Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1354 Cutting off the retreat, Ilxia defensive operation (12)

The burning battlecruiser was being attracted by the weak gravity of the space fortress Ilsha and slowly fell to the surface.

This ship, which was almost 50 meters long and was specially used for air fire support, was broken into three sections by the high-temperature ion beam. While falling, the cables that had not yet broken also melted in the high temperature and fell into fragments of different sizes.

The two engine lights passed quickly from under the wreckage, and almost collided with it if they were a little slower.

However, the space fighter behind them did not dare to follow, and immediately pulled up the joystick, trying to pass over the wreckage from above.

Almost at the moment when their vision was blocked by the wreckage, the three space fighters just pulled up and saw a series of light green beams and 40mm tracer bullets mixed in them hitting them head-on.

Two of them were blown up on the spot, and a following fighter was panicked and hit the tail of the wreckage when turning to avoid it, and the entire space fighter instantly turned into fireworks.

"The number is still not decreasing. What is Alyssa doing?"

Although Li Chengxi likes to play space wars, it feels like he is fighting AI endlessly now. It has almost become a repetitive action.

Hearing Li Chengxi's complaints, Hall said:

"It won't show up so quickly. Even if the aircraft carrier is lost, these space fighters will not disappear immediately."

That's true, but every time I look up, I see a large number of space fighters and magic mechas fighting with friendly forces, which still gives people a feeling that there is no end to the fight.

At this time, Hall's communicator beeped twice. She was checking the message and said with a little hesitation:

"Friendly forces sent a request for support. The enemy's armored transport ship is blocked on an ejection port, and the infantry is fighting fiercely."

"Let's go and take a look."

After fighting for several hours in a row, Li Chengxi was really tired of "hunting turkeys". He needed new stimulation.

"The coordinates are not far away, follow me."

Silver Whirlwind turned around first and changed a magazine by the way. Li Chengxi followed closely and pointed to the location where the battlecruiser crashed to the infantry who were looking around nearby, indicating that there might be pilots ejecting and parachuting there.

The location where the distress signal was sent was indeed not far away. The two flew along the slightly curved surface of the space fortress Ilxia. In less than five minutes, they reached the edge of Ilxia. Looking down at this time, in a place where the light of the light green film airlock was lit, three armored transport ships were docked there, and flashes of guns and cannons could be seen from time to time.

The armored transport ship is larger than the battlecruiser, but smaller than the assault landing ship. It can transport more than 800 people and their weapons and equipment.

The two then adjusted their postures one after another, changing from level flight to vertical downward.

Approaching the ejection port, you can almost clearly see that the soldiers of the Red Maple Republic are using the bunkers to shoot at the soldiers of the Whirlwater Federation inside.

Generally speaking, only ground crews are working near the ejection window, and only a few soldiers are guarding it. With the help of the automatic turret, facing the suppression of the troops of the three armored transport ships, it is indeed a bit unbearable.

"Deal with the shield of the nearest ship."

During the descent, Hall immediately grabbed the rapid-fire gun and pulled the trigger directly above the increasingly large armored transport ship.

The azure shield immediately appeared, and the thin-shell high-explosive shells fired by the 40mm rapid-fire gun exploded layer after layer of dense fragments on the shield.

It is estimated that the armored transport ship also discovered Hall and Li Chengxi who fell from the sky. The three ships began to maneuver and turn, trying to escape.

The armored transport ship only has a small number of anti-aircraft guns on both sides. This guy is a typical troop carrier, not a front-line combat vehicle.

A 40mm machine gun cannot completely penetrate the shield of the armored transport ship. When the magazine of the rapid-fire gun is empty, Hall immediately grabs the 380mm giant rocket launcher given to her by Li Chengxi, and the conical charge armor-piercing shell hits immediately.

The charge of the large-caliber rocket-assisted grenade is much larger than that of the 40mm thin-shell high-explosive bomb. A huge fireball immediately rose from the top of the armored transport ship that was hit.

When Hall opened fire, Li Chengxi, who deliberately lagged behind, raised the beam rocket launcher, and docked the tail with the rotating mechanism extending from the backpack. As the rotating mechanism rotated into place, Li Chengxi pulled the trigger.

The beam rocket launcher fired several light green particle beams, which just passed through the flames and hit the top of the armored transport ship. The high temperature melted the thick armor and shot it through from the top.

The armored transport ship originally planned to maneuver and escape, but it seemed that it was severely damaged and could not control its posture. The driver was crooked as if he was drunk.

The two did not continue to make up for it, but flew past the armored transport ship, then turned around and aimed at another armored transport ship from below.

Hall, who had replaced a magazine, used the same trick again, quickly weakening and defeating the shield, and Li Chengxi used the ion beam to deal a fatal blow to it.

The second armored transport ship was in even worse condition. When it was hit from below, it hit the energy pipeline, and it immediately fell into an uncontrollable fire. Many soldiers in protective clothing jumped directly from the hatch at the stern into the void to avoid the explosion and flames.

The two wanted to chase the last armored transport ship, but this guy ran very fast. When the two of them turned around, it had already entered the acceleration state.

It was indeed possible to catch up, but there was still a mess to be cleaned up.

Li Chengxi simply ignored the escaped armored transport ship, switched ammunition again, and pulled the trigger at the two severely damaged armored transport ships.

A rocket was fired after being accelerated by the electromagnetic track, and exploded after flying a short distance. Countless high-speed steel balls hit it like a shotgun.

The soldiers who jumped out of the armored transport ship were in luck. They were almost instantly riddled with rockets, and the armored transport ship itself began to catch fire and explode.

Li Chengxi relied on the special heat radiation resistance of the body to pass through the flames directly. At this time, he was standing outside the ejection window. If you look carefully, you can even see the soldiers of the Red Maple Republic blocking the window fleeing in a panic.

But Li Chengxi would not give them a chance to escape.

The beam Balkan cannon started, and with a slight turn of the head, a wave of bullets was poured down.

The beam Balkan cannon is used for air defense and as an auxiliary weapon. The power is not high, but remember that any anti-aircraft weapon is used to hit people, the effect is excellent.

In the ejection port, the soldiers of the Rotating Water Federation seemed to cheer, but Li Chengxi could not hear the sound, but saw that their actions seemed to be celebrating.

"Are you going to chase the escaped armored transport ship?"

"I'll go after it."

Li Chengxi said:

"You should not have much ammunition again, and you can resupply here by the way."

Physical ammunition is so inconvenient. You have to go back and reload after a while.

"Okay, by the way, I just received another distress signal. I sent you the coordinates. It should be on the way."

Hall didn't force it. After all, the Silver Cyclone really needed supplies again.

Li Chengxi looked at the approximate highlighted coordinates on the small map, waved to Hall, and then pushed the accelerator. The body quickly passed through the burning wreckage and chased the fleeing armored transport ship.

The speed of the armored transport ship is not fast. It is a low-cost and capable means of transportation.

Li Chengxi didn't even need to go full speed, it was enough to catch up with it.

Aiming from the tail, the beam Balkan cannon and the beam rocket launcher fired in unison, destroying its shield in less than 20 seconds, and it took another 10 seconds to completely paralyze the opponent's mobility. Now it's just a matter of watching this thing catch fire and burn.

Li Chengxi didn't rush to make up the knife. He wanted to see if the people inside would jump out, but he glanced at the small map and found that the coordinates sent by Hall were just above him.

Looking up, he saw three three-plane formations with a total of nine space fighters flying by, and they were friendly forces. But for some reason, these three three-plane formations looked a little panicked.

The next moment, Li Chengxi saw a beige ion beam light up in the dark void background, and two fighters in one of the three-plane formations were pierced and exploded on the spot.

When he turned on the friendly channel, a panicked voice popped up immediately:

"Help! Help! We encountered the enemy's ace troops! Help! Help! We can't...ah!"

Accompanied by an orange flash, the communication stopped abruptly.

Ace troops?

How ace?

Li Chengxi suddenly became interested.

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