Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1094 Man-Made Miracle

"Hello, this is your takeaway. I wish you a pleasant meal."

"Thank you."

After sending the takeaway boy away, Li Chengxi sat on the space capsule with lemonade in his hand, put the cup into the groove, plugged in the extension hose, and then lay back.

It felt good.

So Li Chengxi was usually in this state of lack of ambition, and he could lie like this for the rest of his life.

However, the two-headed little man on the screen was obviously not as happy as Li Chengxi.

The screen showed the cabin of the Swan. Fang Lanyin went into the maintenance window to check if there was any problem. Sanafia carried a large toolbox and helped beside her.

Although they escaped from the siege of three star cluster joint warships and the encirclement of crystal life forms, it was also a very fierce battle. The Swan needed more and more items to be repaired. Every day when Fang Lanyin opened her eyes, she had to work until she closed her eyes and fell asleep. She worked more than the donkeys in the production team.

There was no way. She was the only mechanic on the ship. At most, Villania could help check the system part. Only Fang Lanyin could deal with machinery.

Seeing her coming out of the maintenance channel, Li Chengxi casually threw in two glasses of lemonade.

"Take a break, you can't finish this work."

Normally, a ship like the Swan must have a special team of mechanics, and not just one or two. Usually, they are repaired while sailing, not to mention the logistics personnel and a lot of other things.

However, the Swan is short of manpower and relies entirely on Fang Lanyin.

That would be impossible to repair until death.

Alyssa probably also knows that Fang Lanyin is really too busy, and it is probably because of this that she temporarily gave up chasing the starship. She went to the capital of the Rotating Water Federation to send Emma and Sun Lin first, and she could also recruit some crew members by the way.

She didn't recruit at the talent market of the Knight Introduction Agency before because she was afraid that there would be another situation like Carlos, not to mention that there were all kinds of people in that ghost place, and Alyssa wanted reliable crew members.

Speaking of sending Emma and Sun Lin, the fleet of the Rotating Water Federation was escorting and sailing near the Swan. This journey was very peaceful. No matter if it was someone behind the scenes or a wild pirate, no one dared to provoke a squadron.

Even because of the wartime state, some star systems were restricted and civilian ships had to take a detour. But following the squadron and taking the military route directly greatly accelerated the speed of rushing to the star gate.

Li Chengxi chatted with Fang Lanyin for a few words, and then switched the screen to the bridge. At this time, Alyssa was communicating with the officers of the squadron.

"Ms. Alyssa, we can only escort you here. We have patrol missions next."

"Thank you very much."

Although it can only be escorted here, the star gate is actually within the range that the Swan can reach with one jump.

"Wish you a safe journey."

Then the communication was cut off, and the squadrons of the Xuanshui Federation started to jump one after another.

They are patrol fleets stationed in the star system near the star gate, and now of course they have to return to their respective patrol posts.

After the squadron left, the Swan also started to jump. When the white light on the bridge disappeared, the Swan appeared in a new star system.

This star system has three gas planets, no terrestrial planets, and each gas planet is separated by a large number of meteorites. At first glance, it looks like a sandwich structure.

However, the biggest feature of this star system is its stars.

The star, which is the same color as the sun, occasionally casts a large, long shadow, as if something is blocking the star's light. Due to the distance, it is really hard to see clearly.

The Swan then started a pulse flight towards the star, and only after the distance was shortened could the structure of the shadow be slightly seen.

Those are two huge rings.

From a distance, it looks like a cross, but it is actually a huge ring on the star, spinning and flipping around the star.

The ring that can wrap the sun is a miracle for most people in the bridge, and everyone is stunned.

"That is the Fire Stealing Ring, which is used to absorb a lot of energy."

Alyssa explained casually:

"It was originally planned to be called the Dawn Ring, but it was opposed by the followers of the Lord of Dawn. They tried to organize a protest march, and then changed it to the Fire Stealing Ring, specifically to anger the followers of the Lord of Dawn."


Li Chengxi, it feels a bit subtle.

After all, Losanda himself had eaten hot pot at Li Chengxi's house not long ago.

For believers, the sun is the incarnation of the sun god. Wrapping the sun with a layer of artificial objects and stealing the power of the sun is equivalent to stealing the power of God.

But this is actually the believers thinking too much, or thinking the opposite.

The sun is not the incarnation of the sun god, but the sun god is actually the incarnation of the sun.

And it is not only Losander who has the relevant sun priesthood. He only has the dawn priesthood. The genuine sun god Pero did not say anything, and the believers couldn't hold it first.

But this is also the usual operation of mortals, taking it for granted.

You think my Lord is merciful, but in fact the Lord doesn't care.

"Where is the star gate?"


The brightness of the star is too high, which means that the closer you get to the star, the less you can see.

The Swan tilted its route and headed towards the airspace above the sun. Only then did it notice that a large number of engine lights could be seen in this direction. Many cargo ships and passenger ships were moving on this route, densely packed.

And the so-called star gate finally revealed its true face at this time.

The first thing you see is a huge silver-white strip, like a pillar, but you can't see the whole picture from the bridge because it's too big.

Li Chengxi switched to the rear-end perspective of the Swan, and saw that a huge triangular object was on the route of all ships. From a distance, it looked like a planet (not so big in fact).

It floated above the star, as if it would fall into the star at any time, but visually it was the most unreliable way on a cosmic scale, and it was actually very far away from the star.

And as the Swan got closer, you would find that the color of the star was changing little by little, from the color of the sun to gradually turning blue-white.

It was like there was a layer of film that was invisible from the previous angle, wrapping up one side of the star.

In fact, this film is the main body of the Fire Stealing Ring. Light and heat will be absorbed by this film, converted into magic power, and compressed and stored in the Fire Stealing Ring.

The engine lights of a large number of transport ships were connected together, like a never-ending star chain, transporting highly compressed magic power between the Fire Stealing Ring and the Star Gate.

The Fire Stealing Ring was built for the Stargate, although to outsiders, it seemed like it was built for the sake of a plate of vinegar dumplings.

But apart from the stars, even the most advanced reactors are not enough to support the huge consumption of the Stargate. This thing itself is a gold-eating beast.

Moreover, it is also a miracle.

A man-made miracle.

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