I will eventually become a god

Chapter 166: Fight with all your strength and without reservation (4K)

It didn't take long for the dragon to fly at supersonic speed. It took less than two minutes to cross a distance of tens of kilometers and arrive tens of thousands of meters above the altar of this country.


The delayed sonic boom made all the residents of this country cover their ears.


The sky suddenly changed from clear to dark clouds. The sky darkened, and golden lightning crackled and flickered in the dark clouds.

On the altar, the ceremony continued. Renia continued to dance the sacred music on the high platform, and the witch chanted the words of prayer under the high platform.

Xue Jing stood on the hillside in the distance with his hands folded on his chest, watching the scene and waiting silently.


In the center of the large dark clouds, a circular hole slowly opened.

The huge dragon with a gorgeous and perfect figure, with an absolute hegemony that looked down on the world, flapped its wings and slowly landed from it.

All the citizens of this country, when they saw the supreme and noble figure, no matter what they thought before, at this moment, they all showed extremely fanatical faith and worship, kneeled down respectfully, prostrated themselves, chanted the prayers they knew by heart, and welcomed this dragon god of creation.

Renia saw the dragon god slowly descending and approaching her, and couldn't help but take a deep breath and touch the two "claws" hidden in the clothes around her waist.

Her heart was beating so fast that she suspected it would jump out of her mouth in the next second.

Nervous, weak hands and feet, a huge pressure, as the dragon god kept approaching, almost crushed her to the ground.

"I can't do it without you, only you can do it, only you can help me."

Xue Jing's gentle but solemn words echoed in her mind. After Renia was stiff for a while, the pressure was magically relieved a lot.

She knelt down to the descending dragon god with perfect and impeccable etiquette, showing the obedience of the witch to the god.

The flapping of wings rolled up violent airflow, blowing the loose priestess's ritual clothes on her body. The short brown hair that reached her shoulders fluttered with the airflow, and the ceremonial crown on her head also shook constantly.


As the dragon god's feet touched the ground lightly, all creatures in this country knelt down, and no one dared to make the slightest sound. The whole city was so quiet that it was eerie.

Grabbing the high platform on the altar with his feet, the dragon god's dark golden vertical pupils looked at the kneeling priestess on the high platform, and the dragon head slowly leaned down and approached her.


A low sound like the roar of an engine came from the dragon god's throat. Its long neck surrounded the priestess on the ground, and it looked around carefully, with its eyes slightly narrowed.

Then, the dragon god directly raised his front paws, grabbed the priestess in his hands, flapped his wings, soared into the sky, and pulled the sonic boom cloud all the way back to the roaring waterfall.

This was a result that did not surprise anyone, and everyone showed an expression of "as expected".

The most useless witch in history naturally could not be recognized by the Dragon God. Her only fate was to be captured and taken back to the holy land of the Roaring Waterfall to serve the Dragon God for life.

The old witch under the altar sighed deeply, his face full of worry.

"What should we do now... The witch left no offspring, will the bloodline of the Dragon God witch be cut off in this generation?"

"If I had known earlier, even if she was still young, she should have..."


On the hillside, Xue Jing looked at the real dragon that soared into the sky and returned, and saw Renia clearly in its claws.

"Very good, let's follow it."

Xue Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, the ground under his feet exploded, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and he kept rushing towards the direction of the Roaring Waterfall.

While galloping, he looked at the real dragon that was much faster than him and kept pulling away from him, and said:

"It actually used the dragon force field to protect Renia and prevent her from being hurt by the supersonic wind pressure shock wave. This pure-blooded dragon is quite caring for her."

The man in the mirror hummed: "Pure-blooded dragons have always despised other creatures like ants. This scene is quite strange... I don't know what story the first-generation witch had with it, so that it is still willing to "accommodate" her offspring until now."

The flying speed of the real dragon far exceeded Xue Jing's running speed, and it was out of his sight in a short while.

Xue Jing was not in a hurry. He just kept adjusting his mind and body while moving at full speed, so as to face the upcoming war in the most perfect state.

While chatting with the man in the mirror from time to time, he crossed dozens of kilometers and came to the center of this border area-the "Roaring Waterfall".

"Boom boom boom--"

Xue Jing looked at the scene in front of him and was a little shocked.

The silver dragon-like waterfall rushed down from the towering mountain top, making a deafening explosion sound, almost like thunder.

It was an endless and violent water flow, a real Milky Way falling from the sky.

At a glance, it was nearly two thousand meters wide, and its height, Xue Jing stood on the cliff and looked down, was temporarily blocked by the thick water mist formed by the water droplets that exploded on the ground, and his sight was not able to see the bottom.

But at least, it was above three thousand meters.

"This border area is so small, and there is such a large scenic spot."

Xue Jing sat cross-legged on the cliff.

"The dragon seed is in the water curtain cave of this waterfall."

"Next, it's just waiting."

"I hope Renia can succeed, and I hope she can survive."

The man in the mirror said: "You seem to have given her a dragon thunder plant seed?"

Xue Jing nodded: "That is a tree seed... Once this real dragon is pricked by its claws, there will be a big commotion."

"At that time, I will immediately control the seed to form a rhizome sphere, trap her inside, and try to keep her."

The man in the mirror hummed: "Next, it depends on whether her life is strong enough."

"Wait and have hope."


In the center of the cliff of the roaring waterfall, in the huge water curtain cave.

Renia was released from the claws of the real dragon. Because the real dragon was too tall, she fell directly from more than ten meters in the air and watched herself hit the ground.

Thinking that she was about to die before she could accomplish her mission, Renia found herself falling into a soft embrace in horror.

Before she could calm down, she looked up and said in surprise:


The person who caught her and held her in her arms was her sister, the Dragon God Priestess of the previous generation - Dotia.

"Renya, why are you here? Who asked you to hold the ceremony?"

Dotia held Renya's face and asked with joy and anxiety.

She looked very similar to Renya, with short hair and slightly dark and smooth skin. The difference was that her chest was much more developed than Renya's, quite large, and full of maternal breath.

It was also the top-equipped airbags that allowed Renya to land safely from the air.

Renia was pressed on the face, and spoke in a muffled voice: "It's a long story..."

Dotia said softly: "Then we'll talk later."

After that, she pulled Renia and faced the Dragon God. The two knelt on the ground together and said respectfully:

"Lord Dragon God..."

The real dragon with dragon scales like tree bark looked at them twice, ignored them, turned and went deep into the cave, lying on the ground, half-closed his vertical pupils, as if resting.

Renia just wanted to get up, but was held down by her sister Dotia, and the two of them knelt on the ground.

Until more than ten minutes later, when she realized that the Dragon God had no reaction, Dotia breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Renia to stand up, held her hand, and quietly retreated to the entrance of the water curtain cave.

"Lord Dragon God has a bad temper. You must be very careful when you live here in the future..."

Dotia solemnly warned Renia.

But then, Renia shook her head and whispered, "Sister, let me tell you what happened outside..."

Dotia was stunned for a moment, nodded, and began to listen carefully.

Renia started from the beginning to the end, starting from how she failed to tame a dragon after inheriting the priestess and was regarded as the most useless priestess in history, and recounted what happened recently.

After listening, Dotia opened her mouth slightly and said in disbelief:

"It turned out to be like this... Did that foreigner kill all the dragons, including the three nobles!?"

Renia nodded and affirmed, "He is very strong, very strong!"

"This is also the reason why I held the sacrificial ceremony and came to the Dragon God... Sister, do you want freedom?"

Looking at the firm light in her sister's eyes, Dotia was a little absent-minded.


Not long after, the two sisters of the priestess stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at the Dragon God looming in the depths of the cave.

In their right hands, each of them held a beautiful silver-white claw.

"...After this step, we can't turn back, Renia, we are dead."

Dotia said with a trembling voice.

There was three parts of fear, three parts of excitement, and four parts of worry for her sister in her eyes.

"It's okay, sister."

Renia seemed very calm.

She smiled softly at Dotia and said:

"What's the difference between us and death now?"

"Freedom and life, we do nothing, we have neither, try hard, maybe we have both."

Dotia was silent for a while, and said gently:

"Renia, you have become stronger."

"Let's go, to meet our destiny."

The two took steps, carefully and silently walked into the cave, slowly approaching the dragon god who seemed to be dormant.

Perhaps the dragon god was really asleep and didn't notice them, or maybe it noticed it, but didn't care what the two little ants wanted to do, so there was no intention to open his eyes at all.

The two sisters came to the Dragon God easily and clearly heard its steady breathing like thunder.

The two sisters, one standing at the Dragon God's armpit and the other standing beside his head, looked at each other, did not dare to speak, but nodded quietly.

Then, they raised the silver-white claws in their hands and swung the sharp blade of rebellious faith at the gods they believed in.

At the moment they raised their claws high, as a race loved by the heaven, the powerful instinct of the True Dragon warned it, causing it to open its vertical pupils instantly.

However, perhaps because it was invincible since birth and had never had anything that could threaten it, the True Dragon had sensed the danger, but it was a beat slower in reaction.


The two silver-white claws directly pierced into its bark dragon scales, which were many times harder than steel, like a hot knife piercing butter, without any resistance.

As soon as it pierced into the flesh of the real dragon, its claws seemed to come alive, automatically and continuously penetrating deep into the flesh.

"Roar --!!!!"

The crazy and furious dragon roared throughout the world, and the entire Water Curtain Cave began to shake violently. The eardrums of the two witch sisters were instantly pierced by the sound waves, and blood spurted out of their ears, and they fainted.

Outside, Xue Jing, who was sitting on the cliff, immediately noticed the movement.

He heard the rage and pain in the roar of the real dragon, and his spirits lifted, realizing that Renia had succeeded!

Without any hesitation, he immediately controlled the dragon thunder plant seeds carried by Renia, allowing it to extend dozens of thick golden rhizomes, wrapping Renia in it for protection.

At the same time, he mobilized his strength, used the wind and thunder to drive his legs, and the whole person burst out, rolling up layers of air waves, and sprinted towards the roaring waterfall.

"Puff --"

The water flow exploded, and after Xue Jing entered the cave, the scene in front of him was imprinted in his eyes.

The huge real dragon was lying on the ground, rolling madly on the ground like a fish on the shore, roaring in pain, and golden thunder and lightning burst out from its body, shattering everything around it.

In front of it stood a sphere formed by golden rhizomes, which was a little broken because it was affected by the dragon thunder.

In addition, there was a girl who looked very similar to Renia, who was unconscious on the ground. Except for the bleeding from both ears, she was lucky enough not to be affected by the dragon thunder.

Xue Jing immediately activated the speed of twins, shot forward, grabbed the girl on the ground, and threw her to the golden wooden ball.

The wooden ball formed by the rhizomes was controlled by him to open a hole to accept the unconscious girl. Then Xue Jing's right arm ignited the shadow flame, turned into a pitch-black armored giant hand, grabbed the golden wooden ball, and threw it out of the hole with force, throwing it out.

Everything was ready. Xue Jing looked at the two irrecoverable wounds on the armpit and head of the rolling dragon, and his eyes fixed.

"Well done, Renia, you have defeated your own destiny."

"Next, leave everything to me."

Xue Jing dodged a golden lightning bolt sideways, took a deep breath, reached out from the pocket of his tactical uniform and took out a handful of golden seeds, and scattered them into the air.

Countless golden roots, branches, thorns, vines, flowers... twisted and turned in the air, densely wrapped around him.

In the shadows of the cave, the strong black airflow was extracted by him, rushed to his body, and turned into a blazing black flame.

The highly concentrated spirit ignited the fire of life, and the silver of divinity stained his pupils.

"Then, let's start." Xue Jing whispered.

"Use all your strength, use all your wisdom, and use up all your bravery."

This will be the first time in his life that he has truly given his all and fought without reservation.

"The great cause of slaying the true dragon will be accomplished in my hands."


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