Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1376: Encounter in the Zhenguang Galaxy (2)

In a state of war, both veterans and new recruits are just fillers.

But just like there is a difference between cattle and horses, fillers are not all the same.

The third and fifth fleets of the Rotating Water Federation were well-known standing armies before the war. After the war began, they experienced a series of battles and participated in almost all major battles against the Red Maple Republic. Their technical and tactical level and fighting will were far from the hundred newly recruited brothers.

The result was that at the beginning of the battle, the Rotating Water Federation had already fired four volleys, and the Red Maple Republic had not yet formed its formation, and the counterattack barrage was sparse.

This is the same as what the intelligence said. There are not many and the quality is not high. Even if they are intercepted, it is just a little trouble and does not pose a threat.


Is it really that easy?

Alyssa also felt that something was wrong. There are as few fools as geniuses in this world, and even fewer who can get to the top.

The Maple Republic clearly knew its current predicament. Sending a fleet of new recruits that had not yet formed combat effectiveness to intercept was just a meaningless tactic of adding fuel to the fire. It had little effect except giving the other side heads, and it could not stop it at all.

The most reasonable strategy should be to trade space for time, abandon the unimportant star field near the border of the two countries' territories, and use this time to reorganize and train the damaged fleet.

In fact, this is what the Rotating Water Federation did at the beginning of the war, but it was just passively trading space for time.

The territory of the Maple Republic is much larger than that of the Rotating Water Federation, and there is no star gate that can directly threaten the capital. Although the front line has been pushed back now, they still have a certain initiative.

In this case, they still sent new recruits to intercept...

No wonder Alyssa felt something was wrong.

She sent her idea to the fleet command through the fleet command system, but the command just replied with a "read".

"The enemy cruiser fleet begins to maneuver."

"Notify the fleet, we will go to intercept."

The Swan is now the flagship of the Fifth Fleet's cruiser formation. Alyssa is responsible for commanding more than 100 ships. It is not her turn to intervene in the main fleet's artillery battle, but the enemy cruiser formation has moved, and it is time for her to take the lead.

There is a hint of uneasiness in her heart, but as the saying goes, there are as few fools as geniuses. The fleet command should have noticed something wrong. With precautions, even if something unexpected happens, there should be a plan to deal with it.

In short, let's take care of the things in front of us first.


"The main gun hits, the enemy cruiser is on fire, and we are looking for the next target."

"The counterattack barrage is coming!"

"Shield charging."

As the azure shield appears outside the bridge glass, several ion beams sweep across the Swan.

"Tell the aircraft carriers behind to follow closely, otherwise they won't even have a chance to go to the military court when they return. I will kill them with my own hands!"

Just now she said to take care of the things in front of her first, but not long after the cruisers of both sides entered the firing range, Alyssa was furious.

The cruiser formation is composed of a large number of cruisers and a small number of aircraft carriers. In the previous battle, the aircraft carriers of the Fifth Fleet were seriously damaged, and many aircraft carriers had to temporarily leave the battle sequence and stay in the space fortress Ilxia to wait for repairs.

So Alyssa's command was stuffed with a lot of recruits and aircraft carriers, and each of them walked slower than an old lady.

This has nothing to do with the performance of the ship, it's just that the recruits were scared and cowardly.

After all, when the two sides started fighting, the naval guns and ion beams were like raindrops hitting their faces. The mobile aircraft carriers couldn't resist many shells, so the first reaction was to slow down and avoid getting too close.

But this is actually wrong. The barrage looks dense, but in fact the distance between the two sides is still very far. Unless you are really unlucky, it is extremely difficult to hit.

Besides, the aircraft carrier also has a shield. If they are unlucky, they will not die on the spot after being hit by two shots, unless they are unlucky enough to be concentrated.

As a result, the aircraft carrier formation almost broke away from the cruiser formation. Once it really broke away, it would become a target directly without the protection of the cruiser in front.

It is difficult to lead new recruits everywhere. The Swan used to be in the cruiser formation, surrounded by veterans. Not to mention that this normal exchange of fire will not go wrong, even if they rushed to the fortress under the firepower before, everyone knew that it was a life-and-death struggle, but no one retreated. The fighting will was not at the same level.

What's more infuriating is that the captain of the aircraft carrier in the rear also sent a video call, asking whether to launch carrier-based aircraft.

"Fly, release, release! Fuck your mother! Are you the flagship and am I the flagship? Obey my orders!"

The aircraft carrier is dreaming. They can retreat after launching the carrier-based aircraft, but now it is not at the combat distance of the carrier-based aircraft. What's the use of launching it? Will the carrier-based aircraft become orphans?

The newly added aircraft carrier is like this, no wonder Alyssa is so angry.

Suddenly I can understand the fleet commander of the Maple Republic. Their commander saw that his fleet had not yet formed a formation after four rounds of salvos, and I am afraid that his anger value is directly off the charts.

Damn, it's hard to hold back.

The command system of the entire cruiser fleet is full of Alyssa's abuse and spurring. At least now there is no aircraft carrier captain to ask Alyssa whether to launch carrier-based aircraft, and they can keep up with the fleet and not be afraid of fighting.

Li Chengxi looked at this scene and felt that Alyssa had a hard time. Although she was a recycler who had never taken a fleet command course, she had already developed combat awareness. It was not realistic to expect her to perform like a famous general, but she was much better than the recruits who were dragged to the battlefield and dared not move forward just after leaving the military academy.

Perhaps it was because of this that the Swan was promoted to the flagship, which might not be very friendly to Alyssa's cardiovascular system. She angrily sprayed the recruits until the veins on her forehead burst.

The cruiser formation was the most vulnerable and the most damaging type of ship. When both sides maintained the state of firing and approaching, as the distance shortened, the accuracy of the ship's guns began to increase significantly and began to gradually suffer damage.

"Arrived at the waypoint!"

An Yun's loud reminder interrupted Alyssa's crazy output. She also stared at the star map and saw that it was indeed in place, so she reported in the command system:

"All ships are at a quarter of the speed, maintain distance and route, all carrier-based aircraft are off!"

Maintaining a certain distance is to allow carrier-based aircraft to attack effectively, and the fleet is also in a relatively safe range to shoot. If you get too close, it means that you are planning to die together.

The aircraft carrier that was scolded by Alyssa was finally pardoned, and immediately slowed down and started to launch carrier-based aircraft.

Then Alyssa received a report of a carrier-based aircraft collision accident...

These guys didn't even look at whether there were obstacles in front when launching carrier-based aircraft. You move, attitude control, what are you keeping!

Damn, my head hurts.

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