Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1377: Encounter in the Zhenguang Galaxy (3)

The advantage of commanding veterans is that as long as you give the order, the details will be taken care of for you, so you don’t have to worry about it at all.

The new recruits are just like cyber illiterates who have found resources on the Internet and don’t know how to decompress. What should I do? How can I fix this? Can you decompress it for me?

The mistakes they made were all low-level mistakes, and they were not mistakes that the flagship needed to worry about at all. Alyssa's blood pressure immediately went up.

These live dads, didn’t they have any actual combat training before joining the fleet?

Who the hell would have imagined this?

Fortunately, the collision was just an accident and did not cause a major disaster. After Alyssa exhaled her fragrance, the aircraft carrier finally returned to normal working condition and began to eject carrier-based aircraft.

The cruise fleet formation of the Red Maple Republic on the opposite side seemed to be in a much better situation than Alyssa's side. By the time Alyssa's side released its carrier-based aircraft, the other party's carrier-based aircraft was already heading from below the naval gun firing line. The direction of the Swan was approaching, and as soon as the air battle started, someone on his side was suppressing the battle line.

I can't think about this, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Alyssa just said that she would kill the captain of the aircraft carrier with her own hands. This was no joke. If these guys did anything else that was afraid of fighting, she would really kill them with her own hands.

I never felt this kind of anger when I was a recycler. Now that I have the banner of military law in hand, I am still holding back?

It can't be.

The captains of the aircraft carrier also knew that the mistakes they made were too outrageous. This was the most basic knowledge taught in the military academy. But this person, when he got nervous on the battlefield, he forgot all the things he learned in the military academy.

After all, he is a new recruit, so it is normal.

However, although the carrier-based aircraft set off late and the battle line was pressed over, the battle line soon began to be pushed back bit by bit.

Most of the newly added aircraft carriers are loaded with the latest batch of magic mechas produced, while the opponent's carrier-based aircraft still use classic space fighters.

Although the pilots are experienced in operation, the pilots of the magic mecha are easy to train and have an advantage in numbers, and the characteristics of the magic mecha can also restrain the performance of space fighters.

Another important factor is that Li Chengqi has gone out.

I have said before that no matter how hard Li Chengqi fights, he will not be able to affect the outcome of the war, or even the outcome of a battle. However, in a battle in a certain area, Li Chengqi's appearance is almost at the unparalleled level.

Even on the Swan's radar, Alyssa could see a particularly naughty green dot moving back and forth among the enemy's red dots. Every time it reached a red dot, it would disappear.

One thing to say, Alyssa never imagined in her nightmares that Li Chengqi, the guy who often made her head hurt, was actually the most reliable person now.

Damn, absolutely.


The silent roar of the naval gun in the void swept across the dark background of the universe. Ion beams and invisible shells flew from above. Less than a hundred meters below was the area where the carrier-based aircraft were fighting.

This can be said to be dancing on the edge of a knife.

The distance of one hundred meters sounds very far, but whether it is a space fighter or a magic mecha, the speed is very fast. The distance of one hundred meters only takes a blink of an eye. If you are not careful, you will end up running into the two cruisers. On the artillery firing line, it is likely to be directly vaporized by stray bullets from both the enemy and ourselves.

The carrier-based aircraft pilot did not deliberately choose such a dangerous place to fight, but could not help himself.

The space fighters on the Red Maple Republic side saw that the carrier-based aircraft on the Spinning Water Federation side were too slow to launch, so the commander behind them ordered to launch torpedoes at the enemy fleet.

As soon as they threw out the torpedoes, the carrier-based aircraft of the Spinning Water Federation also arrived, so they exchanged fire at a very close distance from the firing line.

"How does Vilania's newly modified machine feel?"

In the cockpit, Hall heard Li Chengqi's voice coming from the loudspeaker.

She pulled the trigger and cooperated with the friendly forces to destroy a third-level formation, and then answered:

"The speed and flexibility have been improved a lot compared to before, but the most important thing is that the weapons are richer."

The Silver Tornado is a typical competitive machine body, and it is designed and considered with the gravity environment as the first priority. Even if it has void components, its combat effectiveness in the void is not as good as that of mass-produced machines.

After receiving the parts distributed by the quartermaster, Villania modified the Silver Tornado. Part of the structure even referred to the high-mobility Zaku driven by Li Chengqi, which greatly enhanced its maneuverability in the void.

But as a researcher, Villagna still went a little overboard.

For space fighters and magic mechas, high mobility is a benefit, but it cannot be too high. After all, there are limits to human operation and there is a limit to the G force that can be endured.

Excessive maneuverability will make it difficult for the driver to control it, just like sitting on a disobedient horse, just like if you adjust the mouse sensitivity too high when playing an FPS game, your hand will go to your grandma's house with a crooked hand.

Fortunately, Hall kept an eye on it. After Villania's modification was completed, he went up specifically for a test drive. With the help of Fang Lanyin, he adjusted it for a few days, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Now the Silver Tornado actually has the mobility of a mass-produced machine. As Hall said, the most important thing is that it has richer weapons.

Originally, the Silver Tornado only had a 40mm rapid-fire cannon and chainswords hidden on both sides of the thigh armor. Now it has been supplied with parts. On the premise of retaining the original weapon configuration, the Silver Tornado comes with a bottom-mounted rifle grenade, four offensive grenades, and a RPG-like rocket launcher and five rounds of ammunition.

And Vilania referred to the design of Li Chengxi's beam Balkan gun, and installed two 13mm heavy machine guns and magazines on the head of the Silver Cyclone, which made the Silver Cyclone look big-headed and thick-necked...

It is said that Vilania is still using her spare time to study how to install the line gun of the captured machine on the Silver Cyclone, but there are too many issues to consider, so it is just a plan for now.

Although it cannot be more armed than the machine driven by Li Chengxi, it is much better than the weapons given by Li Chengxi before.

The newly added weapons are mainly explosives. This is Hall's request. A 40mm rapid-fire gun is enough to deal with space fighters. She just needs to be able to deal with the heavy firepower of the battle cruiser.

Speaking of the battle cruiser, when Hall was communicating with Li Chengxi and forming a three-machine formation with friendly forces, the magic mecha on his left was hit by a series of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns.

The magic mecha has no shield, and is actually less resistant than the space fighter. The magic mecha was shattered on the spot.

Hall quickly stepped on the pedal to adjust the flight angle, and when he looked up, he saw a fifty-meter-long battlecruiser constantly spraying fire at the surroundings from above.

It is true that the magic mecha is easy to use, and it is also true that you can go to the battlefield after a week of training, but this does not mean that anyone can become an ace pilot after training.

The friendly magic mechas around Hall are basically all recruits who have just walked out of the training ground. Facing the dense firepower of the battlecruiser, they exploded one after another like fireworks.

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