Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 41 Death of the Viper

Earl Ullen slowly sipped the Dornish red wine in his hand. He was thinking about how to solve this matter without losing face. At first, Earl Ullen just wanted to go to Black Harbor to make a fortune as usual, but he didn't expect to provoke the Dragon King. In the end, he didn't make any money, but got himself into trouble. The Weir family tried their best to recruit only about 3,000 soldiers. More than 1,000 soldiers were lost in a battle. They were all veterans who had been on the battlefield, especially those who had fought in the border areas. Most of them were killed by the dragon flame, and the rest could not come back. The military strength of Weir City was cut in half at once, and the Weir family had not done anything for many years.

In the end, they had to accept it themselves.

Earl Ullen became more and more angry, but he couldn't find a place to vent his anger, so he could only drink the red wine in the glass one gulp at a time. "Where's the wine? More wine!"

He called the retainer knight in front of him. For some reason, the servant who had been serving him had gone away, and his son who served him as a wine waiter had gone away. There were only two people left in the castle hall, himself and the retainer knight. Even the servant who was responsible for cleaning the castle was nowhere to be seen.

Ullen became alert instantly. "Where are the people?"

"My Lord Earl, you just issued an order to evacuate the people and be ready to evacuate at any time. Have you forgotten?"

"When did"

Earl Ullen suddenly felt as if something was struggling in his throat, and it filled his throat in a breath. The Earl grabbed his throat painfully, as if this would allow him to breathe fresh air.

Unfortunately, everything was in vain. Earl Ullen scratched scarlet blood marks on his neck, but his increasingly purple neck once again showed the Earl's powerlessness. His eyeballs slowly bulged, the blood marks on his neck gradually oozed blood beads, and the veins on his arms bulged.

He died.

The earl's body rolled off the chair weakly, his protruding eyes staring at the retainer knight who handed him the wine, but he could no longer say a word.

The knight slowly walked to the earl and put his hand on his face.

"All mortals will die, sir."

The corpse on the ground slowly melted, and the knight who stood up turned his head and saw the face of Count Ullen. Count Ullen picked up the clothes on the ground and shouted loudly: "Come, come!"

It was not until this time that the personal servant who heard the movement ran up from under the tower. He lowered his head and took the dusty clothes from Count Ullen. The earl waved his hand. "Tell the lower level to evacuate the castle with the civilians."

The servant was a little terrified and fell to the ground. There was a special tunnel in the castle that led to the outside of the city, but there were only a few deep holes outside the castle to avoid dragon flames. The tunnel that originally led to the port also collapsed in the revenge action of the Varese fleet burning the port before, and it was almost unusable.

Moreover, as a servant of Weir City, he knew what kind of person his master was.

"Get out of here." The earl pulled up the servant and whispered in his ear. "The Dragon King promised not to kill civilians." He pushed the servant to the ground: "Get out of here!"

The servant realized what happened, looked at Earl Ullen with some gratitude, and hurried back to the room at the bottom of the tower.

He saw that the servants on the entire ground floor were packing up and preparing to escape, and the kitchen girl who was familiar with him bumped into him with a pig leg.

"Why are you so careless?" The kitchen girl pulled up the male servant who was almost hit and complained.

"Why are you all running away." The male servant said in horror. "Aren't you afraid?"

"You just stayed up there for too long." The kitchen girl spat at him in dissatisfaction. "Everyone down there knows that those masters are the culprits of all this. The northerners in the town said that neither the Dragon King nor the masters of Yronwood in the south would mess with us civilians. Let's run quickly. The town is safer than the castle, and the village is safer than the town. Anyway, I'm going back to my hometown."

"Wait for me."

Earl Ullen sat alone in a chair. After a long time, the gate of the castle was opened by a group of dusty family members.

"Father?" Ullen's son, Allan Weir, looked at his father in disbelief: "Why are you still in the castle? Aren't you ready to evacuate?"

"Bah, when did I say I was going to evacuate?" Ullen spat in dissatisfaction. "Allan, are you questioning the courage of a Dornish warrior."

"Haha, father, I dare not." Allan laughed. "This is why you gathered everyone, father."

Ullen patted the armor on his body, which was a simple but very sturdy Dornish scale armor. "I'm ready to fight the little dragon king's army, and the vulture king will teach the little guys a lesson."



"Where's the scorpion crossbow? Go and operate the scorpion crossbow!"

"Run, run."


There was a sudden commotion outside the castle, and Allan hurriedly rushed out with his brothers, uncles, and the girls in the family who could fight.

Ullen hurriedly pulled his wife who had just come down from the main tower with the children, and told her to take the children to hide in the hall, which was protected by the city walls and many towers. It was enough to resist most of the damage from the sky, even the dragon flame. The conqueror's queen once rode Vhagar to burn the city of Weir. The entire castle was reduced to ruins, and only the hall was intact.

Pushing open the side door, Ullen looked expressionlessly at Vermisor and Silverwing, who were spitting flames in the air. The two giant dragons tacitly agreed not to burn the fields and villages outside the castle, but instead continued to spray out fire that could melt rocks. The flames burned the entire castle.

"They really didn't attack us?" In a village near the castle, an olive-skinned Dornish man stood outside the cave and watched the city of Weir being wrapped in flames.

"When have Valyrians ever kept their promises?" a wrinkled old woman shouted from the cave. "They will only enslave us!"

"That's what you said, old lady." An equally elderly Dornishman looked at the burning castle thoughtfully. "This time it was those guys from the border who reminded us. Maybe they really just want to take revenge on the lord?"

"Have you forgotten the atrocities of the Tyrant Aegon?"

"But we still remember Jaehaerys's rule." The Dornishman in the cave said with some nostalgia. "At least except for the lords above our heads, everyone has been doing well these years. The northerners can bring food, and our fruits have somewhere to sell."

"That's enough." The old lady punched the ground hard. "What do you little brats know! Valyrians are bad at heart. Just because they don't let dragons burn us now doesn't mean they won't let dragons burn us in the future."

"Old lady, please stop saying a few words." Another old lady who was traveling with me had just finished praying. "If the old masters hadn't insisted on resisting and the new masters were so disgusting, the adults in the family wouldn't have rebelled everywhere, and we wouldn't have died so many people." She looked at the castle that was gradually melting in the flames. "Don't forget, the food we can eat now depends on the food secretly shipped from the north."

The old lady finally had nothing to say.

The civilians in the cave watched nervously as the two giant dragons burned the entire castle to the ground. After the bronze dragon blew down the main tower, it flew up to it and stepped on it a few times, completely collapsing the entire castle. Stretching his wings, he and the silver dragon flew away from here.

Collapsed castle. Arlan, who had been burned to coke, could never have imagined that when they just rushed out to fight the dragon, it was his most beloved father who closed the door to their retreat. All the men and women in the Weir family who could hold the sword Just exposed to the dragon flames.

The bronze giant beast allowed them to meet the Seven Gods with only a few puffs of dragon flame. And the women and children hiding in the castle.

The silver dragon and laurel leaf of House Varese, the walking hunter of House Tully, the purple lightning of House Dondarrion, and the three sheaves of wheat of House Selmy. At this time, many flags stepped out of the mountains and entered the territory of the Weir family. There were many spears and heads hanging on them.

The Valyrian steel spear in the head of Hoffa Lawbearer's hand stood upright, and a half-broken head was pierced on the tip of the spear.

That was the head of the dead Vulture King.

The residents near Weir City were somewhat surprised to see this army of thousands of people passing through their territory, taking nothing. The vendors accompanying them even sold food and spices to civilians.

The Dornishmen of Weir City said, this is too strange, we need to look at it again.

So this force passed through the jurisdiction of Weir City unimpeded.

Although the city of Weir is now a smoldering ruin.


Prince Keolen let out a long sigh. "Bachelor, how much bad news is there, let's share it together."

"Prince Longzell's troops have occupied all the territory of the Weil family. According to our reports, the city of Weil was completely burned by dragon flames. There are many branches of the Weil family from Earl Ulern down. If the gods do not show mercy, If so, there is a high probability that no one will survive.”

"Where are the people under the rule of Weir City? Where are the knights?"

"The earl's wealthy knights have probably died in the previous battle. Prince Longzel ordered to prohibit the army from harassing the civilians, and provided the civilians with food and meat at half the original price, and also exempted the Weir family from Taxes, there are no civilians under the rule of Weir City willing to avenge their lord. "

"Seven hells."

"Hunqiu was also burned. Prince Longzel and Prince Valar burned all the spearmen sent by the Tolan family on the way, and then burned the city of Soulqiu to a white ground. If Count Tolan hadn't escaped, Hurry, his wife and children are not the only ones who will be burned to death."

"That's great. The two dragons almost burned down Sunspear, but what happens next?" Prince Keolen commented in a sinister tone.

"Earl Toland summoned 3,000 men. He opened his treasury and borrowed a lot of ships from the Three Cities Alliance to go north to Weir City. There was also Earl Uller, who brought 4,000 men north and had already reached the south of Yronwood City. "

"That's great. My kingdom is in chaos, isn't it? No one takes me seriously."

"I'm afraid so, Your Majesty."

After rolling his eyes at the maester, Prince Keolen lay down tiredly.

"How much more bad news there is."

"A lot, Your Majesty, Lord Jordan of Tor City accepted Lord Toland's gold and sent his brother north with 1,500 spearmen, but he sent the same army to Lord Yronwood, Yer Earl Lenwood withdrew his soldiers deployed on the border and instead summoned troops to fight against Tianji City. Earl Fowler of Tianji City also gathered troops to march eastward to fight against Earl Yronwood's Dane family. No movement."

"Write a letter in my name, asking these bastards if they still remember the oath they made to me when I took the throne." Prince Kooren angrily slapped the recliner and stood up. "Release the ravens, gather the army, and tell those bastards that if they don't stop, it won't be the turn of the two little dragon kings to burn them. I'll let them know that the sun is just as hot."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Sorry everyone, I went for a checkup today, and the pus has basically been drained, but there is still some inflammation that needs to be treated. I just got home. I originally planned to do a three-in-one, but the war scenes later don't match it, so I'll update it tomorrow. Two updates on Sunday, three updates on Monday, three updates on Tuesday, and two updates on Wednesday. The number of words per page will also increase. There will be several war scenes next, so stay tuned.

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