Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1353 Cutting off the retreat, Ilxia defensive operation (11)

"Shield energy reduced to 70%!"

"The 200mm ion cannon is overheating!"

"Emergency cooling!"

"The main gun hit, the enemy cruiser caught fire, and the explosion flash was visually confirmed."

The bridge of the Swan was also very busy.

Even Alyssa, who was only responsible for giving instructions in the general direction, kept clicking her fingers on the monitor beside her to correct the Swan's course.

There were more than a hundred cruisers under the direct command of Alyssa. They left the friendly mobile aircraft carriers near the fortress and led the charge to destroy the enemy cruisers and mobile aircraft carriers.

The enemy's cruisers are smaller than Alyssa's, but the opponent's mobile aircraft carriers and temporary aircraft carriers converted from cargo ships are numerous, with a total of more than 500.

The anti-aircraft guns of the Swan and friendly ships were almost useless, preventing enemy carrier-based aircraft from launching torpedoes and other harassment. The main and secondary guns were aimed at the most important aircraft carrier and were firing madly.

The Swan's gunpowder secondary gun was replaced by a twin-mounted railgun. This thing has super penetrating power and a very fast bullet speed. Even a higher-end destroyer and frigate will be penetrated after a few hits. shield.

But the railgun shoots out a lump of iron. It's true that it makes a crater, but it's just a crater and its damage capability is very poor.

So Alyssa asked Long to use the secondary guns and the main guns together, with the secondary guns breaking armor and the main guns doing damage.

The number of enemy ships destroyed by the Swan has reached 10, which is already a quite luxurious number for a light cruiser. However, the Swan has been greatly strengthened, so this result is natural.

But for the battle situation, it is still not fast enough.

Enemy warships were either damaged or destroyed, and many aircraft carriers temporarily modified from transport ships had begun to disintegrate. Through the glass of the bridge, the wreckage of the ships could be seen moving slowly like a waterfall.

However, the total number of enemy troops is still more than 300. It has been more than two hours and they still cannot eliminate the opponent.

What's more, the opponent is not a target, they can dodge and fight back.

The number of our own ships has dropped to less than a hundred. Even if the entire army is annihilated, it is worthwhile if we can destroy the enemy's aircraft carrier force.

But according to the current progress and KD ratio, the cruise ship formation led by the Swan alone cannot do it.

Alyssa was also very anxious. Like Hall, she was afraid that Li Chengqi would drop nuclear bombs everywhere regardless.

After all, no one can control him. Although he said before the war that he would not litter, who can believe it?

Everything else is easy to say. Alyssa is mainly afraid that Li Chengqi will randomly throw nuclear bombs and blow up the Space Fortress. Then it will be over. It will leave a gap in the encirclement. The surrounded Red Maple Republic fleet will definitely swarm in. to.

"Jump signal detected, number 145, type cruiser, to mark the jump location."

Alyssa's heart tightened when she heard the jump signal, but she immediately looked at the location marked by An Yun. It looked like friendly forces!

Sure enough, the jump ended ten seconds later, and 145 cruisers appeared on the left rear of the Swan, and sent a communication request at the same time.

"This is Major Holm, commander of the third fleet's supplementary fleet. We came from the Star Gate and were ordered to support the space fortress Ilshai."

This Major Holm looks very young, at most two or three years older than Alyssa. He should be a captain who was promoted exceptionally because of the war.

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Alyssa Lee of the Fifth Fleet, Major. Your fleet has arrived just in time. I ask you to accept command and order your troops to join us and defeat the enemy's mobile aircraft carrier."

"Accept the order to replenish the fleet with 145 cruisers and join your command."

He gave a military salute and immediately hung up the communication.

It's normal for a fleet to arrive from the Star Gate for support, but don't even think about it if you're a veteran of hundreds of battles. Those who come are basically new recruits.

A closer look at the fleet of reinforced cruisers reveals that they are almost all brand new, the kind of ships that even smell of new plastic when powered on.

All the fleets have been deployed on the battlefield at this time, and the reinforcements can only be new recruits, and they are also quick recruits. The technical and tactical level of these guys is questionable, but it is good to have reinforcements, so you can't ask for too much.

Alyssa would rather have larger tonnage warships come for reinforcements, but she also knew that this was unrealistic. Even if there were, reinforcements would definitely be sailing behind and it would take some time to arrive.


Time once again slipped away with tiny movements that no one noticed, but the passage of time did not seem to have an impact on the intensity of the battlefield.

The main fleets of both sides still maintained a dazzling and crazy bombardment. The losses on both sides were actually very small. The total number of main ships lost by both sides since the war began was less than a hundred.

But the commander of the Spinning Water Federation clearly noticed something unusual. The fleet of the Red Maple Republic seemed to be luring itself away from the vicinity of the space fortress Ilsha.

Although I don’t know what the other party’s purpose is, I definitely can’t be fooled.

Far to the lower right of the main fleet is the cruising fleet led by the Swan. With the addition of a group of reinforcements, it seems feasible to destroy the enemy's mobile aircraft carriers and cruisers, but the quality of these new recruits did not disappoint Alyssa. The expectations were high, the cannon fire was inaccurate, the evasion navigation was a mess, and some people were so nervous that they forgot to restart the shield.

You can't ask for too much from the new recruits who become a quick recruit, but after this battle is over, the new recruits will quickly transform into veterans.

Of course, the premise is that they survive.

Continuing to look down, near the space fortress Ilxia, it is the home field of Li Chengxi and Hall.

Just as Li Chengxi himself said, the space fighters and magic mechas of the Red Maple Republic are simply endless. It always feels that no matter how crazy his kill numbers are, the total number seems to have never decreased.

Not only that, some shuttles and armored transport ships have approached the fortress. Li Chengxi opened a box on an armored transport ship, and a large number of human body fragments burst out. Sometimes you can see soldiers who are not dead struggling in the void.

The situation has reached a critical point, and the enemy has begun to invade the fortress.

"The position is confirmed, the communication is good, you can start."

Hearing Hall's words, Li Chengxi pressed the button on the beam saber.

Almost at the same time, the high-temperature beam pierced the outer layer of the fortress's rock, leaving a hole that was still glowing red.

"We have received a communication from the defense forces in the fortress, confirming that the enemy invasion team has been eliminated."

The infantry squad that was trying to cross the passage could not have expected to turn around and see a beam saber pierce from above. The high temperature vaporized the squad in an instant, at least it was only a matter of an instant, and they died peacefully.

Li Chengxi had just plugged the beam saber back to charge it when several tracer bullets mixed with ion beams hit him.

He held up his shield to block the silver whirlwind, and the beam Balkan cannons on both sides of his head and the 40mm rapid-fire cannon in the hands of the silver whirlwind fired at the three-plane formation that was diving diagonally above.

Most of the enemy planes were only operating at low altitude above the fortress just now, but now they have reached the surface of the fortress. The situation is indeed getting worse and worse.

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