Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1123 Fire Support

The patrols of the Red Maple Republic were not very strict. At least the patrols passing by, neither with human eyes nor with the drones overhead, noticed any trace of the container being opened on the other side.

After the patrol went far away, Alyssa and the others climbed out from under the car and quickly arrived in front of the warehouse the warehouse manager mentioned.

Sophia, the strongest, built a ladder below and asked Alyssa and two other soldiers to climb up to the vent on the side of the warehouse, while the others continued to guard the area.

There are tall shelves everywhere inside the warehouse, many of which almost reach the ceiling, maximizing the use of space.

Alyssa took out the list, held the flashlight in her mouth, and compared it with the markings on the shelf.

"Let's work separately, get everything as quickly as possible and leave."

The other two soldiers nodded, glanced at the contents on the list, and then the three of them separated and started rummaging in the warehouse.

There are not many things they need. There are only seven or eight items on the list, and the quantity required for each item ranges from a few kilograms to more than ten kilograms.

It can't be moved by one person, but it's not a heavy amount if you divide it up.

Alyssa opened her backpack, took apart boxes and other things, dug out useful things and stuffed them in.

"Aren't you back yet? I almost fell asleep waiting."

The sudden sound from the personal terminal made Alyssa's hands tremble.

Li Chengqi had nothing to do since he sent Alyssa and the others ashore, and it was indeed boring.

"Keep your voice down, you will be discovered."

"Okay, I'll keep my voice down."

Li Chengqi watched Alyssa stuffing things into her bag and asked casually:

"Did you find something?"

"We haven't found them all yet, but they should be there soon."

Alyssa said, putting another bottle of something that looked like ointment into her bag.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to get out."

"I know, so it needs to be quick."

When Li Chengqi was talking, he raised the angle of view and could see that while Alyssa was searching, there was a patrol passing by outside the warehouse.

Fortunately, the route taken by the patrol was on the other side of the warehouse, otherwise Sophia, Long and others waiting outside the vent would have been discovered.

Li Chengqi was about to ask Alyssa what she planned to do. At this time, the two soldiers who had separated before came back with heavy backpacks. Li Chengqi immediately stopped talking.

There must be some overlap in what the three of them got, but this level of redundancy is just right to avoid running out of something.

It took less than ten minutes in total to find everything from the dense shelves. The three of them stacked the boxes together as a stepping stone and climbed up the vent along the way back.

Alyssa climbed in first, and then threw the heavy backpack along the vent to Sophia who was waiting outside.

The second person also went smoothly, but when it came to the third person, as soon as the backpack was thrown down, a loud bang was heard from inside the warehouse, accompanied by the sound of something collapsing, and this sound spread out in the silent night. Far away.

Maybe the box they were using to stand on collapsed, or maybe the shelf they were holding the items from fell over, but either way, it wasn't good.

Alyssa's personal terminal immediately sounded Li Chengqi's voice:

"No matter what plan you have, it's best to do it as soon as possible. I see a lot of people coming in your direction."

Needless to say, Li Chengqi said that everyone also heard the sound of approaching footsteps, accompanied by the buzzing noise of the drone.

"Quick! Let's go to the armored vehicle!"

Everyone hurriedly ran across the road near the warehouse. At this time, they no longer cared about hiding, and they all used their strength to feed themselves.

Just as I ran past a container truck, I saw a string of sparks crackling on the door next to me, leaving a row of messy bullet holes.

Long immediately raised the rail rifle. In the light where she couldn't see where the person was, she aimed at the area with fire. Dangdang pulled the trigger three times, and the sound of gunfire and fire in the distance suddenly disappeared.

However, superb marksmanship cannot make up for the absolute gap in numbers, not to mention they have drones.

The twenty-millimeter cannon of the large drone immediately began to unleash its power. The angle of the shells fired from diagonally above was so good that there was not much room for cover.

One of Cao Wei's soldiers ran a little slower and was beaten into a bloody mist on the spot, unable to pick it up.

Alyssa hid behind the container with a slide shovel and aimed at the drone through the gap in the van.

The large-caliber pistol hit the duct and rotor on the left side of the drone, causing the drone to fall crookedly towards the warehouse wall.

But this was just the beginning, more and more soldiers gathered here.

At this time, the roar of the engine broke into everyone's ears. Two light armored vehicles drove over and fired at the patrol.

It was right to give priority to ensuring an escape route, but the appearance of armored vehicles would inevitably force the incoming soldiers to bring heavy weapons, so they still had to be as quick as possible.

Quickly rushing towards the hatch at the rear of the armored vehicle, Alyssa patted the bulletproof glass of the driver's seat:

"Go pick up the civilians, and then we will immediately change lanes and rush out from the main entrance."

Cao Wei, who followed, sat down opposite Alyssa and heard the words:

"But the main entrance is heavily guarded. Even with armored vehicles, it's difficult to get out."

"Don't worry, we have fire support."

Alyssa said to the personal terminal:

"It's time to get started, I'll give you the coordinates."

Cao Wei is even more puzzled. Now that the communication base stations are occupied by the Red Maple Republic, communications from a slightly further distance will be cut off. Where does the fire support Alyssa mentioned come from?

But it must be said that the communication was cut off, which obviously did not include Li Chengxi.

After all, he only needed to press a button on the keyboard to switch the perspective, and it had nothing to do with whether the communication was blocked.


In the port, the water surface covered with a layer of ship wreckage suddenly bulged, and the 50-meter-long deep-diving support ship emerged from the water.

This time, the shell of the upper part of the ship slowly opened with the sound of exhaust from the hydraulic mechanism, revealing four twin-mounted 128mm caliber turrets.

The deep-diving support ship is similar in appearance to a submarine, but it has no torpedo tubes, and because it has no missiles, this thing is equipped with a howitzer turret.

The original purpose of the design was to provide short-term fire support to personnel performing secret missions, so it is called a deep-diving support ship, not a diving troop carrier.

Li Chengxi has experience in flying airplanes and even warships, but it is the first time for Li Chengxi to fly a submarine, especially to control the artillery to provide fire support.

A little worried that he had entered the wrong coordinates, Li Chengxi checked three or four times to confirm that there was no problem, and then he pressed the fire button.

The four twin-mounted 128mm howitzers roared, and each salvo would cause the hull to shake violently. A total of four salvos were fired, and a total of 32 grenades were sent to the designated coordinates.

Then, the automatic loader started and began to reload shells and propellant columns into the gun barrel.

To be honest, such a large-caliber twin-mounted turret cannot be installed on a 50-meter-class ship. It can only be said that the artillery technology developed based on magic is indeed unscientific.

Li Chengxi was about to switch to Alyssa to see the effect of the shells landing, and suddenly saw that in the distance, the searchlight that seemed to be floating in the sky was moving towards the warehouse.

That was the assault landing ship.

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