I will eventually become a god

Chapter 152 Boredom, I want to see rivers of blood and the divinity contained in dragon seeds (4K)

This thing can explode divinity! ?

Xue Jing blinked, and his heart beat violently uncontrollably.

Although he had already achieved divinity when he killed the Sea Bee Queen before, he was somewhat prepared, knowing that killing the creatures in the border area would probably lead to divinity.

But when the facts were really before his eyes, he was still shocked.

One, 12 points of divinity?

Then if I kill a million fucking animals and slaughter them all in this border area, why don't I ascend to immortality on the spot?

Bored, I want to see rivers of blood.jpg.

...No, no, wait a minute, maybe it’s just because this monster is special, maybe there aren’t many of them at all?

The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. Don’t think too much about it yet.


Xue Jing wiped the non-existent saliva from the corner of his mouth, and his powerful thought control allowed him to barely regain his senses.

He touched his chin and said, "First ask the natives to see if this monster has any family members. Go to its home and kill its entire family..."

It would be best to have a large racial group... and directly perform the Nine Races Elimination Fun on it.

After thinking for a while, Xue Jing waved to Shadow Flame Crow, who was holding a backpack with her claws.

The crow fluttered its wings and came closer. Xue Jing took out a pair of ordinary rimless glasses from her backpack and put them on her face.

Then he walked towards the young indigenous girl who still looked confused.

When I looked closer, I found that this native had a pretty good appearance.

She has shoulder-length brown hair and is dressed coolly. She shows off her dark but delicate healthy skin. She has a petite and slender figure. Her face has the characteristics of both East Asian and some Western races. It is very delicate, like a mixed race.

"Hey, hey..."

Xue Jing waved his hand twice in front of her, attracting the girl's attention.

The indigenous girl then turned to look at Xue Jing.

She blinked, put her hands on her chest, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and started talking in a crisp voice.

Through the simultaneous interpretation headphones, Xue Jing also understood what she was saying.

"It was really too dangerous just now... I took my Daruka to this forest for training. I didn't expect to encounter the 'vomiting beast'..."

"Did you save me? Thank you..."

As she said that, she turned to Shadow Flame Crow, who was holding the backpack next to Xue Jing, and her eyes lit up.

"Is this your Daruka? It's so beautiful... Was it the one that killed the vomiting beast just now?"

Xue Jing pushed up her glasses, reached out and took out a Bluetooth headset from the small pocket on the side of her backpack.

Then he reached out and lifted up the right side of the girl's hair to put the earphones on her.

This move surprised the girl, but for some unknown reason, she did not resist, but her body was a little stiff and she allowed Xue Jing to put on the headphones for her.

"Well, that's good."

Xue Jing nodded with satisfaction.

"Now, do you understand what I say?" he asked.

The indigenous girl listened to the simultaneous translation coming from the earphones in a daze, looking shocked.

"What is this... so magical! It speaks in my ears!"

Xue Jing: "This is a small prop from my hometown. It can be synchronized..." After thinking about it, he gave up the explanation, "Anyway, if you wear this thing, we can communicate with each other."

The indigenous girl put a finger to her mouth and asked curiously: "I have never heard the language you speak, and these clothes are of a style I have never seen before... Are you a foreigner from somewhere else?"

Xue Jing nodded: "That's right."

The indigenous girl wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Xue Jing:

"Okay, now it's my turn to ask you."

The girl glanced at the Shadow Flame Crow next to her with affection, and then nodded obediently.

Xue Jing glanced at her, pondered for a moment, and said, "My name is Xue Jing, what's your name?"

The girl spoke in a clear voice: "My name is Renya."

Then he whispered, "xue... xuejing... such a hard name to pronounce."

Due to language habits, the pronunciation of these two characters seems to be quite difficult for her, and her pronunciation is very non-standard.

Xue Jing: "We foreigners have names like this, just get used to it."

After a pause, he continued: "Renia, I just came here. Please introduce this land to me, a stranger."

Renya's eyes lit up: "No problem."

She stood up and patted the dirt on her straight butt, "We..."

After some exchanges, Xue Jing had a certain understanding of this junction.

First of all, according to an indigenous girl named Renya, there are two countries on this land.

They are [Magudolama] and [Migudolama] respectively.

The literal translation is [this country over here] and [that country over there]... The name is very strange, but this is indeed how it is translated in the simultaneous interpretation headphones.

According to Dr. Shen, because this interpretation headset was rushed out and is still relatively rough, sometimes this kind of machine translation will occur.

So Xue Jing manually adjusted and polished it, turning it into the honest and elegant "the country of this" and "the country of that".

Renya is a citizen of this country.

Although it is a country, it actually only has the territory of one city, and the total number of citizens does not even exceed 10,000. It is a very small country.

And they call the border creature "Daruka" like the "vomit beast".

The people of this country will tame Daruka and turn them into their pets to help them work and fight.

"So that's it, it's a world view similar to Pokémon." Xue Jing nodded and said suddenly.

"Pokémon? What is that?" Renia was a little confused, but then shook her head and looked at the Shadow Flame Crow flying next to Xue Jing with envy.

"Xue Jing, your Daruka is so powerful... maybe even more powerful than a dragon."

Xue Jing's eyes moved.

Dragon? Is it that pure-blooded dragon?

"Have you seen a dragon?" he asked.

Renia nodded: "Of course I have."

"Dragons are sacred Daruka. Legend has it that all dragons are descendants of the 'Dragon God'. For the people of this country, only the Dragon God's priestess is qualified to tame dragons."

"Dragon God?" Xue Jing narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't you even know the Dragon God? He is the creator of this world, a real god!"

Renia pointed in a direction.

"Look, the Dragon God lives there."

Xue Jing looked in the direction of her finger.


A thunderous explosion sounded, and a huge golden lightning fell from the sky and landed in the distance, exactly where Renia pointed.

"The sacred roaring waterfall, that's where the Dragon God lives, and that huge golden thunder is the roar of the Dragon God."

Renia put her hands in a prayer posture, with piety and a hint of sadness on her face.

"The Dragon God is angry again... I hope this priestess can appease Him and eliminate His anger."

Xue Jing glanced at her, touched his chin, and suddenly said:

"Why, are you the Dragon God's priestess?"

Renia was stunned: "Eh?"

"You... how do you know..."

She was so shocked that she stuttered a little.

It seems that she hasn't said anything yet, and she didn't intend to reveal her identity... How did she know this?

Xue Jing looked strange: "I just guessed, it feels like a common routine."

Renia scratched her cheek with her fingers: "Although I don't know what you mean by routine... but you guessed it right."

"I am indeed the priestess of the Dragon God."

She put her hands on her hips and showed a proud expression.

"I didn't intend to expose it, but since you know it, there's nothing I can do."

"In our country, my status is very noble."

"Come on, foreigner, come with me to this country. You saved my life, I will treat you well."

Xue Jing pushed his glasses and asked:

"Didn't you say that the Dragon God's priestess can tame dragons? Why do you only have a monkey?"

Renia's expression froze, and she said weakly:

"That... that's because..."

Xue Jing touched his chin: "You are not the setting of 'the most useless Dragon God's priestess in history', right? You can't tame dragons at all?"

Renia trembled and stretched out her finger, pointing at him in disbelief:

"You, are you really a foreigner!? How do you know everything!?"

"Tell me, are you a citizen of this country who is here to tease me, or a spy sent by that country!?"

Xue Jing waved his hand: "Just a random guess... well, it's a common routine."

Renia dropped her hands in frustration, and said numbly:

"Yeah, I'm just a useless witch who can't even tame a dragon, is that okay?"

Xue Jing smiled, didn't reply to her, but asked:

"By the way, the monster that attacked you just now... what was it called?"

Renia patted her face, cheered up a little, and said: "That's a vomit beast."

"It's a daruka that uses vomit as a means of attack. Its diet is very complicated. Eating different things will produce vomit with different effects..."

Xue Jing pondered for a moment and said: "Is this vomit beast very common?"

Renia: "Not very common, but there are not many, because the diet is very diverse, and the distribution area of ​​vomit beasts is very wide, and it is possible to see it almost everywhere."

"Is that so." Xue Jing nodded.

"Then we'll say goodbye here and see each other again if we're lucky."

Renia was stunned: "Ah? So sudden, aren't you going to this country with me?"

Xue Jing: "I wanted to go before, but now I have more important things to do."

He also has a task to interact more with the natives of the border area... but he doesn't have time to take care of this task for the time being.

After speaking, Xue Jing reached out to Renia's ear, parted her hair, took off the simultaneous interpretation headphones in her ears, and put them in his backpack.

Then he turned and walked out of the forest, waving his hand with his back to Renia:

"Goodbye, Renia."

Renia looked at his back and the Shadow Flame Crow following him, and said blankly: "Oh...oh."

After Xue Jing walked away, she sighed with a complicated look.




With one knife, he cut the standing monster in front of him, whose head looked like a rat, into two pieces. Xue Jing's silver-white pupils gradually faded. He opened the panel, glanced at the interface without any pop-up prompts, and shook his head.

"It seems that not all creatures in the borderland have divinity... How can we identify them?"

He was a little disappointed.

It has been more than three hours since he separated from Renia.

In the past three hours, while rushing to place the monitor, he killed all the non-human creatures he encountered on the road, including at least dozens of border creatures.

But I never saw the prompt of [Killing special creatures containing divinity].

Could it be that the achievement only existed on the original vomiting beast?

Then wouldn’t his plan of ‘kill them all, flow into rivers of blood, and soar into the sky’ in vain?

Don't want that kind of thing.

Xue Jing took out a monitor from her backpack, turned it on, placed it on the grass, and let it dig a hole on its own.

"If you want to talk about divinity...that one must have it."

His eyes turned to the distance in one direction.


In the sky in an area far away, dark clouds were rolling, and countless golden thunder and lightning were flowing continuously.

Xue Jing touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

"I don't know how much divinity can be gained by killing it."

"But...it's hard."

He shook his head.

According to Xuren, even if this pure-blood dragon is in its juvenile stage, its guaranteed danger level will be above level 6.

Level 6... The sky pirate leader with ISE he met before, using the amethyst giant wolf that the original body returned to transform into, the danger level was only about level 5.

According to the exponential increase in danger level, the danger level of pure blood dragons is at least 32 times that of the sky pirate leader.

This is just a guarantee.

"If there's a head-on conflict, it's absolutely impossible for me to win now."

"But... there may not be a chance."

Xue Jing reached out and touched the five claws containing the power of snake-killing soldiers that were kept close to her body in the pocket of her tactical uniform.

This was given to him by Ning Fengwan before he left.

The snake-killing tip weapon has a restraining effect on dragons. If we can find a way to nail these five things into the body of the pure-blood dragon, we may be able to kill it.

Xue Jing was seriously thinking about the feasibility of this matter, when suddenly.


A dragon roar came from the sky.

Xue Jing looked up at the source of the sound.

A flying dragon with a dark yellow body and two wings on its back was roaring at him with its mouth full of sharp teeth.

The wingspan of the flying dragon is about five or six meters, but its tail is ridiculously long, at least more than fifteen meters, which is more than four times the length of its body. The tip of its tail is also inlaid with double hammer-shaped cuticles.

"Dragon species?" Xue Jing's eyes lit up.


The flying dragon roared again, then flapped its wings and dived down at Xue Jing at high speed.

Under the dynamic vision of Level 8 aiming blessing, in Xue Jing's eyes, the speed of the flying dragon is not much faster than that of a turtle.

He just turned slightly sideways to dodge the move of Flying Dragon Riding on the Face, then stretched out his right hand and grabbed its extremely long tail.

With vigorous instigation, spiral dents emerged from his arms. Xue Jing's five fingers grasped the tail of the flying dragon, and the strong force crushed the dragon scales on the tail, forming five deep fingerprints.

The flying dragon let out a scream and was about to struggle when Xue Jing grabbed its tail, fiercely moved forward, and struck the ground with a powerful vertical slash.

"call out--"

The flying dragon split the air like a spear, and a white wave spread to both sides. The surrounding weeds were bent by the air current.


The flying dragon was hit hard on the ground, and its entire body was embedded into the ground more than two meters deep, forming a dragon-shaped pit. The body lay upright in the pit, motionless.

[Kill special creatures with divinity, divinity +32]

Xue Jing opened the panel and blinked.


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