I will eventually become a god

Chapter 153 The ‘abnormalities’ gathered in Xue Jing, the locals are so rude (4K)

"This dragon species has divinity?"

Surprised, Xue Jing let go of her hand holding the flying dragon's tail and looked thoughtful.

His hand was so strong that the skin of the flying dragon's tail was torn apart by his hold, the scales were in tatters, the flesh and blood were squeezed out from the top and bottom, and the bones inside were broken.

"What do dragons and vomit beasts have in common?"

Xue Jing squatted down and pulled the flying dragon out of the pit.

Xue Jing walked from its tail to its head and looked at it carefully.

The dead flying dragon had its tongue sticking out on the left side of its mouth, and its two eyeballs had burst out of their sockets due to the strong impact. At this time, only two bloody holes were exposed.

"According to Renya, all the dragons in this border area are the descendants of the 'Dragon God'..."

"So, one of the possibilities is that only creatures from the borderlands with the blood of the Dragon God contain divinity in their bodies?"

"In this case, maybe the vomiting beast also has the blood of the Dragon God in its body?"

Xue Jing touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Assume this for now..."

"That leaves another question."

"This pure-blood dragon, according to White Crow's speculation, is the 'core creature' of Roaring Falls."

"So, does it have divinity because 'pure blood dragons already have divinity', or because 'it is a core creature, so it has divinity'?"

"This cannot be confirmed for the time being..."


Xue Jing looked at the flying dragon on the ground.

"First kill all the dragon species in this border area."

outside world.

In the camp, the three members of the Virtual Blade team and Dr. Shen were gathering in the tent.

"...That's just the way it is."

Xuren whispered to the shining silver bracelet on his hand.

"I see."

Wu Youqing's ethereal voice with no discernable emotion came from the bracelet.

After a moment of silence, she continued:

"You White Crows, you are still a department that specializes in dealing with abnormal incidents at the junction. You are too amateurish."

"You didn't even prepare the 'mirror film', and you didn't think about the possibility of being reflected by GOD-005? Why should you take chances?"

Although the words were obviously accusatory, Wu Youqing's voice remained as ethereal and calm as ever, making everyone at the scene feel a little scared.

Xu Ren thought for a while and did not say, 'It is very troublesome and expensive to prepare mirror films that cover dozens of kilometers. They cannot afford to use them. Usually only some border areas above Grade A will be covered with mirror films for a long time.' to refute.

She knew very well that Miss Wu was by no means unaware of the difficulties of this matter, but she had some emotions about the fact that they had put Xue Jing in danger.

These accusations are just to vent your emotions, just bear them silently.

After all, this matter was basically a pure accident. Who knew that the timing chosen by [Mirror World] would be so coincidental, and the moment Xue Jing just entered it, it would 'reflect and blend' at this junction?

With Miss Wu's intelligence and rationality, she obviously understands this truth.

As Xu Ren expected, Wu Youqing did not make any more accusations, but remained silent for a while and said:

"Xue Jing is a person destined to be in trouble... Only people with 'true vision' can see that there are extremely complex 'abnormalities' gathered on him, like a huge light source, which will attract all kinds of people. Such a 'bug' leaned towards him."

"That's what happened this time. I can't blame you."

Everyone present heard this and breathed a sigh of relief.

If this incident aroused the anger of Miss Wu, they would not even dare to think about the consequences.

Xu Ren whispered: "What should we do now? Miss Wu."

"I don't think a mere pure-blood dragon will let Xue Jing stop here." Wu Youqing said, "But at least let him know the current situation first."

A mere pure-blood dragon...

The mandrill next to him twitched his mouth when he heard this.

This Miss Wu is the only one who can say such things...

Even if it is just a pure-blooded dragon in its infancy, it is a super monster that requires at least three squadrons of white crows to deal with with a certain degree of confidence after making sufficient preparations.

No matter how powerful Xue Jing is, it is impossible to defeat such a monster. Miss Wu's confidence in him is too full...

"What are we going to do?" Xuren asked.

Wu Youqing said calmly: "Since it is a divine relic, then we should also use divine relics to deal with it."

"Come over to Qingcheng immediately."

Inside the 'Roaring Falls', in a certain forest.

Xue Jing cleared an open space, chopped some wood and piled it together, and used a lighter to make a bonfire.

"I heard that the materials on dragon species are very expensive."

At this moment, Xue Jing was holding the unsheathed Futu knife and scraping off a large piece of flying dragon meat scales.

This is the tail meat of that flying dragon.

"Dragon meat can only be eaten in high-end restaurants in the inner ring. It's a rare opportunity, so you have to try it."

Xue Jing scratched her scales.

The fine dark yellow dragon scales were scraped clean by the sharp Futu knife under his superb knife skills.

"Yoshi, my knife skills are very good."

Xue Jing looked at the whole piece of tail meat with no scales and some wrinkled skin, and nodded with satisfaction.

He stretched out his fingers and touched the keel on the fleshy surface of the tail, and black flames ignited on his fingertips.

Using shadow flames to annihilate all the bones and blood inside into nothingness, Xue Jing waved to the crow next to her, found various seasonings from the large backpack it was holding, and began to marinate the dragon meat.

On the other side, in the forest, there were several figures heading towards where Xue Jing was.

Each of them is followed by a different 'daruka', some have six legs and look like large crocodiles, some have their heads prostrate on the ground sniffing, and have scales all over their bodies, like It's a hound-like Daruka... to name a few.

"Anroy, slow down and stay hidden." One of the tall men frowned and said.

"This is the territory of this country. If we are discovered by their patrol team, only a few of us will not be able to escape."

The man named An Luohua shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, Captain Apava, there are only so many patrols in this country, how could we just happen to run into them?"

"This forest is still the territory of the 'long-tailed dragon'. According to their respect for dragons, they will not enter the forest without permission and disturb it."

"The job this time is so easy. Let's go faster and catch that long-tailed dragon and go back and sell it for drinking!"

Others also echoed:

"It's just that Captain Apava is being too cautious."

"How long have we been doing this? It's just a matter of catching a dragon and sprinkling water on it. Don't be so nervous."

Apava frowned, shook his head, and whispered:

"I'm a little uneasy, something doesn't feel right. This forest... is too quiet."

"Under normal circumstances, even in a dragon's territory, you should be able to see a lot of Daruka, but we haven't seen one since we entered the forest just now."

Seeing that the captain was a little nervous, Anrova was about to say some words of comfort.

And at this moment, suddenly, Daruka, the scaly hound in the team, seemed to smell something. He stopped, bared his teeth, and let out a warning growl of "Woo" in front of him.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes became serious.

"There is a situation ahead, be careful!"

A few people cautiously took a few steps forward, quietly pushing aside the grass that obscured their view.

Then, they saw the dragon.

To be precise, it was the corpse of a dragon.

The huge body with a tail nearly twenty meters long was lying quietly on the ground. The tail was cut off in the middle, and it seemed that a piece was missing.

Next to the dragon corpse, a man wearing strange clothes was sitting. He was holding a stick in his hand with a piece of meat stuck on it. He was roasting it on a bonfire, making a sizzling sound and oil and water kept coming out. Dropping, it looks quite tempting.

"Isn't that a long-tailed dragon!?"

Anroy's eyes widened.

"Did someone get on it first? Wait, that person actually roasted it! Did he want to eat the dragon?"

The whole group was frightened.

Dragons have a very special status in this world. All dragons are the descendants of the Dragon God and have sacred blood.

Although that country is not as strict as this country to the point where only witches are qualified to tame dragons, absolutely no one would dare to do such a thing as "eating a dragon".

"Is that man crazy? If he does such a damned thing, he will be cursed to death by the Dragon God!"

"What do we do now?"

The group of people looked at each other.

The mission target was robbed, and he was still a madman who dared to eat dragons...

"Otherwise, let's withdraw. I haven't seen his Daruka, but it looks very difficult to deal with..."

Someone noticed the crow flapping its wings next to the 'madman' and suggested in a low voice.

Captain Apava thought for a moment and was about to give an order.

At this time, the 'madman' seemed to inadvertently look towards the direction where their group was hiding.

"not good!"

Apava's heart skipped a beat and he was about to remind everyone to prepare.

But before they could make any move, a dozen black 'fish fins' suddenly appeared from the shadows in the forest and swam towards them quickly.



A dozen black sharks seemed to jump out from under the water, and rushed towards them, opening their huge mouths, biting everyone and every Daruka accurately.


"What is this, don't, don't bite me, Captain Apava, save me!"

When everyone was panicking, they discovered that after these black sharks bit them, they did not tear off their flesh and blood as expected, but turned into black steel bars, covering their whole bodies like springs, trapping all of them. Tied into caterpillars.

Xue Jing stood up, holding the roasted dragon meat in his hand, and walked towards the group of natives he had captured.

As he walked, he took a bite of the roasted dragon meat on his hand, tasted it carefully, and nodded.

"Hmm... the taste is okay, the juice is quite rich, and although the meat is very tough, it is not woody and the texture is pretty good."

After eating dragon meat, Xue Jing walked up to the group of natives, swallowed the food in her mouth, and said without any fluctuations in her tone:

"It's so rude of you locals to hide around and watch others eat."

The indigenous people looked at each other:

"He...what is he talking about?"

"A language I haven't heard before, is it a foreigner?"

"What should we do? This lunatic who dares to eat dragon meat will eat us too, right?"

Xue Jing frowned, swallowed all the dragon meat into his mouth, and then threw away the stick in his hand.

He took out the simultaneous interpretation headphones from the backpack clutched by the crow and put them on for the person who seemed to be the leader of the group of natives.

"Now, do you understand?"

Xue Jing said lightly.

Captain Apava's eyes widened as he listened to the sound coming from the earphones.

"Listen...I understand."

"So, what do you want to do here to spy on me?" Xue Jing crossed her arms and looked down at him.

Realizing that Xue Jing's tone seemed to have a hint of unkindness, Captain Apava quickly said:

"We are the 'Dragon Catching Group' from that country. We are here to capture the 'Long-tailed Dragon', the lord of this forest. I really didn't mean to peek at you, nor do I have any ill intentions!"

Xue Jing touched his chin, "Dragon Catching Group?"

Apava nodded quickly and said: "Yes, Dragon Catching Group, we make a living by capturing dragons and selling them to the upper class nobles of that country."

Xue Jing's eyes lit up: "So, you are very professional?"

"Professional?" Apava was stunned for a moment, "Yes... it's professional."

Xue Jing suddenly showed a friendly smile, reached out and lifted him up from the ground like a chicken, letting him stand up straight.

Then he patted the dust on his body, reached out and hooked his shoulders, and said with a smile:

"Look what happened, it turned out to be a misunderstanding... By the way, since you are professionals, is there any way to find the dragon?"

Apava first sighed at how strong this man was, and then became a little frightened by Xue Jing's sudden change of attitude, and said with some uneasiness:

"I have a distribution map of the dragon's territory... which I have slowly investigated over the years. If you need it..."

Hearing this, Xue Jing patted his shoulder hard and said sincerely: "Good brother!"

"You locals are so polite. It's a land of etiquette! It's hard to refuse hospitality, so I won't be polite... In return, how about I treat you to dragon meat?"

Apava immediately shook his head wildly, almost shaking out the sparks: "No, no, no, as long as I can help you... do you think?"

He gestured with his chin to the black steel sill strapped to his body.

Xue Jing smiled and snapped her fingers.

The shadow flame steel sills on everyone's bodies immediately dissipated.

Upon seeing this, Apava breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took out an old scroll map from his pocket, unfolded it and handed it to Xue Jing.

Xue Jing looked up and saw a very clear map drawn on it. There were red dots everywhere on the map, some big and some small, and there were indigenous characters written next to each red dot.

"You see, this is where we are now, this is the territory of the long-tailed dragon."

Apava said, pointing to a red dot on the map.

"The center of this is the Roaring Falls...the closer the dragon is to the waterfall, the more powerful it is, like here, here, and here."

He pointed to a few thick red dots near the center of the map: "The dragons living in these places are very scary. It's best not to get close."

"When we capture dragons, we usually choose the outer perimeter..."

After Apava's explanation for a period of time, Xue Jing basically understood how to read this map.

"...That's basically it."

Xue Jing looked at the map and nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you very much."

"...I wish I could help you." Apava said cautiously.

"So, can we...leave?"

Xue Jing waved her hand towards him: "Let's go, let's go... Are you sure you don't want a bite of dragon meat? It's quite delicious."

"No, no." Apava shook his head quickly.

"Then let's go first..." He took off his headphones and handed them to Xue Jing.

Then he said to everyone: "Withdraw!"

After finishing lunch, he walked out of the forest.

The others remained silent and followed Apava without saying a word.

The group of people walked slowly at first.

After they were some distance away from Xue Jing and were sure that he would not chase him, they immediately let go and ran wildly towards the outside of the forest.

Among them, Apava ran the fastest.

"Captain Apava, wait for us!!"

In the forest, Xue Jing didn't pay attention to the movements of the group of natives, but just spread out the map and looked at it.

"Well, let's clear a circle from the outside first, and slowly clear the inside. First of all, here."

His eyes looked at the little red dot closest to him.

(The updates in the past two days have started to pull my hips again, I will try to add more updates tomorrow...)

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