable, and they encountered bigger troubles than rain.

For example, lightning.

It was spring, and there would always be thunderstorms and even thunderstorms in this land in the southwest of the Central Plains without warning.

The rolling thunder made people numb all over, and they felt that their brains were about to be shaken out. The lightning flashing from time to time mixed with the heavy rain was also scary, because the three people walking through the woods noticed that lightning fell not far from them, and even caused a small fire.

Although the flames were put out by the heavy rain, the three of them didn't want to stay in the forest for too long because they had experienced such things before, and they unconsciously accelerated forward.

Don't forget, there is no sun now, they just follow the direction in their memory.

Well, now they are completely lost.

The heavy rain kept falling until the three of them couldn't stand it anymore and found a tree hole to rest for a while, and the heavy rain finally stopped.

At this time, they climbed up the tree to look, the sky was still gray, and they couldn't see where the sun was at all.

Of course, they walked in the forest all day, and now the sun has set, of course they can't find the location.

If they want to confirm the location, they can only wait until tomorrow.

There was no choice, the three of them had to take out a small amount of oil and firewood they carried with them to start a fire, first light a bonfire to roast their wet clothes, and wait until the next day to act.

This night can be said to be the most difficult night for Yang Yiyi. There are countless snakes, insects, rats and ants in the forest, and because it is close to southern Xinjiang, most of the animals and plants here are poisonous, which is completely different from the situation in Yang Yiyi's hometown Qizhou.

There are basically no poisonous snakes in Qizhou. Most of the snakes seen are just small grass snakes, which pose no threat to people. When Yang Yiyi was a child, she even caught snakes to make medicinal wine for her father.

But it is different here. There are only a few non-poisonous ones, not to mention that the insects here are several sizes larger than those in other places, and the mosquitoes are almost as big as a palm.

Because of the harassment by snakes, insects, rats and ants, the three people almost didn't sleep at all that night, and stayed up all night by the campfire.

Finally, when they saw the sky begin to lighten, they thought they could identify the direction by the sun, but there was another thunder...

Today's rain is heavier and more dense than yesterday, and the tree hole where the three people stayed has begun to fill with water.

If they continue to stay where they are, who knows when the rain will stop. Qin Yan is also eager to catch up with Zhou Yuxuan, so the three people have to pick some large and thick banana leaves as umbrellas and continue to move forward in the rain.

Since they couldn't see the sun, they were just groping around in the forest. Wu Shaoyi's wheelchair was almost stuck by the thin vines, and there was still no sign of them leaving the forest.

Then again, Yang Yiyi is unreliable, so is Li Chengxi unreliable?

When they left Taoyuan Valley, Li Chengxi thought that Yang Yiyi might travel alone for a while, so he gave her a compass in advance and taught her how to use it. However, he didn't expect to run into Li Yingluo as soon as he arrived in human society, so he never used it.

Now is the time to use the compass.

But this time the compass didn't work. The compass, which should have been pointing to the south, was spinning like a propeller. If it went any faster, it would probably fly out.

The compass is not omnipotent. It will be at a loss when it encounters a place with geomagnetic disorder. Unfortunately, Yang Yiyi and the others are likely to be in a place with geomagnetic disorder.

However, the built-in map function is still useful, and they won't get lost because of it. But the problem is that Li Chengxi can't talk casually. The three of them are always together, and they don't give him any chance at all.

There was nothing I could do but turn on the computer on time every day to see where Yang Yiyi and the others were.

The good news was that on the second night, although the moon was still invisible and the direction could not be identified, at least the rainstorm had stopped.

The three of them found a tree branch that was relatively high from the ground, and made a fire under it to drive away the approaching beasts. They slept on it like smoking meat. Although it was not very comfortable, at least they could close their eyes and sleep.

But the bad news is that the three of them were woken up by the rain. Yes, it was still raining heavily on the third day.

They were rained for three consecutive days. This was because the three of them were martial artists and had strong resistance. Otherwise, they would definitely get sick.

The sky was still dark. Walking in the forest always felt like they couldn't tell the difference between day and night. The lush vegetation blocked almost all the light. They often had to climb to the top of the tree to see the direction to leave the woods.

But no, no matter how they looked, there were dense forests all around them. Now they were completely lost. Not to mention where they were going, they couldn't even tell where they were.

Compared with the problem of direction, the biggest problem for the three people now was that they had no food.

Since they didn't consider staying in the wild for too long, they only brought one day's worth of dry food with them, which they had eaten long ago.

On the way, they could only drink some rainwater from the leaves and pick some wild fruits, and they couldn't eat them randomly, after all, they didn't know whether the fruits here were poisonous.

On the third night, when I was so hungry that my stomach growled and my eyes were almost glowing blue, I finally had a chance to turn things around.

"Hurry up, make a fire, I found something to eat!"

Qin Yan, who had gone to the tree to observe, came around from behind the tree with a handful of mushrooms in her hands.

Wu Shaoyi and Yang Yiyi were also dizzy from hunger, but they had not lost their minds yet. Seeing that Qin Yan brought mushrooms, they were a little hesitant.

"Is this mushroom poisonous?"

"Of course not, this is chicken mushroom, most people can't eat it even if they want to. Hurry up and make a fire, as long as it's roasted, you can eat it."

When they heard that Qin Yan knew this kind of mushroom, Yang Yiyi and Wu Shaoyi, who were so hungry that they couldn't bear it, also dispelled the last bit of doubt, and quickly took out the fire starter and ignited the damp firewood with the last bit of oil.

Not to mention a good meal, at least it can fill their stomachs, and hope to find a way out tomorrow.

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