Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1169 Finally arrived

Li Chengqi didn't know what happened yet, after all, he was crossing the English Channel by boat.

This is also Li Chengqi's first time riding a boat, which feels a bit novel. Before this, he had only taken a pedal boat like the one in the park.

Judging from the map, the English Channel is not really wide. Li Chengqi thought that one hour would be enough.

But in fact, it looks different from the map and the actual journey. I boarded the ship in the morning, had a meal on the ship at noon, and arrived at the port in the afternoon.

And because Britain has left the European Union, it took a little longer to check the passport through customs. I wonder if the British guys are delaying it on purpose.

After struggling for a while, I finally stood on British soil.

"Where to go now?"

The British only said that they had been granted entry permission, but did not specify where they were going.

Qian Sen had an accident in the mountains of Wales, and Wales was far away from where Li Chengqi and the others were now. And it was also a quite large area, and we didn’t know exactly where Qian Sen’s accident happened.

Martina took out her phone and looked at it:

"Information from the Black Iron Knights says someone will meet us here."

The three of them looked around and found no one holding a sign to greet us. Is the British guy trying to trick us?

At this time, a man got out of a commercial vehicle on the street. He looked like a magician performing magic in a circus. He was wearing a purple-black tuxedo, a tall hat on his head, and a cane in his hand.

I just don’t know why this outfit is paired with a pair of hiking boots. It looks very mismatched.

Martina, who had a relatively soothing expression at first, immediately turned from sunny to cloudy when she saw the man.

"Martina, your stupid face is really easy to find."

Martina also gritted her teeth and said:

"Not as good as you, Erica."

At first glance, this Erica looks like a slender teenager, but if you look closely, you will find that she is actually two years younger than Martina, and is probably a girl who has just entered high school.

But he must be someone he knows, and he seems to be a bit contradictory.

"Why are you here?"

"Your question is still so funny, why can't I be here?"

"Don't you dare repeat the same words to Teacher Zola."

"Heh, that's what Teacher Zola means here."

Seeing that the two of them still wanted to continue fighting, Gan Xiaoyan had no time to care about the conflicts in Europe, so she immediately intervened between the two of them like fighting cocks:

"Are you the person in charge of us from the British side? I am Gan Xiaoyan, from Jiuke, and this is Li Chengqi, our partner."

After hearing what Gan Xiaoyan said, the two of them relaxed slightly from the cockfighting state.

Erica stretched out her hand and put on a business smile:

"Hello, welcome."

Li Chengqi remained silent. He always felt that Erica looked familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before, but he couldn't remember.

When shaking hands with her, Erica also showed some doubts, and her eyes revealed that she seemed to have seen Li Chengqi somewhere.

"Have I seen you somewhere?"

"Due to work, I don't see many Asians. I think recently..."

Speaking of this, Erica suddenly widened her eyes:

"I remembered you were the one selling potions to remove diseases."

Having said this, Li Chengqi also remembered that Erica was the person responsible for identifying the potion to remove the disease.

Previously, Qian Sen took the lead and helped Li Chengqi sell a batch of potions. Since they did not follow the regular procedures of Jiu Ke, someone needed to identify the authenticity of the potions.

The person in charge of this matter at that time was Erica. (See Chapter 256 for details)

It's been two years, no wonder Li Chengqi thought it looked familiar but couldn't recall it.

Erica would remember it because few people could come up with such high-quality disease removal potions, which left a deep impression on her.

"No, I remember when I introduced you, it seemed that you were a Frenchman in Italy? How did you end up in England?"

When Erica spoke just now, she had a spitting accent, which is a characteristic of French.

"I'm here on behalf of Teacher Zola."

Erica said and glanced at Martina, looking very proud:

"Teacher Zola is a member of the six-person parliament. This time the matter has become serious. Teacher Zola personally put pressure on the British side."

Although Britain has left the European Union, it is impossible to completely cut off ties. Domestic organizations such as the Secret Society of Magical Societies have close ties with the Six-person Parliament. Their pressure is much more effective than Jiu Ke's frantic phone calls.

"But the British have never realized that they have declined. They originally wanted to send someone to take you around here to buy time, but I drove them away."

Britain and France have been enemies for hundreds of years. It is more satisfying to watch the British suffer than to make money themselves.

Martina raised her eyebrows:

"So? How much do you know?"


This stopped Erica.

Indeed, Erica didn't understand what was going on. The British people's information blockade was very strict.

The six-person parliament exerted pressure only because of Qianson's relationship, forcing the British to accept foreign aid. It is not clear what happened.

But Erica will not lose face in front of Martina:

"At least I know how to get to Wales."

"Looks like the bunny trick turned your brain into a bunny."

"Nonsense! Do you want to wear bunny girl clothes again?"

"I think you want to wear it!"

The two glared at each other angrily, but speaking of the bunny girl, this seemed to be some kind of landmine, and both of them felt sorry for her.

"Anyway, I've arranged a car. Let's get on the road first and see what the British are hiding."


As a Frenchman, I will never miss the opportunity to laugh at the British.

This may be why French jokes are also very famous. After all, they hurt each other...

Erica is no exception. Originally, the British had to allow Li Chengxi and Gan Xiaoyan to enter the country under the pressure of the six-member parliament, but they did not say that they would take you to the place where the accident happened. Originally, someone was arranged to take Li Chengxi and Gan Xiaoyan around as a tour guide, but Erica took the person away directly.

The more the British didn't want to show their underwear, the more Erica would do the opposite. She had to take off your pants to see if there was shit on the British's buttocks.

So Erica didn't do anything fake at all. After everyone got in the car, she immediately drove to the airport on the outskirts of the city and got on a rented helicopter there.

Wales is full of mountains. From the satellite map, you can't even see a few roads. Driving in such a place is very difficult. It's better to take a helicopter directly.

To be honest, Erica's arrangement is indeed thoughtful, but Martina doesn't seem very happy. Maybe she thinks Erica is in the limelight.

Unlike the deep mountains of Wales that Li Chengxi imagined, after the helicopter entered the area, it was found that there were dead trees everywhere. After all, it's good that there is no snow in this month.

As the helicopter continued to go deeper, even Li Chengxi, who rarely left his home, saw that something was wrong.

It's normal for leaves to wither in winter, but why do evergreen trees like pine trees die?

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