Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1008: Speed ​​up your escape

Long, Sophia and Carlos all followed Alyssa to the gun position. The fortress was short of manpower, so anyone who was free had to be pulled to work.

Hall and Vilania followed the space fighter, and the rest of the people were helping the ground crew.

The staff of the fortress knew that the driver who drove out the '13-1' was from the Swan. Since Fang Lanyin said so, the other party gave up the idea of ​​opening the cockpit and floated away on his own.

Sanafia was still lying on Benben's back, but Benben, the golem with its own small thruster, was not idle and was transporting the liquefied magic barrels here.

An Yun was also like that. Although she didn't have much strength, she had psychic power, so she directly pulled the cart full of ammunition boxes over.

Then she started to busy herself with replenishing ammunition and adding liquefied magic.

"How does this space fighter feel? Is there anything that needs to be modified?"

"The magic storage pool."

Li Chengxi said without hesitation:

"It's too small, not enough at all."

After all, '13-1' is just an experimental platform, a tool to verify whether the technology can be applied. When it was originally designed, its endurance was not considered, so it was out of service after the light wings were unfolded once.

The fuel tank it uses is no different from that of ordinary space fighters, and it is not even as big as the Manta Ray. There is no compressor to compress magic, and the capacity is pitifully small.

But the consumption is much greater than that of ordinary space fighters. You have to come back to refuel after just going out for a round.

Originally, these tests and improvements were just started today, but I didn't expect that the enemy fleet would come, so I can only fight and do it at the same time.

Li Chengxi then mentioned a few more areas that he hoped to improve, and then asked Fang Lanyin:

"Did anyone else come back?"

"No, you are the first to return."

Physical ammunition is the easiest to consume in air combat, but no space fighter has returned to resupply so far. It is very likely that the battle is too intense, and there is no time to come back to resupply.

"Don't replenish physical ammunition yet. I'll set off after I finish replenishing magic."

Refilling liquefied magic is simple. Once the pipe is connected, the pressure pump can be used to fill it. Refilling ammunition requires sending it in one by one.

Physical ammunition itself is not used much, so let it be.

Li Chengxi is a little worried about Villania. Her physical strength is unlikely to support long-term combat.

As he was talking, the entire hangar suddenly shook slightly, and the pipes that were replenishing liquefied magic were straightened a little.


"I hope not. After all, it is a fortress. It shouldn't be so stretched, right?"

It is indeed not hit. If you zoom in, you will see dense engine lights on the back of this fortress, which is pushing this planetary fortress to accelerate slowly.

The outcome of the air battle of the space fighter is not important. What is important is whether it can get rid of the current predicament.

The more than 30 warships of the squadron do not have an advantage in the firefight with the fortress-level firepower. Their role is to entangle the fortress and wait for the main fleet to arrive.

So the enemy adopted a loose formation to avoid being concentrated fire.

At the same time, the fleet started to pull smoke from time to time to interfere with the optical aiming instruments on the fortress. Although they were also blocked by the smoke and could not shoot accurately, they were just holding it back and did not care about the accuracy.

This move was very unethical. The fortress could not continue to wait for siege.

So seeing that the fleet could not be dealt with in a short time, the fortress started the engine, hoping to escape from the shielding force field of the squadron and start the jump to escape.

But it is estimated that the fleet is unlikely to let it run away like this.


Hall was a little out of breath. She was trying to calm her breathing to avoid oxygen intoxication and to silence the "over-breathing alarm" in the protective suit.

Although Hall was very confident in her flying skills, she obviously underestimated the battlefield situation.

When Hall was in the Star Cluster United Army, he participated in low-intensity conflicts such as exterminating pirates. Later, he joined the team of recyclers, which was similar. The two sides in the battle were only at the level of dozens of space fighters.

However, this time, she dispatched hundreds of aircraft alone, which was too large.

Not only do you have to accurately identify whether the engine light in front of you is an enemy, you also have to frequently scan the enemy identification radar, and pay attention to the rearview mirror to see if there is an enemy plane chasing you.

This consumption of attention and energy is far greater than physical strength. No wonder the pilots who return home will be unconscious or even incontinent. It is really anti-human.

Pulling the joystick with both hands, Hall made way for the wreckage of the fighter plane floating in the void, and pressed the red fire button with his finger. With a slight tremor of the body, a string of machine guns mixed with an ion beam blew up a space fighter chasing Villania.

And Villania is almost at the limit of her physical strength.

It can be seen that her movements are obviously much slower. In the hands of Silver Tornado, Fang Lanyin's special shield is now tattered and probably has almost no defensive effect.

Someone should have returned to replenish ammunition and take a short rest, but the battle situation is too tense and there is really no time to go back.

The enemy planes must have given them a death order, asking them to entangle, so both sides were in a physical tug-of-war, and whoever couldn't stand it first would die.

And just as they were pulling each other, Li Chengxi's spirited voice came from the public channel.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm so hot!"

Then Hall saw a striking purple-red flash passing quickly from behind, even flashing across the radar, and bringing with it several orange explosion flashes.

This time Li Chengxi learned his lesson. He said that the light wing could not be used at all, at least not before the fuel tank was modified.

Because the ‘13-1’ was too conspicuous, it would light up a purple-red flash like lightning every time it turned. Almost as soon as it appeared on the battlefield, it was immediately surrounded by enemy aircraft.

In terms of speed, the enemy aircraft could not catch up at all. Li Chengxi felt like he was driving a train, with a string of them following behind.

He turned his head and glanced at it, flexibly bypassing a piece of the wreckage of the battle cruiser, and then pulled the joystick hard.

Almost at the same time, the ‘13-1’ burst into a striking purple-red flash, and it was not a flash, but a continuous pulse flash.

It was like an invisible hand holding the body tightly at high speed, and the speed was dropping sharply.

The space fighters chasing behind him obviously did not expect Li Chengxi to suddenly slow down. Although some people tried to seize this shooting window to start the machine gun and ion beam, the window was too short and too sudden, and there was no way to aim properly.

Li Chengxi could rely on the performance of the body to suddenly slow down, but the space fighters behind him obviously did not have this ability. In a blink of an eye, all the space fighters chasing after Li Chengxi ran ahead of him.

Then the engine restarted, and ‘13-1’ accelerated again.

“This is a Cobra maneuver!”

When the enemy pilots did not understand what Li Chengxi shouted on the public channel, the ion beams were fired continuously, turning the three space fighters that had no time to dodge into flying fireballs, and finally turned into orange explosion flashes.

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