The sun shines on the sea with white waves, shining with a slightly bloody golden light. The thick oars slap the sea surface, stirring up more waves.

Harion Shad, Earl Toland's younger brother, stood on the deck of the flagship "Desert Dancer", staring at the sky with some uneasiness. Next to him was the captain of this three-hundred-oar battleship, the Lysian Hayek. Tamas. In this era of coexistence of turmoil and peace, three of the nine free trade city-states, Myr on the coast, Lys on the island and Tyrosh in the north of the Stepstone Islands, came together. Their kings and governors used their respective The gods swear. Together they formed the Three Cities Alliance, known as the "Three Daughters Kingdom". Their ships have been attacked by the Varese fleet many times, and even lost the Eastern route for a time. In the Narrow Sea, the piracy actions of the Three Daughters Kingdom Also suffered a heavy blow from the Velaryon family.

The third daughter's kingdom suffered setbacks and was in urgent need of reinforcements. At this time, the Tolan family came to the door with a large amount of gold, but it didn't play into their hands. And it can disgust old rivals, so why not? So the Third Daughter Kingdom happily gathered 50 large warships to assist the Tolan family in transporting the main infantry.

Earl Sharil Tolan personally led 900 cavalry and 200 temporarily hired mercenary riders northward by land, and joined the 1,500 spearmen of the Jordan family, preparing to join forces with Earl Uler and then garrison Wei. The borderland troops in Liquor Canyon advanced at the junction of Er City territory and Yronwood City territory.

While Earl Toland was heading north, the Martell family also began to gather the army. A huge team of 6,000 spearmen and 1,200 cavalry slowly gathered towards Sunspear City. Although Dorne was in chaos at the moment, it was still Many lords of East Dorne and Middle Dorne chose to send troops to the Martell family, even though they did not have as many troops as those great nobles.

But at this time, Harion Sand was not in the mood to care about things on the shore, because the leading ship sent a semaphore, and they discovered the fleet of the Varese family. At least 20 large galley warships and 5 large sailing ships are escorting dozens of giant merchant ships sailing to the east coast of Dorne. After discovering the fleet of the Kingdom of the Third Daughter, this escort fleet left three warships to escort the merchant ships. Continuing to move forward, the remaining warships turned and sailed towards the fleet of the Third Daughter Kingdom.

"Lord Gunthor, our ships are not as large as those of the Three Whores. If they swarm us, we may not be able to carry them." A thin old man with a white beard said worriedly. He was wearing an old leather armor with a chest A blue sea serpent is drawn on the armor. He is the captain of this three-hundred-oared warship named the "Azure Sea Serpent". Miles Stone is an illegitimate son from the valley. When he was young, he sailed the seas with Lord Corlys Velaryon, the "Sea Serpent". , this "Azure Sea Serpent" came from the wealth accumulated during the voyage. The old Miles was eager to lose his reputation as an illegitimate son, so he chose to go south to try his luck here in Longzel.

After all, Long Zell issued a recruitment order in Blackport City to expand his retainer group.

Gunthor Jieyan pressed on the railing of the warship's observation deck and shook his head. "Captain Miles, you are still too cautious." He pointed to the sky. "His Highness's dragon is nearby and can come to support at any time."

"Your Highness? How does he know?"

"The silver dragon is observing everything on the top of the clouds. He and Master Valar have been dividing their duties to patrol the surrounding area. Protect the waterway." Gunthor said with a hint of reverence in his tone. "Send a signal. Tell His Highness the Prince that we have captured the enemy's warship."

A Silver Blood Army soldier immediately lit the wolf smoke prepared on the ship, and saw a straight line of black smoke rising into the sky. Directly above the clouds.

Coastside. Wormisor, who was biting half of the burnt whale, suddenly raised his head and looked at the thin line of black smoke in the distance. At this point, the dragon was far more perceptive than humans. Long Zell tilted his head and looked in the direction of Wormisor's roar, and immediately understood what his partner had discovered.

"Well done, Gunthor." Longzell drank the last bit of soup in the helmet, put the pad on his head, and put it on his head again. On the saddle, he gently patted Wormisor's broad dragon back.

The giant dragon shook its head, looked up to the sky and let out a roar.


"Vormithor, take off." The command in High Valyrian came out. The giant dragon spread its wings and jumped down from the sea cliff. Its huge dragon claws lightly skimmed the water, raising a burst of white waves. The dragon flapped its wings and soared into the sky. In a few breaths, it disappeared above the clouds. .

"The big ship is ready to collide." Gunsor prepared a posture to prevent impact. "Everyone prepares for hand-to-hand combat." He drew his sword. Captain Miles also raised his poleaxe. "Lord Gunthor, this is the best thing for naval battles." The old captain looked at the Third Daughter Kingdom ship getting closer and closer with a grin.

"Prepare for impact. Archers, archers! Release! Release!" Commander Hayek also commanded his fleet. He placed his Lys warship at the end of the team, led by Myr's warship, Tyrol. The warships of the West lined up to outflank Varese's fleet from left to right.

The sea was instantly covered with arrows and burning stones. The Varese family's galleons have towering bows and sterns, and a tall hull. They release arrows and sling stones from a high position. The low galley warships do not have much advantage in front of them, but the galley warships also have their advantages. The Kingdom of the Three Daughters The number of ships is larger and the steering is more flexible. Like a pack of wolves, they hunted the purple-sailed galleon of House Varese.

A large galleon was soon set alight. But next to the big ship, at least three galley warships were also burning, and one or two more warships were slowly sinking.


The collision angle of the "Azure Sea Serpent" severely broke a sailing warship in the middle. Another sailing warship from the Three Daughters Kingdom took the opportunity to get close to it. The black strongman from the Summer Islands threw out the hook lock. Dornish spearmen threw their spears.

Then they were all stopped by the large wooden shield arranged by Miles. Taking advantage of the time provided by throwing javelins, the Dornishmen jumped on the Azure Sea Serpent one after another. Gunthor cut off the wooden spear of a Dornish spearman with a sword, and cut off the Dornishman's head with a sliding step. Miles also swung the battle ax, first chopped off the spear, and then chopped off the head, all in one go and smoothly.

The same was true for the Silver Blood soldiers on the ship. These warriors raised battle axes and spears and fought fiercely with the Dornish spearmen who jumped up.

A slightly smaller Vareses ship also rushed over and crashed into another Third Daughter Kingdom warship that was trying to get closer to join the gang. The huge crack directly overturned the ship that was larger than the small ship. There was a circle of warships, but the people on the warship did not sit still and wait for death. They jumped to the small boat and tried to seize the warship.

On the warship, a shirtless young man wielded a long-handled battle axe. All the Dornishmen who tried to get close to him had their spears and certain parts of their bodies broken off by the battle ax that danced into a whirlwind.

"Huh?" Gunthor neatly decapitated a Dornish man wearing scale armor. When he looked up, he saw the young man playing a long-handled battle ax into a whirlwind. "Is this your grandson?" He looked at Miles Shidong who was panting and pulling out the tomahawk from a corpse. "Ah?" The old captain squinted his eyes and glanced. "This damn kid, is he looking for death if he doesn't wear armor? I have to give him a spanking after the battle is over."

"What is your grandson's name?" Gunthor slashed off a Dornish man's right hand with his sword, and sealed his throat with a sword without even letting the other person scream. "Your Highness will like it."

"Samwell, hum, this damn kid." Miles said he was disgusted, but Gunthor could hear the old man's pride. He told others that Sebastian was also like this.

"Dragon! The prince is here!"

The Silver Blood Army soldiers on the lookout suddenly shouted.

A fireball fell from the sky and accurately landed on the flagship where Commander Harion and Hayek were. The three-hundred-oar ship was torn apart in the heat wave in the blink of an eye. Those who were close could even see the human body evaporating in the flames.

Fireballs came one after another, and almost every fireball could shatter a ship of the Third Daughter Kingdom. The bronze dragon suddenly swooped down from the clouds, its huge wings almost darkening the entire naval battle battlefield.

"Wormithor, Dragon Flame."

Vormisor's throat shone dangerously with fire.

Slender lines of fire poured out, and ships exploded wherever they passed, and people floating on the sea were directly cooked while wailing.

Even the sea water is boiling.

The dragon slowly climbed up after spitting out a circle of dragon flames around the fleet, and the ships of the Third Daughter Kingdom almost fell into the sea of ​​fire at the same time.

Gunthor ran to the bow of the ship excitedly, admiring the dragon sending enemy warships into the sea of ​​fire one after another. Suddenly, he seemed to have realized something, "Captain Miles, ask all ships to evacuate to the outside." ,quick!"

Captain Miles looked at the warships that were blown apart by the flames and the gradually boiling sea surface. He immediately understood what Gunthor meant and staggered to the lookout and took out a horn.


A dull horn sound sounded from a ship, and almost all the warships with purple sails turned around at the same time and retreated at full speed to the outside.

Wormisor also looked up to the sky and roared at this time. The most blazing flames were sprayed on this sea area.

The sea boils and the oak wood burns.

The fleet was burned to the ground.

First update check-in

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