Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1009 Tearing the Battleship apart

The performance of the ‘13-1’ is too abnormal. It can turn at an acute angle, decelerate suddenly, and has a super high acceleration ability. The numerical difference is like a modern aircraft beating a World War I propeller.

Its only weakness is that there is no pilot who can fly it. After all, with such exaggerated maneuvers, the G force that the pilot bears is also ridiculously large. No wonder there is a speed limiter when doing tests.

However, Li Chengxi does not have this problem. In addition to his super wide-angle vision and rich experience in flight simulation games, a hexagonal space fighter appeared just like that, and rushing into the enemy aircraft group is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

But then again, no matter how much fun Li Chengxi has here, he is only driving a space fighter and is powerless to change the entire battle situation.

After all, this itself requires a quick battle and then a quick escape. There is no benefit in continuing to entangle.

After Li Chengxi added a few more kills to his record, he immediately looked at the battleships that were passionately exchanging fire with the fortress in the distance.

These are all active warships of the regular army, which are different from the old antiques of the pirates. Moreover, the technical and tactical level of the regular army is not comparable to that of the pirates, and the number of the squadron is as high as more than 30.

Even Li Chengxi is not sure that he can rush into such dense anti-aircraft firepower and kill seven in and seven out.

The performance of the '13-1' is indeed awesome, but it is still not enough to fight the fleet alone, mainly because the weapon system is not good enough, and it still uses ion beams and 20mm machine guns.

If there is time to modify it, just like the time when he escaped from the guest star city, and add a weapon backpack or something, Li Chengxi is somewhat confident that he can rush over to challenge the ship alone.

But with the current armament, it is unlikely to even tickle the warship.

Suddenly I feel that Zaku 2 exploded too early.

The planetary fortress is accelerating and trying to escape, but the other party's warships are also following, just not letting you go. When the main fleet comes, even a war of attrition can wear down the fortress.

This is mainly because the construction of the fortress has not been completed. At present, only the main functions can be used. There are not enough people. Alyssa has become a gunner.

In this case, Li Chengxi began to consider whether to summon the mechanical angel to help. After all, when the main force of the fleet arrives, Alyssa and the others will not be able to escape. They will all become space garbage with the royalist fortress.

But at this time, a mixed cry came from the friendly channel.

"What is that!"

"I seem to see a person!"

"Impossible! How can someone fly faster than a fighter plane in the void!"

This aroused Li Chengxi's interest. Just as he was about to ask in the friendly channel, he suddenly saw a figure approaching quickly from behind and lightly landed on the top of the high-speed moving '13-1'.

This person was wrapped in something like a bubble, which might be some kind of spell or ability to defend against the influence of the void, so she did not wear a protective suit, but a loose dress like a hospital gown.

Almost at the same time, a dialogue bubble appeared above this person's head.

"Hello, pilot. I am Princess Leia of the Empire. I am sorry to talk to you in this way. I need your help now."

Li Chengxi then recognized that this person was the princess who had been taken out of prison before.

After all, it was pixelated and it was hard to see the details clearly.

Li Chengxi maintained the route and picked up the microphone:

"How do you want me to help you?"

"Take me to the vicinity of the enemy warship."

What do you mean, do you want to challenge the warship alone?

Li Chengxi clicked on the character panel and saw that it said 'Leiya, female, true ancestor of vampires, level 81'.



Although the development of magic technology has led to the atrophy of personal force, in fact, exploring the void does not require civilization to develop to the space age.

High-level wizards like Orde will use the spell of defending the void to protect themselves from normal movement in the void. If they feel it is still unsafe, they can also use the spell of astral projection to let their souls fly into the void, similar to the soul leaving the body.

What's more, there are magic ships, which look like sea ships and can sail in the void, but their performance is not as good as the battleships on Alyssa's side.

So for most people, the void is completely unknown, but for any character above level 40, the void belongs to the one that they want to go to.

Not to mention the vampire true ancestor with a level of 81.

This princess was not killed, probably because with the current technical level, it is impossible to kill such a high-level guy. It is outrageous that she was caught.

This level of character can be called a strategic nuclear weapon. If she can go one step further and break through level 90, she will truly enter the demigod class. Even if the true saint descends, it may not be able to beat her.

For this kind of guy to go to the void is as easy as going out for a walk.

Li Chengxi bent the joystick and pushed the engine thrust to the maximum. '13-1' shook off all the enemy planes that tried to approach, and soon even the taillights of the car could not be seen, and it went straight to the fleet.

Such a high-speed target was immediately detected by the fleet's radar, and it was easy to determine from the enemy identification signal that it was not one of their own.

So the anti-aircraft artillery fire outside the fleet immediately formed a dense firepower network.

Li Chengxi controlled the body to dodge the anti-aircraft firepower with unbelievable and outrageous maneuvers. If there was someone in the cockpit, I'm afraid their brains would be shaken.

However, Princess Leia, who was lying on top of the aircraft, seemed completely unaffected. Li Chengxi was worried that she would be thrown off.

Maintaining the maneuver, she gradually approached the nearest cruise ship from above, and then Princess Leia jumped down towards the bridge, feeling like Li Chengxi had thrown a bomb down.

Because she was a person, the radar could not lock such a small target, and she could only use the anti-aircraft gun manually, but it was definitely too late now.

When Li Chengxi turned to avoid the shells, he could even see the people in the bridge widen their eyes, as if they saw the Jade Emperor and the King of Hell going to a disco together.

Then Princess Leia directly hit the bridge, easily tore the armor plate with her bare hands, made a hole and got into the warship.

Then he saw explosions in the warship one after another and bright sparks appeared from the invasion position all the way to the engine.

Li Chengxi almost imagined the sound effects of a cat and mouse fight in his mind.

In less than two minutes, the engine at the rear of the battleship exploded violently. The entire battleship suddenly swelled and then immediately turned into a huge fireball. Even the escape pods did not have time to eject.

The nearby battleships were probably also scared. The density of anti-aircraft firepower increased by more than double. They didn't know what Li Chengxi did after approaching, and thought it was some kind of anti-ship weapon.

While Li Chengxi was avoiding the artillery fire, he suddenly saw Leia landing on the fuselage of '13-1' and reached out to hold the armor plate:

"Please go to the next one."

The tone was almost the same as when you take a taxi and say, "Stop for me at the intersection ahead."

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