In the darkness, there were a few sporadic whimpers, like the screams of a dog whose tail was stepped on, but the sounds were very short.

Sophia picked up an evil wolf from behind and killed it with her sister in her arms. Then there was a crisp sound, and the evil wolf ascended to heaven on the spot.

Yes, although the evil wolf is a monster, not an animal, it is a very weak monster, and a novice adventurer can easily deal with it with a sword.

"That's the last one."

After turning on the emergency light again, Cao Wei kicked the body of the evil wolf on the ground to confirm that it was dead.

"This is the third time we have been chased by dogs today. The frequency of the Red Maple Republic's raids is increasing."

Alyssa wiped the blood off the butt of her pistol with the fur of the evil wolf. She had just used this thing to open a big hole in the nose of an evil wolf, and then said:

"Will their personnel not come down?"

"Yes, and these evil wolves have not returned for too long. The Red Maple Republic army will definitely send more reinforcements. We can't stay here."

"Then, the time for action is now."

Alyssa said vigorously:

"I have a plan. Although it may not be comprehensive, it is the only plan at present. If you are willing to cooperate, we will act together. If not, then we will go our separate ways here."

Cao Wei looked at the confident Alyssa, and the sense of familiarity became stronger and stronger, but she just couldn't remember where she had seen it.

She tapped her forehead lightly. There was no time to hesitate now.

"Whatever the plan is, let's do it. We have no choice."

"Thank you very much for your trust. From now on, you listen to me."

Alyssa finally wiped the blood off the butt of the gun and put it back into the holster:

"Now, gather everyone. We are going to act."


About a few minutes later, a manhole cover in the warehouse area was slowly lifted from below. A pair of eyes looked around and confirmed that the patrol had just passed by. Then they put the manhole cover aside and reached out to take the gun from the well.

Soldiers climbed out one after another until Alyssa came out last and said to the civilians who were still staying below:

"Stay here and wait for us to come back. Don't make any noise or turn on the lights."

Then the manhole cover was covered again, covering the uneasy eyes of the civilians.

The group moved quickly along the wall. Lieutenant Dui and Lieutenant Cao Wei led the team and covered the team to quickly move between warehouses one after another.

Although Dui and his soldiers were too lax, they did not slack off in daily training and their technical and tactical skills were still good. Cao Wei's men had all crawled out of the pile of dead bodies in the past few days, and those with poor skills had already died.

The only thing to worry about was the only real civilian in the team, the warehouse manager, who was the only one who knew where the things were.

This warehouse had two gates, one in front and one in the back, and both were heavily guarded. The patrol soldiers of the Red Maple Republic were not very strict, perhaps because they did not think that the enemy would come to cause trouble. After all, with just one phone call, the assault landing ship would arrive, and the stragglers who came here to cause trouble would be killed on the spot.

The carelessness of these soldiers created convenient conditions for infiltration, but there was a small problem.

Where are the things?

In order to prioritize the retreat route, Alyssa did not look for the raw materials on the list given by Villania, but went to find a light armored vehicle first.

This thing came on a sea ship and was placed in a container.

However, when everyone arrived at the place, they found that the containers in the warehouse were stacked up like building blocks.

"Which container is it?"

"It must be on the side, because it is for the army and can be taken away at any time, so the loader did not press it down, but which one is it..."

The warehouse manager wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, he really couldn't remember it.

Because the military supplies are relatively rare, the warehouse manager took a second look at it at the time, and his memory is relatively deep, but it was just a glance. It has been several days, and it is impossible to remember the container number.

There is no way, they can only open the containers one by one to see.

One person is responsible for opening the container, and seven or eight people stand on both sides to hold the container door to prevent the thing from hitting the ground and making too much noise, and others stand on the side to be on guard.

Open one, it's not, open one, it's not, open four or five in a row and still can't find it. Not to mention the sweat on the face of the warehouse manager, everyone is sweating profusely.

The patrol team may come back at any time, and there may even be drones patrolling nearby. There is no cover nearby, and the longer you stay, the more dangerous it will be.

Finally, when the seventh and eighth containers were opened, two armored vehicles appeared in front of everyone.

Lieutenant Dui immediately jumped up to check and immediately popped his head out again:

"It is second-hand goods from other bases, and there is some ammunition and liquefied magic left."

When transporting vehicles that use liquefied magic, a little bit of it is usually added first. This is done to protect the energy pipeline from aging. However, if there is still ammunition left, it is the fault of the previous user, which is not allowed according to regulations.

Now I really thank that careless guy. Although there is not much ammunition left, at least the weapons on the armored vehicle will not become decorations.

The next step is to find the things on the list.

The warehouse manager also breathed a sigh of relief. He pushed the glasses on his face and said:

"The warehouse opposite is rented by the Molybdenum Group. There should be the raw materials you want in it, but be careful when you go in. Don't go in through the door. It's better to go through the ventilation window. There is an alarm device on the door. I'm not sure if it still works now."

The warehouse manager naturally knows his own warehouse inside and out. If it weren't for his assistance, Alyssa and the others would sneak into the warehouse to find things by themselves, and they would probably be caught in minutes.

Alyssa nodded:

"Leave a few people and be ready to respond at any time."

The retreat is guaranteed, and now we have to get what we need, otherwise this trip will be in vain.

Lieutenant Cao Wei asked a few soldiers to stay, and she followed Alyssa. There were not many people, only eight people including Lieutenant Dui.

They quickly crossed the road between the container and the warehouse, using the container trucks parked on the road as cover, and approached the warehouse step by step.

At this time, Alyssa's ears suddenly moved, and she immediately pointed to the other side.

A team of patrol soldiers appeared from the corner of the warehouse, and there was an armed drone above their heads.

Everyone immediately hid under the container truck, lying or lying down.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and everyone's heart was hanging in their throats with the flickering light of the flashlight.

Especially when he noticed that a soldier in the patrol team had dropped a cigarette on the ground, and when he wanted to bend down to pick it up, he could at least see everyone under the car by tilting his head slightly. Alyssa almost aimed her pistol and prepared to strike first.

Fortunately, at this time, another soldier in the patrol team kicked the man and lit a cigarette for him, and the patrol team continued to move forward.

Looking at the still burning cigarette butt on the ground, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This damn place, really can't stay.

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