Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 85 Coronation Day and Bloody Day

The sea in Blackwater Bay was still as calm as ever. Listening to the bells from King's Landing, Sir Stephen Duckling glanced coldly at the red castle that was already drifting away, and carefully took off the The package hanging on the shoulder contained a crown, the crown of King Renren and Viserys, a crown carved with three heads, a dragon, a stag, a running wolf, a lion, a rose, a trout, a rose. Crown with seven different colored gemstones of the falcon.

"Traitor, you have soiled your oaths and white robes." Stephen Duckling silently looked at the Red Keep disappearing on the sea level. He continued to paddle the boat towards Dragonstone Island with his attendants and the steward who kept the crown. "I will bring order to the chaos, Your Majesty Viserys." The white knight looked resolutely at the looming island in the distance.

His eyes returned to King's Landing.

The people listened blankly as the bell rang one after another, and riders on white horses passed through every street of the capital. They shouted, "King Viserys is dead, long live King Aegon! Hail for the rightful king!" In front of people's beautiful villas, passing by the poor people's flea holes.

"Long live King Aegon!" A businessman suddenly raised his arms and shouted, scattered cheers also sounded in his cheers, but more people were crying.

The old man shed tears in mourning for King Viserys. The one-armed old shepherd, dressed in rags, looked at the Great Aegon and Helena with cold eyes as they rode side by side in the huge royal team. Four white knights guarded the king and Beside the Queen. The shepherd was also praying, but the people nearby could not hear what he was saying. A big man asked the person next to him in confusion. "I heard that the old king appointed the 'Light of the Kingdom' Princess Rhaenyra as the crown prince? What?"

Before he finished speaking, sporadic "Long live the Queen" came out from the bustling crowd, but it was quickly suppressed by the louder "Long live King Aegon."

"Long live King Aegon!" A middle-aged man explained to the big man swornly. "The old king must have brought things right. Will you let your girl inherit the family business? Of course King Aegon is the most orthodox. Long live King Aegon!"

The hesitant people gradually joined in shouting "Long live King Aegon!" But more people remained silent with complicated eyes. Some civilians who were reasonably well-dressed watched for a while and immediately separated from the crowd of onlookers. They had decided to leave King's Landing immediately and go anywhere.

As long as you're not in King's Landing.

Listening to the continuous "Long Live the King". The smile on Aegon's face grew wider and wider, and he even raised a rare eyebrow at Helena. But Helena didn't even look at him, just thinking about something with her eyes empty.

The mighty team passed through the city, and the Dragon's Cave on the high hill opened its heavy bronze door. Thousands of strictly selected people, knights, and nobles poured into the vast hall of the Dragon's Cave like a tide.

Great Aegon was already standing on the high platform of the Dragon's Lair Hall. Aemond stood with a cold face and Queen Allison with a serious face. Four white knights surrounded the stage, wearing gold bracelets and necklaces - this It was the symbol prepared by interim Prime Minister Kriston Cole for himself. The White Knight Captain slowly walked up the steps holding the Valyrian steel and ruby ​​crown of Aegon I the Conqueror.

The Great Aegon leaned on the Valyrian steel sword "Blackfire", the Targaryen family sword, and watched with a smile as Ser Christon put the crown on his forehead.

"To Aegon II Targaryen, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Warden of the Realms, Maker of the Peace of Dorne, Light of Peace in the Marches, Salutations to His Majesty the Awe-inspiring Righteous King," exclaimed Sir Christon. "Long live King Aegon!"

The people in the audience suddenly burst into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami, "Long live King Aegon! Long live the legitimate King! Long live King Aegon! Long live the legitimate King!"

"Long live the legitimate king!" Great Aegon excitedly raised the black fire.

The people in the audience became even more crazy, and the entire dragon's cave reverberated with people's cheers, even overwhelming the dissatisfied roars of the dragons living below.

Alison finally showed a smile. She took off the gold crown, put it on Helena's forehead, and kissed her favorite daughter on her cheeks. Get down on one knee. "Your Majesty the Queen."

"Mother, is it worth it?" Helena said in an almost inaudible voice. "Is it worth it?" She looked at Aegon the Great, who was holding the black fire high and cheering loudly with the people, Kriston who was smiling, the ministers who were silent, and Aemond who had no expression.

Alison forced a smile: "As long as we unite, everything will be worth it." She looked at Aemond.

Aemond nodded, "I will bring good news back."

The one-eyed prince assured. After saying that, the prince quickly left the dragon's lair through the side door.

The deafening roar of the dragon came from outside the dragon's lair. Great Aegon smiled slightly: "My brother will bring us victory! Everyone, let people see the heroic appearance of their legitimate king!"

Kriston Cole nodded slightly and signaled Sir Masson Waterwater to escort the king to ride on the dragon. After receiving the instruction, Long Wei opened the chain that locked Yang Yan. The majestic golden dragon saw its master coming and neighed happily. The huge dragon head gently touched the master's chest. Aegon hugged Yang Yan's head: "From today on, you are the king's dragon." Aegon couldn't hold back his smile and climbed onto Yang Yan's dragon saddle a few times.

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

Yang Yan roared, took a few steps, and flew out of the gate of the lower level of the dragon cave. The beautiful golden scales of the golden dragon shone brightly under the sun.

Yang Yan flew around King's Landing three times. The majestic golden dragon was as dazzling as another sun under the sun. The whole King's Landing was completely boiling after silence.

There was no silence, no "Long live the queen". This time there was only the shouting of "Long live the king".

On Blackwater Bay.

Sir Stephen Darklyn squinted his eyes and looked at the green dragon shadow passing across the sky in the distance. "Vhagar?" But the White Knight had no time to think about more things. He had to go to Dragonstone as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

Yang Yan slowly landed in the courtyard of the Red Castle. The nobles who welcomed him to the throne were ready. Aegon the Great, wearing the Conqueror's Crown, walked into the throne room triumphantly and slowly sat on the hideous iron chair.

Dragonstone. Sea Dragon Tower

The painful wails could be heard clearly even in another tower.

Princess Rhaenyra, who knew the news of her father's death and the various operations of King's Landing, fell into a rage. But she was still in labor.

The unfortunate princess gave birth prematurely. Three consecutive days of labor almost tortured the princess crazy. Especially after getting the news.

"Seven layers of hell. Alison! Bitch! Slut! It's not enough that you seduced my father! You also let your monster son, your bastard, rob me of my sacred power! That was given to me by my father! Alison! You bitch with a brain full of maggots!" Princess Rhaenyra cursed Alison and her sons angrily. Rage filled her mind, and the princess actually began to curse her own children. "Freak, monster! You are not my child! Come out! Come out!" The princess beat her stomach irrationally, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Daemon looked coldly at Lord Bartimos Celtigar, who hurried over. After releasing the raven, the earl immediately boarded the fastest ship, which was only a little slower than the raven.

"Did Vareses's messenger go to Crab Island instead of Dragonstone first?" Daemon said coldly.

"Prince, this." Lord Bartimos didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, gather those who are loyal to us." Daemon tore up the letter. Looking at the window, the scarlet dragon slowly landed in the courtyard of Dragonstone, and the clipper with the seahorse flag entered the port.

"My sons are still in Dragon Nest." Daemon glanced in the direction of the Sea Dragon Tower with concern. The painful wailing continued. "I can only believe that Longzel will keep his oath and cherish the friendship of the children. Stand on our side."

Dragon Nest.

Jacaerys stood nervously beside Womax, as if he felt that his master was not emotionally right, and Womax also shook his head irritably.

Vormithal showed its majestic appearance on the horizon, and a green behemoth appeared almost at the same time.

Vhagar came, and the old dragon began to roar loudly when he saw Vormax in the distance, until another thunderous roar suppressed its roar.

Vormithal fell from the sky and hovered steadily above Vhagar. The ferocious dragon head contained golden flames, and the young man on the dragon's back also looked coldly at Aemond under him.

"I come as a messenger, Uncle Longzel." Aemond pulled the guard of the dragon saddle, comforted the frightened Vhagar, and said loudly.

Check in for the first update, and the second update tonight will be earlier.

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