A stargate is essentially a huge portal, and the consumption of transmission is actually related to the mass of the object being transmitted and the transmission distance.

These two values ​​that affect consumption are not a normal gradient, but a curve. After reaching a certain threshold, the energy consumption will increase exponentially, so it is actually irrelevant to the size of the portal.

It is built so large purely to accommodate more ships. Unlike conventional jumps, there is another stargate on the other side of the stargate.

The structure similar to the perpetual portal can greatly reduce the consumption.

But no matter how it is reduced, the target to be transmitted is a super-massive ship, and the distance is about more than two months for a normal cargo ship to sail, about a thousand ar.

This energy consumption is simply terrifying, even if a true god is tied to it as a battery, it is not enough.

So they set their sights on the stars.

The inexhaustible energy supports the operation of the stargate, instantly shortening the fast transportation speed by more than two months, which is no less than a cheat for logistics and transportation.

However, the star gate is still dangerous. After all, such a huge amount of energy supports the operation of the star gate, so the other end of the star gate is not arranged in the capital system of the Xuanshui Federation. After passing through the star gate, it needs to make several jumps to get there.

And this star gate does not mean that you can just walk in.

The Swan followed a large number of cargo ships to approach the star gate. Not long after, it received a communication from the tower. After verifying the identity, it marked a number on the Swan and waited.

You want to enter the star gate, and there are ships coming out on the other side of the star gate.

The star gate is not in the starting state all the time. It needs to be started once in and once out. There is also a limit on the number of ships entering and leaving each time. It is not that the star gate can be crowded in as soon as it opens.

It sounds simple, but the actual operation is still very cumbersome, so you need to get a number and wait in line.

However, compared with the voyage of more than two months, this waiting time can be ignored.

About ten minutes later, the huge triangular star gate began to appear like a pulse light band, the light rotated rapidly along the edge, and finally connected into a line, and all ships received the "attention strong light" reminder sent by the public channel.

Then, a layer of white film began to appear from the center of the huge triangular star gate, and quickly expanded to fill the star gate.

Then you can see that ships are coming out from behind the film.

The Swan and other ships are lined up on the left side of the star gate, leaving the front of the star gate.

This is to leave the front to prevent some ships from directly pulsing after coming out of the star gate and directly creating a collision with the waiting ships.

After this batch of ships sailed out of the star gate, they still followed the rule of sailing on the left, gradually passed the waiting ships, and sailed towards the outside of the galaxy, and after pulling away far enough, they started pulse flight or jump.

After all the ships came out of the star gate, the color of the star gate changed from white to blue.

At this time, the ships in line entered the star gate in turn. Each time the star gate opened, it could transport nearly a hundred large cargo ships. This transportation capacity is quite terrifying.

There is a fee to use the star gate, and the fee is not low, but compared with the time and the consumption of navigation, it is already cost-effective.

Many shipping companies will simply buy an annual pass, and Alyssa is even more exaggerated. She has the right to use all public facilities of the Rotating Water Federation for free, which is inherited from her grandfather James Lee.

However, the Swan still needs to queue up. According to the current progress, after the star gate is repeatedly opened three or four times, it should be the turn of the Swan to enter.

Li Chengxi wanted to see what the other side of the star gate looked like, but according to the current progress, the queue might take an hour or two.

Going to do something else, but afraid of missing it, made Li Chengxi a little entangled.

After drinking a glass of lemonade, Li Chengxi continued with the second glass, and at this time, he saw An Yun on the bridge suddenly said:

"There seems to be a commotion behind."

In addition to radar, the navigator also has a wide-angle optical observation device. Usually used for reconnaissance, now used to see the scenery.

Hearing An Yun's words, Alyssa also called out the captain's viewfinder, and the mechanism on the top of the Swan's bridge turned and aimed at the rear.

Faintly, a lot of engine lights can be seen, but the light of the stars obscures many things, and the distance is too far, so Alyssa can't see any problems.

"Here it comes."

An Yun held the device on his temple and said seriously:

"It seems that a fleet suddenly appeared in this galaxy."

Vilania next to him said:

"It's the guard fleet of the Rotating Water Federation."

The importance of the star gate is similar to that of the Three Gorges Dam. It is normal to have heavy troops guarding nearby.

But An Yuan did not relax her frown, and her eyes lit up with psychic light:

"It's not the fleet of the Rotating Water Federation. That fleet opened fire as soon as it jumped out!"

While An Yun was talking, Alyssa also saw from the viewfinder that there seemed to be a main gun-level ion beam salvo behind, and even saw an orange flash similar to the explosion of a ship.

Suddenly there was a bad feeling.

Almost at the same time, the emergency code from the tower sounded in the public channel.

Vilania picked up the headset and translated the code.

"It's the Red Maple Republic fleet. The control tower told us to evade it as soon as possible."

Alyssa's first reaction was "what the hell", and her second reaction was "very what the hell".

Although this place is still far from the heartland of the Rotating Water Federation, it has indeed entered the Rotating Water Federation. How could a fleet of the Red Maple Republic come to the Star Gate silently?

How did they bypass the patrol fleet of the Rotating Water Federation?

Or is there a traitor in the patrol fleet?


Alyssa suddenly remembered that the fleet that sent them here was exactly the squadron responsible for patrolling the outer periphery of the Star Gate.

Moreover, the intelligence that the fleet learned about the appearance of the crystal life form was too accurate. These abnormal reactions made Alyssa think that the appearance of the crystal life form might be a trick by the Red Maple Republic to divert the tiger away from the mountain?

This is impossible. Could the Red Maple Republic control the crystal life form?

A lot of thoughts suddenly flooded into my mind, but now is not the time to think about these things. The people on the bridge are still waiting for Alyssa's order.

"Start the main engine! Watch out for other ships around!"

Alyssa's fingers quickly set the route:

"We hide behind the Stargate Defense Fleet."

There are many people who think this way. In an instant, the ships waiting to enter the Stargate restarted their engines. The tower may be too busy to guide every ship to leave the port. A large number of ships are in chaos in front of the Stargate.

These guys from the Red Maple Republic are really good at looking for trouble!

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