I will eventually become a god

Chapter 167 The Great Buddha vs. the Real Dragon, Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, extracting bones and dig


The real dragon forcibly suppressed the extreme pain in his body, stopped rolling, and looked at the arrogant ant in front of him with dark golden vertical pupils that stretched out its fangs at it.

It was rolling with golden thunder all over its body, trying to annihilate the foreign objects that penetrated into its body, but the two foreign objects under its armpits and head seemed to grow in its body, motionless, and even continued to penetrate into it.

It had to use most of its own vitality and dragon thunder to prevent the penetration of these two foreign objects.

The sharp and curved dragon horns were entangled with branches and dotted with cherry blossoms, like a crown on its head, and anger was revealed in the vertical pupils of the real dragon.


Even though it had fallen into an unprecedented weak state in its life, it was not something that this kind of insect could provoke.

The dragon thunder erupted, and hundreds of golden thunder and lightning shot in all directions, and the roaring sound was endless.

The spacious water curtain cave exploded directly, the cliff wall collapsed, and the entire roaring waterfall was in a strong vibration. From the outside, the entire cliff that formed the waterfall was collapsing inwards. Countless golden lightnings punched large holes in the cliff one after another. The waterfall flowed back into the water curtain cave from these large holes and soon flooded the place.

Countless golden plants resisted the dragon thunder and protected Xue Jing. After the waterfall flooded the cave, Xue Jing stood in the water, his silver-white divine eyes watching this earth-shattering scene, and his mind was peaceful.

He pulled out the Futu knife from his waist, and black flames ignited in the water and wrapped around the blade.

For some reason, although he was in the fierce battlefield, he could feel that the "breathing" of the Futu knife became more and more obvious.

This seemed to be some kind of omen, as if something was about to be born from the Futu knife.

Xue Jing's eyes condensed, and the rigid real dragon that had condensed in advance in his body shattered and turned into two.

The blood and muscles were beating at the same time, one was burning and boiling, the other was spirally compressed, merging into one, and the thunder and fire gathered.

"Black Sky Sword·Thunder and Fire Boiling Cauldron——"


It was clearly underwater where sound could hardly be transmitted, but at this moment there was a thunder explosion.

It was not a sound in the physical sense, but a thunder sound that resounded on the spiritual level.

The pitch-black thunder and flames swirled and entangled together, forming a huge pitch-black thunder and fire tornado with a diameter of more than five meters, whistling forward in the water, wrapping all the water around it, forming an underwater vacuum channel, heading towards the real dragon.


Stones, vegetation... everything that stood in front of the thunder and fire tornado was twisted into invisible dust at the moment of contact, and finally hit the real dragon's chest.

The tip of the thunder and fire tornado was like a drill, rotating and cutting through the real dragon's body, and the dragon scales were broken and shattered piece by piece.

The powerful lightning blade energy penetrated into the flesh and blood, digging a hole several meters deep in his chest like a meat grinder, and a large amount of dark golden blood was pumped out, soaking the nearby water.


The real dragon roared in anger, and golden thunder flowed on its body surface, annihilating the lightning tornado blade energy. The wings flapped vigorously, sweeping away the surrounding water, forming a huge vacuum zone.

After Xue Jing swung a knife, he was about to chase, but was blown away by the wings, and the whole person flew backwards out of the roaring waterfall.

When he came to the outside world, a black thin plate appeared under Xue Jing's feet. He used the force to kick and stopped his tendency to fly backwards, and was about to return to the battlefield.

At this time, he suddenly felt a warning and instinctively turned his eyes to his arm.

There was a little bit of inconspicuous dark golden blood.


Before he could react, the dark golden blood suddenly seemed to come alive, forming a small "blood dragon" and biting his arm.

In an instant, the vitality in his body was sucked away by the blood dragon at a terrifying speed. In less than a blink of an eye, the blood dragon expanded from the size of a thumb to the size of a human baby.

Xue Jing's reaction was already very fast. The first time he saw the blood, he had already exerted his strength to shake the blood dragon down. Even so, in that instant, his vitality was also drained at least 1%.

"What a cunning dragon species, the control of its own attributes is also excellent... It actually injected its own vitality into the flowing blood at the moment of injury to activate it..."

The person in the mirror was surprised.

Xue Jing swung the knife to cut the blood dragon into pieces, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Very smart, but not smart enough... If this trick is used at a critical moment, I might be in trouble."

"The same trick cannot be used on me twice."

The black airflow ignited black flames, covering him, and turned into a gorgeous shadow flame armor.


In the collapsed roaring waterfall, the real dragon soared into the sky.

Although it was suffering from the power of the snake-killing vanguard at this time, it was extremely weak and could not exert the previous supersonic speed, but it was still very fast and should not be underestimated.

High in the sky, in the center of the entire border, the real dragon roared and shook the world.


Dark clouds gathered in the sky, covering the sun, and thunder roared, like the rage of the gods.

Xue Jing looked directly at the real dragon in the sky, and with a move of his fingers, nearly thirty dragon thunder seeds gathered around him again.

The rhizome turned into a body, the vines turned into clothes, the thorns were wrapped around the body, and the petals were dotted on the limbs and head.

The golden giant Buddha appeared again in the world.

Unlike before, after the plant contract reached Lv6, it was more powerful and used more seeds, so it was even bigger, reaching 50 meters high, and the arms behind it increased from 18 to 36.

But he himself did not stand on the palm of the giant Buddha this time, but sank down and hid in the shadow.

As a real dragon, he naturally did not care about the disappearance of Xue Jing, a little bug, and thought that he had been sucked dry by his "activated dragon blood". Its dark golden vertical pupils looked down and saw only the golden giant Buddha.

At this time, the compassionate giant Buddha stretched out the 36 palms behind him and gave it an international friendly gesture - the middle finger.

This gesture seemed to have the ability to communicate beyond culture and language. The real dragon instantly understood the meaning. It was already furious because of the pain, and immediately rushed towards the giant Buddha with golden thunder all over its body.

Xue Jing, who was lurking in the shadow, had a thought. Shadow flames wrapped around the giant Buddha, forming a huge black Gatling gun, which was held in its hands with both hands, and the five barrels were facing the diving real dragon.


Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, six pure armor-piercing bullets, 3,600 turns in one breath, great compassion and great mercy to save the world.


The barrel rotated rapidly, and more than a hundred rounds of terrifying metal storms per second burst towards the real dragon.

"Bang bang bang bang bang——"

The bullets activated by the shadow flames, in addition to the kinetic energy of the bullets themselves, burst directly into black flames at the moment they hit the real dragon, forming the second level of annihilation damage.

The real dragon was covered with a hail of bullets, and black flames burst out continuously on its body.

The physical strength greatly weakened by the snake-killing vanguard was suddenly unable to withstand this terrifying firepower, and the dragon scales and flesh on the upper body were constantly torn apart, revealing the golden dragon skeleton.


However, the real dragon had no intention of retreating and avoiding. It just roared and kept approaching the giant Buddha.

Compared with the pain it was suffering inside, the damage to its body was not painful at all, but it only made it more angry.


The golden giant Buddha let out a loud and echoing sound like Ultraman, and then waved the Gatling gun in his hand, turning it into a pitch-black giant knife.


The giant Buddha held the giant knife horizontally with both hands, blocking the claw of the real dragon swooping down. The strong impact caused one-third of its fifty-meter-tall body to penetrate directly into the ground, making a bang.

While blocking, the thirty-six giant hands behind it instantly stretched out, raised high, and clenched into fists-and each fist extended a middle finger.

Then, it used its middle finger to repeatedly beat the real dragon in front of it.

"Bang bang bang bang bang--"

The person in the mirror couldn't help but complain: "What a low-class Buddha."

Xue Jing lurked in the shadows, his face unchanged: "The smaller the force area, the greater the pressure, and fingers are more powerful than fists."

In the endless humiliation and beating of the middle finger, the surface of the real dragon kept breaking, but the powerful vitality kept repairing itself. It didn't care about the injuries on its body at all, but just swung its front claws back regardless of anything.


The strong force directly interrupted the giant Buddha's beating attack while exploding a ring of air waves. More than a dozen arms were broken and shattered under this blow.

The real dragon took advantage of the situation to grab the giant Buddha's head with its two front claws, opened its mouth, and the golden lightning gathered.


The air vibrated, and the golden thunder light cannon directly penetrated the giant Buddha's head and evaporated it. The remaining force continued to shoot forward for dozens of kilometers before gradually dissipating.

The giant Buddha lost its head, and its body stopped moving, as if it was dead.

Seeing this, the real dragon turned its head to the sky and roared in triumph.

Then, it flapped its wings and was about to take off, looking for a place to slowly eliminate the two foreign objects in its body, and then destroy the gathering place of humans who didn't know how to live or die when it had time.

And at the moment it took off, the giant Buddha who had lost his head suddenly stretched out the remaining dozen arms, grabbed its feet that were rising in the air, and smashed it hard to the ground.


The strong force plus the huge mass of the real dragon directly smashed the ground into a mushroom cloud of mud, and the entire intersection seemed to shake twice.

Even though the real dragon was strong, it was stunned for a while.

At this time, the whole body of the Buddha fell directly towards the real dragon on the ground, and at the same time, its whole body kept changing, turning into various golden plants, tightly wrapping the real dragon's body and tying it up tightly, looking like a coffin.

At the same time, from all the shadows around, patches of black airflow were drawn out, rushing towards the bound real dragon, turning into black flames, and entering through the several ‘entrances’ opened on the golden coffin.

“This move is called boiling a turtle in a jar.”

Xue Jing’s upper body poked out from the shadows, and raised his finger upward.

The black flames immediately began to burn wildly, annihilating the real dragon’s body, as if it was trapped in a pressure cooker and steamed.

A dull and painful dragon roar was faintly heard from the inside of the ‘pressure cooker’. Xue Jing did not hold back at all, and controlled the shadow flame to pour in as if it was free.

This was the first time he used the shadow flame so extravagantly and without reservation, like a water pump, pumping as much as he could. The name [Shadow Flame] on the panel gradually dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After more than ten minutes, Xue Jing stared at the 'blue strip' of the shadow flame, leaving about one-fifth as a backup, and stopped burning the real dragon with the shadow flame.

The golden wooden coffin cracked in the middle and opened to the left and right, revealing the real dragon inside.

At this time, the flesh and blood on its body had been completely annihilated, leaving only a golden dragon skeleton.

Xue Jing jumped on it, inspected it, and frowned:

"Huh? No core organs?"

The man in the mirror thought for a while and said, "No, it has the ability to transfer core organs. Now it should be hidden in a bone!"

"Wouldn't that be very troublesome?"

Xue Jing raised the Futu knife, picked up a bone at random and cut it, but it only made a clanging sound, and the blade was directly bounced away, unable to hurt anything.

His silver-white pupils turned into vertical pupils, and he scanned the real dragon skeleton with his eyes, but there were no 'lines' or 'dots' on it.

Seeing the granulation on the skeleton begin to wriggle and proliferate, Xue Jing asked:

"What should we do now?"

The man in the mirror pondered for a moment and said, "We can only use our claws."

Xue Jing nodded and took out the claw with only half of the snake-killing power left from the pocket of his tactical uniform.

Then, he jumped to the cervical vertebra of the real dragon, held the claw with his backhand, and stabbed it hard at the spine.

Facing the bones of the real dragon, even the snake-killing scout felt resistance this time, and Xue Jing used great strength to stab it into it.

Then, he took a deep breath, held the claw, and ran along the spine of the real dragon towards its waist.

The snake-killing scout tore the bones all the way and cut a gap in the entire spine.

Xue Jing reached his hand into the gap and broke it hard to both sides, separating the entire spine, revealing the dark golden bone marrow inside.

A fragrance similar to plants emanated from it, and there was no fishy smell at all.

Xue Jing, wearing the Shadow Flame Armor, was not afraid of getting dirty. He immediately went in and started to "dig the marrow".

The creepy sound of sticky blood and flesh kept ringing, creaking.

Even after digging the entire spine and scattering jelly-like marrow all over the ground, Xue Jing still couldn't find the core organ.

He had no choice but to get out of it, choose another bone, and continue to extract the bone and dig the marrow with the Snake Killer.

The granulation on the skeleton was wriggling and proliferating. After a while, it had formed nerves and muscles that were enough to control the body, and the real dragon could finally move.

It felt the pain in the marrow, roared angrily, and golden thunder rolled all over its body.

At this time, after Xue Jing exhausted half of the power of the Snake Killer, he finally found a soft meat ball in the forefoot arm bone of the real dragon.

His eyes lit up, and without any hesitation, he immediately took out the last complete Snake Killer claw and stabbed it backhandedly!

At the same time, the golden thunder also hit him, instantly shattering his Shadow Flame Armor.

Xue Jing instinctively turned his body to the left, and the golden thunder continued to move, splitting half of his body into pieces. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been killed instantly.

Xue Jing was blown away by the thunder, and the real dragon also felt that another "foreign object" had entered its body.

And this time, it was not the flesh, but the more critical core organ.


In the earth-shaking painful roar, with the real dragon as the center, the golden lightning burst out, shattering everything around, and the roaring waterfall completely became history.

Its originally endless vitality was now being annihilated by continuous madness.

Xue Jing was blown a thousand meters away, smashing a deep pit on the ground, and the surface of the only half of his body was filled with golden electricity. He ignited the fire of life with his mental power, and the granulation at the wound kept wriggling, repairing his damaged body.

Looking at the real dragon that continued to burst out a large amount of lightning, like a second sun, Xue Jing endured the gravity on his body that was dozens of times greater than before and spoke with difficulty:


The person in the mirror nodded, a little excited: "Success, perfect, all the claws were not wasted."

"Next, it depends on whether you can use up the last bit of vitality of this pure-blooded dragon."

Xue Jing took a deep breath, the fire of life burned fiercely, and the remaining half of his body was regenerated at super speed in a few seconds, and the repair was completed.

He stood up, stretched his body, shook his new left hand, and whispered:

"Come on, second round."


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