Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 325 A big fight (Part 1)

When the sound of banging shields and stomping feet shook the earth outside the city, in the city lord's mansion, Orde and the other two had just attacked.

"Renya, stop playing, come up!"


Although the power of the white dragon in human form would be weakened, it was still far beyond that of mortals. Renya threw away an unlucky guard who she used as a hammer to hit people, and quickly followed Reiner and Orde.

As expected, there were too many guards in the castle, and they couldn't fly or use teleport yet. It took a long time for the three of them to fight from the first floor to the third floor of the castle.

Fortunately, they didn't choose to fight directly, otherwise they would have run away long ago.

The guards guarding the door of the banquet hall wanted to stop them, but they were hit on the wall by Orde's spell, and Reiner kicked the door open immediately.

The banquet hall still maintained its previous appearance. The three people who rushed in saw a dead butler lying on the ground, and some nobles and officers died in front of the long table.

The toxin formula from the goddess of plague is indeed powerful, and the most important thing is that it is hidden.

However, they immediately discovered that all the demons who died on the table were ordinary demons, and there were no high-ranking demons. They should have drunk the antidote before being poisoned to death.

Most importantly, the city lord's body of more than 200 pounds was not found.

After taking a look at the scene, Aoerdai hooked his finger at a servant who was shivering in the corner, and the latter was immediately dragged into the air as if he was pulled up by an invisible palm.

"Where is the city lord?"

"No, I don't know...ah!"

The electric current shot from Aoerdai's fingertips pierced the servant's arm, and the latter's brain suddenly became better.

"He should have escaped from the secret passage!"

"Where is the secret passage?"

"I really don't know, I'm just a male servant!"

After letting this guy play what is called a windmill creaking, Aoerdai is sure that he really doesn't know.

Being able to poison so many officers and government officials, the goal has actually been achieved. At least in a short period of time, the military and political affairs of Kaimen City will be paralyzed, but it is still a bit unhappy that the city lord was not caught.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the banquet hall, and the guards who came were banging on the door frantically.

There was no time to find the secret passage that was unknown, they had other things to do.

After confirming that these people were dead, Reina immediately opened the window and jumped down, and Renia followed obediently.

At the end, Orde dropped an invisible floating mine, and then used the feather fall spell to avoid falling damage, and landed steadily on the ground.

"What are you going to do now?"

"Make a big fuss."

Orde stretched out her hand and pressed it on the ground, and with the other hand took out the scroll hidden in the pocket of the maid's outfit and tore off the wax seal. A khaki magic circle with a diameter of seven or eight meters appeared under her feet.

Affected by the magic, the soil in the garden bulged and expanded instantly, and Orde standing on it rose higher and higher, and finally turned into a mud giant more than ten meters high.


It let out a low roar and smashed the garden wall with one punch. It also made the soldiers who came to the scene hurriedly brake and stop.

Renia likes to make a scene because this simple and crude operation does not require thinking.

The pure white aura quickly enveloped her, and Reina moved up when the aura expanded.


The roar of the dragon resounded through the night sky, shattering the surrounding glass, and successfully made everyone in the city realize that a dragon appeared in the city.

The guards who came here did not brake suddenly this time, but retreated immediately.

After all, how many gold coins do you make a month? Why risk your life?

"I'll go left and you'll go right. Let's meet in front of the city gate."

Reina, standing on the top of the white dragon, nodded and directed the white dragon to cross the garden wall.

At this time, the third floor where they jumped down was lit up with fierce flames. It should be that the guards rushed into the banquet hall and detonated the floating mine. Under the reflection of the gushing flames, the white dragon and the earth giant passed through the garden wall one after another, one left and one right, and walked towards the city gate from two different directions.


As the strongest fortress city of the Avarus Demon Kingdom, Kaimen City has never encountered such an emergency.

In the past, even if there were enemies attacking the city, the army could keep them out, and even if there were spies coming in to cause trouble, they could be easily extinguished.

Why didn't it work this time?

It's very simple, the government failed to perform its duties.

A large number of soldiers familiar with the local environment were dismissed, and the Subia Demon Kingdom had not yet completed the assimilation of Kaimen City. When encountering emergencies, various departments found that they could not find their leaders, and they didn't know what to do, and could only watch the situation develop.

And in this mess, a rumor began to spread in the city.

Princess Viola, the legitimate heir of the Avarus Demon Kingdom, is outside the city. She is about to recapture Kaimen City. If you want to drive away the invaders, you have to help now!

In this era, national consciousness has not yet awakened, and civilians do not have a strong sense of belonging to the country, so at this time, they generally like to use religion to rule and assimilate.

Just like the emperors of the Celestial Empire, they set up Taoist imperial masters and went to Buddhist temples to worship Buddha. Do you think they really believe in this?

The main purpose is to use this attitude to maintain the sense of belonging of the country and the people.

You see, even the emperor worships the Three Pure Ones, so we must be the same.

But the Avarus Demon Kingdom is a country that prohibits all religions from entering, and only the Demon King God Religion is a legal religion.

After entering Kaimen City, the Subiya Demon Kingdom also wanted to assimilate with its own domestic religion, but it had the opposite effect.

Originally, most people did not have much loyalty to the Demon King God. After all, the locals thought that the Demon King God was similar to the characters in myths. But suddenly a foreign religion came to us and asked us to believe in it. Are you burning newspapers at the grave to fool the ghosts?

The people were already a little dissatisfied with the rule of the Subiya Demon Kingdom. Besides, this was a place where the Avarus Demon Kingdom had been operating for hundreds of years. It was natural that the people were on the side of whom.

As long as there was no fundamental contradiction, the people would just turn a blind eye and acquiesce to the rule. Now that there was an opportunity to resist, many people took tools or kitchen knives to the streets, ready to join in the celebration.

After hearing about this, the guards who were originally maintaining order also began to think about it.

You see, we were originally the regular army of Kaimen City. There was not much work and the salary was generous.

As a result, the city lord surrendered on his own. Now we can only be city management, holding a stick that can't even fool ordinary people, without even a piece of armor, earning little, working a lot, and even having to look at the face of the Subia Demon Kingdom Army.

Damn it, I quit!

The guards in charge of city management turned against us one after another, and they also followed the people to tie a red cloth on their arms and participated in this sudden rebellion.

Of course, there are many people who want to make a fortune in the chaos, such as targeting the big families in the city to rob them.

But no matter what, it is a fact that the city is getting more and more chaotic.

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