Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1349 Cutting off the retreat, Ilxia defensive operation (7)

The cruiser formations that were originally docked near the fortress lit up their engines and followed the Swan towards the enemy fleet.

Alyssa's approach of shooting the horse first and capturing the king first was indeed correct, but the problem was that the anti-aircraft guns of the cruisers could have supported friendly forces in unfavorable situations. As a result, when they left, they lost a wave of intensive firepower support.

This made it more difficult for the pilots of the Rotating Water Federation to resist. The orange flashes of the explosions were connected, and the number of pilots with broken wings was countless.

Didn't Alyssa know what the consequences of using the cruisers would be?

Of course she knew, but she knew even more that if she didn't do so, the situation would be worse.

Now it was a race against time. Would the Rotating Water Federation destroy the enemy's aircraft carrier first, or would the fleet escort the armored transport ship to attack the interior of the fortress first?

Besides, even if the cruisers left, it was not completely without anti-aircraft firepower support.

The mobile aircraft carrier equipped with anti-aircraft guns stayed, and the manual anti-aircraft firepower on the fortress was also there, but it was not accurate enough and not dense enough.

Without the support of anti-aircraft firepower, the original third line of defense was not successfully established. The battle line was greatly compressed and was very close to the fortress. Now, if you turn around, you will even feel that you will be killed by the fortress.

The battle line could not be established at all. It was already a state of fighting on its own. On the track very close to the fortress, countless engine lights were strangled together. The flashes of particle beams and tracer bullets mixed with orange explosion flashes, which once illuminated the upper part of the space fortress Ilsha.

"Follow me!"

Li Chengxi blocked the machine gun with a shield, raised the beam rocket launcher with his backhand and smashed a nearby magic mecha into pieces.

Hall, who was a step slower, followed and protected Li Chengxi's back with a 40mm rapid-fire cannon.

The two were very close to the ground of the fortress. At most, it was no more than 100 meters. The battle line had been compressed to this extent. If they continued to retreat, they would almost fall on the fortress.

"The Swan has set off!"

"It should be to deal with the enemy aircraft carrier."

Li Chengxi said in the communication channel:

"How much ammunition do you have left?"

"Not much, only two magazines left."

"Then you have to go back to the fortress to resupply in a while, I will clear the way for you."

Li Chengxi did have enough ammunition. After all, he specially asked the people in the model shop to make a body with energy weapons as the main weapon, and suffered from the frequent resupply of physical weapons.

The beam rocket launcher docked with a rotary mechanism at the back. As the hydraulic pressure pushed the rotary wheel to rotate, Li Chengxi shot out a continuous beam of light and swept it towards the place where there were many enemy aircraft.

The mode commonly known as the welding gun is like a big broom, sweeping from left to right.

The enemy forces blocking the road, whether they were space fighters or magic mechas, were melted and detonated one after another, and it was obvious that a narrow passage was opened.

At this time, Li Chengxi heard a hurried alarm from the Bluetooth speaker, and a magic mecha approached from above.

It also used a 40mm rapid-fire cannon, and it was very close when it was discovered.

Dense shells hit the heavy shield. Perhaps because the thin-shell high-explosive bombs were useless, the magic mech kept shooting and pulled out the chain saw sword hidden in the leg armor at a very close distance, trying to bypass the shield from the side and pierce Li Chengxi's cockpit.

But Li Chengxi's reaction was obviously much faster than him. As soon as the chain saw sword started to turn, Li Chengxi's shield slammed over, just like a blunt weapon, hitting the face of the opponent's magic mech.

The head is the area where the viewfinder and precision equipment are placed. Damage here will not be fatal, but it will prevent the driver from accurately observing the outside.

The magic mech shook obviously, and just when it was about to start the engine behind it to detach, Li Chengxi pulled out a green beam saber and cut it in half.

What is the gold content of the nuclear bomb sword fairy...

Hall, who was guarding behind Li Chengxi, also repelled a space fighter. At this moment, no one was attacking them around.

"Let's go now. Inform the friendly forces to prepare for supplies, and also inform the ground units, you shot right, you almost hit me again!"

Originally, Li Chengxi and Hall were not conspicuous in the fleet, but the Red Maple Republic sent a batch of magic mechas over.

The ground air defense force received intelligence that the enemy had sent humanoid mechanical weapons to approach. Because everyone was moving very fast, it was difficult to see who was who. The ground air defense force chased the humanoid target and Li Chengxi was inexplicably hit by several shots by the friendly forces.

This is the limitation of visual air defense. If it was the previous situation of human-assisted air defense with machine souls, it would be easy to distinguish between the enemy and us.

Hall knew that he could not help at all without ammunition supplies, so he didn't say anything nonsense and immediately started the engine of the void kit to drive the silver whirlwind to fly to the fighter hangar of the fortress.

The 40mm shells used by the Silver Cyclone are the same as those used by the anti-aircraft guns. When the barrel needs to be replaced, it can be directly plugged in with the barrel of the 40mm anti-aircraft gun, without having to return to the Swan for resupply.

An orange flash exploded above Hall to the left, and Li Chengxi's voice came out again in the communication channel:

"Keep flying, I'll help you watch."

Although he is a headache when he doesn't listen to orders, it must be said that when he is a teammate, he is really safe and stable.

Seeing Hall flying farther and farther, Li Chengxi pulled the joystick hard.

The seemingly heavy body pulled onions on dry land at a very high speed, avoiding a string of tracer bullets.

The flexibility is indeed not very good, but the huge nozzle on the back is not for show, and the speed index is far beyond that of ordinary magic mecha.

The latter was obviously deceived by the bloated appearance, and it was too late to avoid it, and was directly hit on the shield. Then the muzzle of the beam rocket launcher was directly fired at the cockpit of the enemy magic mecha.

Passing through the flames of the explosion, the exhaust port on the edge of the shield released a large amount of superheated coolant steam, like a coating to protect the body from high temperature.

To be honest, Li Chengxi is good at air combat, but he has never tried a situation where both sides are mechas fighting, which is obviously different from ordinary air combat.

Compared with the previous use of shuttles to crush space fighters with technology, he now basically crushes the enemy with the performance of the body, rather than pure technology.

But then again, the feeling of mecha fighting is really good.

Who can refuse to drive a Gundam?

Fingers tapped on the keyboard a few times, and the bloated chest armor opened, revealing five staggered muzzles.

The next second, light green beams shot out randomly. The range was relatively short, but it covered an area like a shotgun, crushing several nearby magic mechas.

The chest armor had just closed to let the diffusion particle cannon cool down, and the rapid alarm sounded again, followed by a violent vibration, and the chainsaw sword chopped on the shield.

This time Li Chengxi did not take the beam saber, which needed to be plugged back and recharged every time it was used.

He took advantage of the difference in the performance of the machine, pushed the shield hard, and kicked the enemy's crotch hard with his knee while he retreated.

The beam trident on the knee was activated, directly shredding the armor and piercing the cockpit.

Obviously, Li Chengxi's machine was different from the magic mecha sold by the Storm Kingdom to the Red Maple Republic. Even if the difference in the energy core was not counted, Li Chengxi's machine was covered with weapons all over, and there was no blind spot.

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