Vaghal carefully bypassed Vomisor, who was no smaller than himself to the naked eye, and slowly landed on the first floor of the Dragon's Nest City wall. Opposite it were Jakaris and Womax.

"Wrath of Bronze" Vormisor landed unceremoniously behind Vormax. Longzell put his hands on the dragon's saddle and quietly watched Aemond climb off Vhagar's back.

Womax wanted to yell at Aemond, but seeing Vhagar calm down, the young dragon estimated that if he provoked Vhagar, Vomisor might not be able to save him in time. , then gave up the plan of yelling, and just stared at Aemond fiercely.

As soon as Aemond climbed off the dragon's back, he noticed the people standing in the courtyard on the first floor of the castle. Not only were the three princes of the Black Party, but also Lord Edric Dondarrion and Lord Randyll Caffron, who took over from his grandfather. The three frontier nobles, Earl Harlow Selmy, as well as Earl Revell Haydn, who has grown into a boy, and Earl Tigris Hoss, who has grown white hair, are two frontier nobles. In these years, the nobles have been allowed to open up the Stone Road and the Red Frontier, and have become quite powerful lords, at least no worse than the Granderson family of All Seeing City who have not yet sworn allegiance.

The young Count Quentin Manwudi was also in the team, talking to Count Revel Haydon. Another newly rising lord of Dorne, Count Oberyn Stantal, took the initiative to take over the task of guarding. He wore brass scales and stood by the side with a spear.

"It's bad, the news has leaked." Imond immediately realized why, except for Lynn Vartarken who was entrusted in Prince's Pass, Donald Tully in Horn Hill, and Vanson Ka in East Blymond Valley, In addition to Weng, all of Longzell's powerful vassals have arrived.

But the one-eyed prince showed no timidity at all. He walked towards Wormisor with his head held high, raised his head and said, "Cousin Longzell, I am here as a messenger."

Ronzel nodded, and Jakaris walked aside without saying a word, picked up a piece of bread from the servant carrying the plate, dipped it in some salt, and handed it to Aemond. Aemond breathed a sigh of relief, took the bread, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

When he took the bread, even with only one eye left, Aemond could still see the veins on Jakaris' arm. This fourteen-year-old boy seemed to have been suppressing his anger.

"Just tell me your reason for coming, Prince Aemond." Longzell had no desire to go down to the dragon. He was very curious about what conditions the Green Party could offer him. You know, after getting the news from King's Landing's spies, At that time, Jakaris immediately represented his mother and stepfather - which he could indeed represent, and gave himself quite good conditions.

These conditions include: any position on Rhaenyra's council, his Hand of the King, that his heir will serve as his adopted son until he comes of age, and that he will marry a child of House Vareses, and that he will not have to pay any royalties for fifty years. The fortification and luxury taxes imposed by King Helis also allowed the Vareses to appoint the stewards of Summerhall, the Royal Mint of Silvercrown, and the territories of the Marchier lords who participated in the rebellion.

"I come on behalf of the legitimate king, Aegon II of House Targaryen." Aemond swallowed, but still said loudly. "Prince Ronzel Varese, as a loyal vassal of the Iron Throne, His Majesty the King desires your loyalty."

"?" Long Zell looked at his two brothers on the ground. "Valar, Rey, if I remember correctly, when we came to this land, the person King Viserys asked us to swear allegiance to and swear to defend the inheritance was Princess Rhaenyra, right?"

Rey smiled and nodded without saying a word.

"I also remember that the one who swore allegiance was Princess Rhaenyra." Valarr took a step forward. "So shouldn't it be Queen Rhaenyra who sits on the Iron Throne now?"

"I also remember that what I swore to defend was the princess's right of inheritance." The older Earl Randyll Cavron said solemnly: "Although I am older, I have not forgotten my oath."

"My father once pursued the princess." It was Lord Dondarrion who spoke. "When he was alive, he asked me many times to remember the oath of the family. The oath is higher than life and is witnessed by the gods." He looked at Prince Aemond. "I wonder if the Oathbreakers in King's Landing are prepared to be punished by the gods."

"Rhaenyra is the one who broke the oath." Aemond said calmly: "Also under the witness of the gods, the Great Council denied the right of women to inherit. The lords across the land swore allegiance to my father instead of Princess Rhaenys. , This is enough to prove that the gods stand on the side of male inheritance law, and your oath cannot be higher than this oath. "

"You are denying the sanctity of the oath!" Randyll Cavron wanted to draw his sword, but found that he did not have a sword with him, so he could only point his finger at Aemond angrily.

"Cousin, I have brought the conditions of the legitimate king. You may wish to listen to them first." Aemond took a few steps back, Vhagar suddenly leaned forward, and Vormisor stretched his neck instantly. The light of fire flickered in the throat. Looking at Wormisor, Vhagar slowly stepped back.

"Tell me." Longzell looked down at Aemond, who was already standing next to Vhagar with interest.

"King Aegon's three positions: Hand of the King, Chancellor of the Finance, and Lord of the Sea are at your disposal. You will also be given the right to appoint the Steward of the Royal Mint in Summer Hall." Aemond looked at Jakaris , Lythris and Young Aegon.

"My brother's crown prince Jaehaerys is willing to be engaged to Samantha. She will be the future queen. Jaehaerys and Rey's engagement remains unchanged. If possible, Cousin Valar, we hope Danila can Engaged to Meral."

Rey smiled. He didn't even know what Jaehaerys looked like. He only knew that Jaehaerys had six fingers. He ran to little Aegon and scratched the little boy's nose: "Did you hear that? ? Someone is stealing your wife."

Young Aegon immediately glared at Aemond.

"Aemond, if you can only come up with these, may I think that you are insulting my mother and my knight." Jakaris said in a deep voice.

"Go back, Aemond." Longzell straightened his back with a smile, but Wormisor still glared at Vaghar. "Tell your Aegon 'King.'" He emphasized the word king, as if he was afraid that others wouldn't know he was a king. "Who gave him the confidence to use these to shake the oaths witnessed by the gods? Aemond, I believe you have also read the Targaryen family's collection. The war between the Dragon King and the family is not a child's play."

Vormisor crawled forward slowly, and the dragon slowly raised its head and glared at Vhagar who was gradually retreating. It was as if two mountains were facing each other in the castle courtyard.

"The blood of a dragon is far more terrible than the blood of a mortal. The Valyrians have proved this with their blood. Aemond, if you or your brother still have a little bit of wisdom, show enough sincerity. Show Princess Rhaenyra how you can question her inheritance, and show me how you protect the hard-won royal power of the Targaryen family."

Vormithor roared like thunder. Aemond could hardly stand and hurriedly grabbed the rope ladder hanging from Vhagar's dragon saddle. Vhagar's ugly and old head tried to roar back, but was blocked by Wormisor pressed hard. "I understand." Emond knew that his mission had failed, and he quickly climbed up the rope ladder and returned to the dragon saddle. "Prince, I will bring your words to His Majesty the King." Aemond's tone gradually became cold. "Hopefully you will get back on track and support our legitimate king and sacred law."

After saying that, he pulled the hand guard of the dragon saddle, and Vaghal struggled to get up, spread his huge wings, and slowly flew up.

"Brother, do you want to chase?" Valar was a little eager to give it a try.

Long Zell shook his head: "The fight hasn't started yet, there is no need to use the dragon first. I am also curious about what they are thinking and whether they are ready to deal with the princess's anger. Xiaojie, Xiaolu, clean up, I will escort you Return to Dragonstone."

Jakaris nodded and climbed onto Womax neatly. He was already ready. Lucilis also hurriedly ran to the Dragon Lair Tower. Arax was still enjoying the mutton in the lair.

"Valar, you stay and wait for Alan and Linn."

"Understood." Varar nodded: "I will count the troops that can fight. According to the news from the raven in Sunspear City, Dorne's harvest has not been very good in recent years, and there are also Yronwood's The remnants are making trouble, and Sunspear and Starfall are unable to free themselves, but Prince Keolen is willing to defend the orthodoxy, and Count Doran Gorgenles will lead 1,000 spearmen and 500 sand cavalry to join our team."

"That's enough." Longzell nodded: "Oberyn."

Count Oberyn Stantal, who had moved his territory to the southernmost part of the prince's territory and built a town called Morningstar Town, immediately stepped out with a spear.

"You return to the fief immediately, and be sure to pay attention to the south to prevent the remnants of Yronwood from invading us."


Ronzel arranged the military affairs of the territory and asked Varese's silver fleet to patrol the Dorne Sea to prevent the pirates of the Stepstone Islands and the Three Daughters Kingdom from invading. Then he took off with Jakaris and Lusiris.


Rhaenyra gave birth to a monster. A twisted, deformed dead baby with a big hole in its heart, a body covered in scales, and a short, scaly tail.

In order to give birth to her, the princess almost exhausted all her strength, and she barely recovered until the jester "Mushroom" took the dead baby out for cremation.

The Map Hall of Dragonstone.

Before Aegon the Conqueror conquered the Six Kingdoms, he carved a huge long table here with a map of the Seven Kingdoms. The servants lit up the red dots representing the great princes on the map table one by one so that the adults could watch. convenient.

Rhaenyra moved weakly into the Map Hall, and with the help of the white knight Ser Lorent Malbrandn, she sat down on the throne.

There were not many princes present. Prince Damon sat on the right side of the princess and held her hand tenderly, as if this could soothe the pain of his wife's recent loss of the child. Princess Rhaenys sat next to him, playing with the dragon ornaments on the table.

Maester Grates is sitting next to the princess's left hand. Next to him is Earl Corlys Velaryon. The old "Sea Serpent" is still energetic, wearing a gorgeous blue robe, and on his chest is a sterling silver sculpture of a bird from the sea. A seahorse breaking through the waves.

The two white knights who had formally sworn their allegiance to Princess Rhaenyra on the night when the news came, Ser Ilic Kargael and Ser Laurent Malbrand, stood behind Rhaenyra.

The princes loyal to Dragonstone are basically here. Lord Bartimus Celtigar is next to Princess Rhaenys. Next to him is Lord Germain Marseille of Stonedance City and Simon Stang of Raven Roost. Earl of Ton.

Lord Gonthor Darklyn of Duskendale sat beside the sea serpent. Next to him were Lord Baal Aemon of the Horns and Ser Alfred Broome, Captain of the Watch of Dragonstone.

Daemon looked at the lords present and couldn't help but sigh. Dragonstone didn't have many soldiers, only 30 knights, 100 crossbowmen and 300 infantrymen. If they recruited from the villages under the Dragon Mountain, they could recruit another 300 or 400 people, which was already the limit.

Among these lords, except for the Velaryon family, only Earl Gunthor Darklyn of Duskendale could recruit more than 1,000 troops.

This was far from enough.

"Everyone, I must tell you a piece of unfortunate news. My daughter Visenya was killed by my treacherous brother. They stole my crown and now murdered my daughter." Rhaenyra's vicious eyes made everyone feel creepy as if they were being stared at by a dragon. "I will make these traitors and thieves pay."

"Your Highness, we don't have enough troops." Lord Simon Staunton reminded: "Our combined forces are not as strong as the Hightower family, and although we have Lord Sea Snake's fleet, the false king also has it."

"They are traitors and thieves, not kings!" Rhaenyra stared at Lord Staunton coldly.

"Your Highness, I have to admit that there are not a few princes in the country who secretly question your inheritance rights." Maester Gladys whispered.

"There will always be noble nobles who remember their oaths." Rhaenyra knocked on the table. "Lord Corliss, I need your fleet and wealth."

"What's mine is yours." Corliss's old voice was still firm: "Xiaolu is my most perfect heir, and I will fight for him and your great cause. I am old, but I hope the Seven Gods can let me finish this last battle."

Rhaenyra nodded gratefully and looked at everyone again: "And we have dragons."

"Your Highness, Aegon also has them, and they have Vhagar, the oldest and largest dragon in the Seven Kingdoms." Maester Gladys reminded.

"We have more dragons." "Uncrowned Queen" Princess Rhaenys finally said her first sentence, and the old princess' eyes were burning with fighting spirit. "The princess has Syrax, Daemon has Korax, I have Melias, Gon, Lu, and Joff all have dragons that can fly to fight, and if Prince Longzier is on our side, we also have Wormthor, Silverwing, and Shadownight."

The old princess stood up: "I can guarantee that Wormthor is no smaller than Vhagar. As long as Prince Longzier is willing to ride a dragon to fight for you, the dragon of the usurper is simply vulnerable. Yangyan is young and has nothing but appearance. Dreamfire's rider is not a warrior. Tesserion is the same age as Gon's Wormax. Little Helena." When this name was mentioned, both Rhaenys and Rhaenyra sighed at the same time. "Although Little Helena's children have dragons, they are all young dragons that cannot fly to the sky. We have a great advantage."

"Your Highness, as long as Prince Longzier is willing to stand on our side. We can fly to King's Landing immediately and burn all the traitors to ashes. Nine to four, the advantage is mine." Count Bartimos Celtigar suddenly became excited. "I am willing to be a lobbyist."

"Bartimos." The sea serpent interrupted Bartimos with some dissatisfaction: "What we want is rule, not a smoking ruin."

"I am just making an analogy." Count Bartimos hurriedly defended: "As long as our dragons fly to King's Landing, the usurper will have no choice but to fight with us, then our dragons can completely crush the usurper and the traitor's dragons. That's nine to four."

"My son is sitting on the dragon's back, Lord Setiga." Princess Rhaenyra calmed down and said: "If Dragonzel doesn't stand on my side, or he can't act with us in time, the result will not be what you think. Lord Setiga, I can't ride a dragon in a short time, and my son's dragons are too young. The only ones who can fight the usurper head-on are Melias and Koraxhu."

"Your Highness, why not listen to the usurper's conditions?" Maester Gladys whispered.

"Speak, let me see what evil ideas my thief brother has come up with?"

"The usurper said that as long as you are willing to respect him as king and go to the Iron Throne to swear allegiance, you can continue to own Dragonstone as a fiefdom, and this fiefdom can also be inherited by Prince Jacaerys, Prince Lucerys will be recognized as the legal heir of Tidehead and the next Lord of the Tide, and young Aegon and Viserys will be granted glorious court positions. Young Aegon will serve as his attendant, and Viserys will serve as his cupbearer."

The whole meeting fell into silence.

After a while, Rhaenyra spoke expressionlessly: "Maester Gladys, I would like to ask if you still remember my father Viserys."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Then do you still remember who is his legal crown prince."

"You, Your Highness." Gladys answered firmly.

"Then why do you still allow such conditions that insult me ​​and my father to appear in my court?"

"Your Highness, this is an effort for peace." The maester said.

"There is no peace anymore, everyone." Daemon said coldly, "When they defiled my brother's will and stole my wife's crown, peace was gone."

Three dragon roars came from afar, and Princess Rhaenys immediately opened the window.

Three giant dragons appeared in the sky from afar.

Earl Bartimos smiled suddenly. "Your Highness, they are coming!"

Second update check-in, sorry everyone, I overestimated my speed in handling projects, so tonight to make up for it, this chapter is 5,000 words, I wish you all a happy reading.

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