Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 324 You can panic now

The flames rose up one after another as if they had been agreed upon. At a glance, there were more than a dozen of them, scattered all over Kaimen City.

These places that were set on fire were all military facilities such as watchtowers and guard posts, or shops or residences of nobles in the city. People who had been prepared long ago set fire together.

Melanie's resistance organization had few people, but they were very efficient. They set fire immediately after they were told to set it on fire.

Most of the houses in Kaimen City were sandwich structures with wooden boards, stone walls and a layer of wooden boards, and straw filled between the stone walls and wooden boards as a thermal insulation layer. While ensuring comfort, it also ensures firmness and thermal insulation performance.

The only small problem is that it can be ignited at a touch.

In order to deal with the risk of fire, Kaimen City rarely set up a fire department specifically for dealing with fires. In other cities, guards usually serve part-time.

But the fire had clearly started, but no fire department was dispatched.

What was the reason?

It was the city lord.

The people in the fire department were basically retired soldiers in the city.

When the city lord surrendered to the Subia Demon Kingdom, some of the soldiers of the Avarus Demon Kingdom in the city either ran to Qihang City or became bandits somewhere unknown.

The rest were required to retire by the Subia Demon Kingdom. After all, Kaimen City was their territory, and it was definitely not okay to keep the army of other countries.

The city lord only retained a thousand soldiers as urban management officers patrolling the streets, equipped with low-lethal sticks, and even their armor was stripped away and they could only wear conspicuous guard uniforms.

In this wave of retirement, the fire department, which was re-employed by veterans, was also retired. So now there is no one running to put out the fire.

The fire has begun to spread around, and the people in the city have run to the streets regardless of the curfew. The guards responsible for patrolling can't get rid of them. It's a drop in the bucket to expect them to run to put out the fire. The whole city fell into chaos in the fire.

The fire in the city can of course be seen on the city wall. The guards on night duty whispered to each other until they were scolded by the officers.

They were even more confused, and had no idea what was happening in the city, but they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Report! The enemy is advancing!"

The scouts on horseback shouted all the way while entering from the small door near the city gate, which made all the defenders immediately unable to take care of the fire in the city and had to focus their attention outside the city.

Although some officers and staff went to attend the city lord's banquet, it couldn't be all of them. The enemy was outside, so close, and they all went to the banquet, which was simply brain-dead.

The remaining middle and lower-level officers and senior command levels were still enough to maintain the operation of the army. Under the military orders passed down by word of mouth, defensive weapons such as crossbows were quickly strung up, and the huge mirrors placed on the city walls also swept the reflected bonfire light in the direction of the enemy outside the city.

At the same time, fast horses were sent to the city lord's mansion to call back all the officers who were having a banquet.

However, the enemy's advance was slower than expected. It took almost a quarter of an hour to find the shadow of the neat formation with the help of the "searchlight". What's more, the messenger sent to the city lord's mansion at this important juncture has not returned yet.

The generals and staff officers guarding the city wall immediately had a bad premonition.

Damn, this is not planned, right?

Viola's army marched in an orderly pace, step by step towards the city wall, but strangely, they did not set up a siege formation, and even did not push up simple siege equipment such as ladders, which were still placed in the back.

When the army advanced to the range of the crossbow, it suddenly stopped.

For a moment, the defenders thought Viola was going to use some secret weapon. After all, the soldiers who escaped from the outside of Qihang City said it too weird.

What kind of poisonous rain and fire rain from the sky, what kind of huge chariot that makes a piercing roar, it feels like Viola has mastered black technology and can make anything.

With a loud horn, the defenders who thought they were about to start the siege immediately saw that Viola's army was beating their shields in unison.

Those without shields also stamped their feet vigorously.

The sound of one or two people is very limited, but if 20,000 people do this together, the sound is simply earth-shaking.

The defenders initially thought that this was a war dance to boost morale and that the battle was about to begin, but it turned out that they seemed to be endless, just making noise over there and not getting close.

The defenders couldn't handle this, are you here for a percussion concert?

When the defenders were puzzled, someone inadvertently glanced into the city and saw that the fire in the city had spread rapidly in all directions during this period of time, and gradually became out of control.

What surprised the defenders even more was that there seemed to be some commotion in the direction of the military camp in the city, and colleagues who were resting in the military camp could vaguely be seen running around like headless flies.

The staff officer and the general immediately thought that this was another psychological warfare.

There were only 20,000 defenders responsible for defending Kaimen City, but they took in more than 90,000 defeated soldiers who retreated from the front line.

Because their morale, especially their mental state, was hardly normal, these people had only been resting in the military camp in the city recently, and they were not asked to do anything.

But such a big commotion outside the city must have been heard inside the city.

Simply put, it might have aroused the ptsd of these guys.

Viola really took Sun Tzu's Art of War into consideration, and it has always been about attacking the heart, not killing the living force.

After all, he is weak now. Even if he wants to kill or injure, he does not have the ability to do so. Instead, it will cause serious losses to himself.

The wall is definitely not in chaos, but the chaos inside is enough. The defenders standing on the wall can't help but look into the city, which greatly distracts their attention.

This is of course very disadvantageous for defending the city.

And there is something worse.

There was a rumbling sound of cannons from the west, and the number was like thunder in the sky.

The garrison raised the telescope and saw a large black shadow floating on the sea in the light of the lighthouse, and the opponent's flag was vaguely visible.

It was the Avarus Demon Kingdom Navy that came from Qihang City.

However, no damage was found in the city due to the bombardment. The fleet only fired blanks, but the sound further aggravated the chaos in the city, and even the soldiers on the wall were somewhat unbearable.

Now they fired blanks, but there is no guarantee that they will not launch an attack from the water later. The garrison generals had to quickly dispatch personnel to reinforce the defense.

Although they were a little panicked, they actually still had a glimmer of luck.

After all, neither the navy nor the army launched a real attack, they were just building momentum, which in itself showed that they had no confidence in forcibly breaking through the Kaimen City, and they would be fine as long as they sat back and waited.

Then they saw a bright beam of light pouring down from the darkness, and the strong column of light almost pulled the darkness in the city into daytime, and this light that seemed to come from the end of the distant sky was slowly moving, from the city lord's mansion, and began to rotate along the direction of the city wall.

Okay, now you can panic.

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