Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1170 My patience is limited

"It's probably a level 2 disaster. The British are really good at hiding it."

Martina's voice came from the headset:

"This scale is almost up to level 1, but it hasn't caused serious consequences yet."

Unlike the Nine Departments, Europe has a popular grading system for supernatural phenomena.

Things below level 2 are basically easier to solve. When it reaches level 2, it is likely that the army will need to be dispatched. If it is level 1 and causes serious consequences, it is likely to be like a war.

For example, the fall of the gods is level 1 in terms of grading. The navy, army and air force are directly mobilized and ready to fight at any time.

"The forest seems to be affected by some kind of force."

Gan Xiaoyan also said:

"But this affected area has never appeared in the records of our Nine Departments at least."

After crossing a mountain, the situation on the other side is even more serious. You can see that the forest is dead in large areas. Whether it is evergreen or not, there is almost no green.

Li Chengxi also wore headphones and looked down from the window of the helicopter. He didn't see any power, influence, or other metaphysical places. He just felt that it was not normal to have dead trees all over the ground.

"It seems to have happened just a few days ago?"

"Yes, it won't be more than a week at most."

"Tsk, these British guys have caused such a big impact in just a few days, and they are still hiding it. Do they really think they can handle it?"

Erica continued to make up the British people's stubbornness. Gan Xiaoyan asked:

"We have another group of people coming to the UK. Have they arrived?"

"Not sure, I'm only responsible for picking you up."

It mainly depends on the scale of the impact. Only Li Chengxi seems to be insufficient as a helper. Gan Xiaoyan is a little worried.

At this time, the helicopter began to descend:

"We will land at an airport in the forest, and the rest can only rely on walking."

Did the British not even prepare all-terrain vehicles?

Is it really that bad?


Everyone has a glorious moment, but don't take it forever.

The degree of Daiying's lameness is far beyond expectations. If this kind of thing is under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Department, all the forces that can be mobilized would have been urgently mobilized, but the British are still so slow.

That's really fucked up.

After getting off the helicopter, the four had to carry their luggage and walk into the dead forest.

Erica had a compass and a map, so she wouldn't get lost, but the fact that walking on the mountain road was uncomfortable would not change.

Gan Xiaoyan and Martina took out sneakers from their luggage. Wearing leather shoes on the mountain road was probably a death wish. As for Erica, she knew she was going to walk on the mountain road from the beginning, so she came directly in hiking shoes.

The gradually dying forest gave people a very bad feeling. It was not very obvious when looking down from the helicopter, but walking into the forest was creepy.

And the physical consumption was also abnormal, as if something had sucked away the physical strength, and they had to rest after walking a short distance.

What's even more strange is that no traces of animals were seen along the way.

Whether it was large beasts such as bears and wolves, or even birds, there was no trace. Logically, there should be at least owls at this time.

Li Chengxi didn't feel any discomfort. Except that the mountain road was really difficult to walk, he didn't feel anything strange.

This is very strange. It stands to reason that the perception of gods should be stronger than that of humans. However, Gan Xiaoyan and the others felt something was wrong, but Li Chengxi didn't feel anything.

They kept walking and stopping until it was dark, so they had to turn on the flashlight. At about 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening, they climbed over a low slope and saw lights in the woods not far away.

It looked like the light of a camping lamp, and they could vaguely see the tents set up and people coming in and out nearby.

Erica looked down at the location:

"The camp should be ahead. It is said that people disappeared nearby."

Gan Xiaoyan heard this and immediately quickened her pace. The four of them slowly approached the camp.

The camp also noticed it. They could see some people getting into the tents and taking out guns:

"Stop! Who are you? This place has been blocked!"

Who could be climbing the mountain in the middle of the night? Do you think we are climbers?

Martina held up a certificate and replied:

"I am a clerk of the Black Iron Knights, and I have been ordered to come and check."

There seemed to be a little commotion at the camp, but after a while, the other party made a gesture to let them go.

After getting closer, I found that this was a camp set up next to the mountain. The area was not small. There were more than ten large tents alone. There were people coming and going in the camp, and they seemed very busy.

"The British are like this. They look busy, but they are not working at all."

Erica continued to arrange the local staff. At this time, a person who should be in charge came over.

"I am Charlie, the person in charge here."

This person is probably in his forties, or maybe younger, but his head has shown a Mediterranean trend, and his hairline looks very dangerous, even with a woolen hat.

The colleagues in the nine departments in various places are very consistent on this point. Everyone has less hair.

Erica and Martina took out their credentials:

"I will follow up on the subsequent developments on behalf of the Six-Man Council, and the Black Iron Knights will require information sharing in the event of a Level 2 disaster in accordance with the European Information Sharing Treaty."

This treaty was signed when the UK was still in the EU, allowing the paranormal administrations of various European countries to exchange intelligence when facing major situations. Although the UK has left the EU, this treaty is still in effect.

"In fact, it may not be as severe as a second-level disaster."

"We saw it when we came here. In terms of scale, it has indeed reached level two. If you have any dissatisfaction, please go to the six-person council and our Black Iron Knights to complain."

The other party seems to want to be tough. After all, what happened on their own territory cannot be solved by themselves, which is very embarrassing.

He saw Gan Xiaoyan and Li Chengqi behind them:

"What's going on with these two Asians?"

"Nine subjects."

Gan Xiaoyan took a step forward and took out her ID:

"There is an important person from our side on the missing list, and a search application has been submitted to you."

"Um... yes, but according to the information I received, you are not allowed to provide help yet."

According to the original plan, Li Chengqi and Gan Xiaoyan should still be driving around the coastal city, but Charlie didn't expect them to arrive so soon.

But now that I have come, I still have to struggle.

But Li Chengqi watched the person in charge named Charlie doing Tai Chi, and his patience was gradually worn away.

To be honest, Li Chengqi has already spared a lot of time for this matter. Yang Yiyi needs to keep a close eye on her for a long time, Viola is still fighting, and Alyssa's obvious war is coming.

I really don’t have time to chat with foreign officials.

What's more, after walking for several hours on a mountain road, you tell me you don't need it when you get there?

Ha, it's not your turn to say whether you need it or not.

Li Chengqi's patience had never been much, and now it was running low.

But before he made any move, he seemed to suddenly feel something and looked up at the sky to the left.

A very special bird, almost bigger than a helicopter, appeared in the clear night sky and was landing in the direction of the camp.

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