I went viral when I attended my ex-girlfriend's wedding

Chapter 600 Seeing the decline of the music scene from a song

7 p.m.

In the Black Dragon live broadcast room.

The eighth duel belonging to Ling Zhengyang officially began.

There are currently four remaining players.

Except for him.

Two of them are powerful singers and anchors on the Black Dragon platform.

One is a trainee at Galaxy Entertainment.

Just do it with the intention of standing up for the company.

Ling Zhengyang originally wanted to kill this single star of Galaxy Entertainment directly.

However, the system immediately assigned him and did not give him this opportunity.

Instead, he was lined up with a female anchor named Yao Shanshan.

It's quite helpless.

But this opponent is quite strong.

The other party had started his career by covering songs.

In the meantime, several singles were released through third-party companies.

The response has been pretty good.

There are many fans.

There are more than 5 million people online.

As for Ling Zhengyang.

Be slightly stronger.

It has reached more than 6 million.

It is true that everyone has a love for beauty.

But the best ones are even more addictive.

In comparison.

Everyone would rather watch him do some fancy things.

Never mind the good or the bad.

Happiness comes first!

"Ling Zhengyang, you are a sinner. You say that your mouth is dumb, beeping, and now the imitator is singing.

"The melody of "The Mouth Toot" is rarely so good, but it's completely ruined by the lyrics."

"Are you sure you studied this kind of word in your head? You didn't just write it with your toes?"

"And this song "Chinese Listening Level 10", damn, I looked up the dictionary for "Uncommon Words" and I can still sing along with it, but I can't breathe at all."

"Forget it, I am a southerner, can you understand my pain? Xixixi, Xixixi, Xixixi, I collapsed immediately."

"Is it the West over there? I'm here to die, die, die, die, die. I even want to laugh when I sing it."

"My tongue is tied. Seriously, if any singer covers your song, I really respect him as a man."

"Haha, stop making trouble. Who would be willing to sing his songs? Wouldn't that be a problem for yourself?"

Ling Zhengyang showed his face as soon as the show started.

Netizens have different opinions.

Anyway, it’s a densely packed area.

Can't see it at all.

Ling Zhengyang asked them a few simple questions and then started chatting with Yao Shanshan.

"Beauty, you are very beautiful." The topic here came as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Thank you, you are handsome too." Yao Shanshan reciprocated.

"Really, do you want to go have noodles together when you have time? I'll arrange it." Ling Zhengyang asked accordingly.

Hear this.

The audience immediately went crazy.

Damn it!

You boy!

Are you going to take advantage of something like "Inappropriate for Children"?

Too much!


"Eating noodles? Let's forget it."

Yao Shanshan had heard of that joke before.

He immediately shook his head and refused.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't think about any nonsense. What I'm talking about is really eating noodles." Ling Zhengyang said, pretending to be holding a bowl and using chopsticks.

"Really eating noodles? What kind of noodles?" Yao Shanshan asked doubtfully.

"Inside your heart."

Ling Zhengyang bared his big white teeth and smiled.

The audience got goosebumps.

Damn it.

What kind of homophonic joke is this?

So disgusting!


So shameless!

I really want to kick him to death!

"Do you want to enter my heart?"

Yao Shanshan covered her mouth and laughed at this reversal.

Suddenly I felt that this guy wasn't too offensive.

"Isn't it possible?" Ling Zhengyang said.

"You can try." Yao Shanshan replied.

"Then can I ask you a question?" Ling Zhengyang said.

"you say."

Yao Shanshan does not reject anyone who comes.

"Do you know the similarities between mineral water and your saliva?" Ling Zhengyang asked.

"Similar? What is it?"

Yao Shanshan was puzzled.

The audience was also full of questions.

What are the similarities?

Are they all liquid?

"We all want people to have a taste."

Under countless eyes.

Ling Zhengyang gave the answer.

Yao Shanshan blushed.

Netizens fainted collectively.

Are you here to compete or to tease girls?

Why is it endless?

Everyone was very unhappy.

"Ling Zhengyang, can you pay attention."

"If you bring bad live broadcasting atmosphere, I will file a complaint against you."

"Damn it, please stop talking. What will I do if this beauty falls in love with you?"

"That's right, I can't allow vulgar anchors like Ling Zhengyang to have sex. It's an insult to love."

"Cut down your dissipation, okay? Before I get out of the way."

"Did I give you too much popularity and make you drift away?"

He watched as his audience became a crusade.

Ling Zhengyang did not dare to disobey these financial owners.

I had to quickly get to the point of singing.

Him first.

After Yao Shanshan.

"The inspiration for this creation is not very good, so I wrote a RAP improvisationally. I hope you like this style of music."

Ling Zhengyang paused and said, "If I do anything wrong——then you can come over and beat me."

I thought he was asking for forgiveness.

Unexpectedly, a reversal made him look mean.

Everyone was stunned and furious at the same time.

They all condemned him.

But what kind of anchor is Ling Zhengyang?

It's not his style to be afraid of being scolded.

Stand tall and fearless.

Someone just happened to give a gift.

The topic was immediately changed.

"Oh, thank you [Changchongchong] dad for the black dragon flag, thank you dad!"

What's the bottom line?

Ling Zhengyang used practical actions to explain that he did not have this thing.

The eldest brother who gave the gift was directly addressed as a relative.

Although it's a bit of a joke.

But he really shouted it.

The audience heard it clearly.

I was so shocked that I forgot to type and scold him.

Yao Shanshan on the opposite side was also stunned.

I have been an anchor for such a long time.

This was the first time she had encountered such a shameless person.

But what Yao Shanshan didn't expect was even more.

Just because of a title.

The gifts in Ling Zhengyang's live broadcast room exploded immediately.

Black dragon flags appeared all over the screen.

He couldn't stop shouting.

This moment.

do not know why.

Yao Shanshan was actually a little envious.

"Okay, okay, dads, stop brushing, I'm going to start."

Ling Zhengyang didn't mind at all that these people took advantage of him.

Because of the sentence "Dad changes to a black dragon flag".

No loss whatsoever.

That's ten thousand yuan.

This world.

Everything is fake.

Only money is real.

He has already seen it thoroughly.

Turn on the accompaniment.

The first thing that appeared was a phone ringing tone.

After being connected.

A female voice sounded.

"Hey, Ling Zhengyang, how are you preparing your song? The competition is about to begin. Please check it and adjust it quickly. I think that word still doesn't work."

I haven't finished speaking yet.

The beat started playing in the background.

I'm fishing at work and after get off work, I just show off to me for dance practice and I'm not acting like Li Hengyu.

No matter how many days I can take during the vacation, I feel it is too short.

He said don't panic and start the song again on the 7th.

What are schoolboy lyrics.

Is it "That Night"?

Or "One More Night"?

Or "Mouth Toot"?

Netizens may not have known much about it before.

So Ling Zhengyang taught them another lesson.

this time.

It’s not just the lyrics that are outrageous.

There are also extremely fragmented accompaniments and mood changes.

Put it nicely.

You could classify this style as freestyle rap.

But the problem is that it's too blunt.

Forget about empathy.

Normally it sounds disgusting.

If this is a funny song that appears in a cross talk or sketch.

It might be labeled a ‘good job’.

But this is a game.

Although it is a request for a poisonous song.

But how can there be pure beauty that is not tainted by knowledge?

Every netizen who watched the live broadcast received a kind of baptism.


It seemed to be dirty with something.

I didn't go to bed until seven in the morning and had a meeting at nine o'clock

Ordered takeout at eight o'clock, delivery fee was 20 yuan

I recorded a new demo yesterday and said my style is not right.

The boss started to draw pictures again and said that this is how HipHop should be.

For PUA in the workplace, I need to know everything.

You also need to be able to wink in order to manage your facial expressions and body shape.

The more tired you are, the less you sleep, the more commercial performances are more expensive

I started to worry about my appearance and my hairline was curling in.

I stayed up four nights in the recording studio and wrote four kilograms of bad songs.

Ling Zhengyang kept singing.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

Everyone had an incredulous expression on their face.

In their view.

All curse-type, edging-type, literal-type and tongue-twisting works are simply weak compared to this one, okay?

Simple is worse than bad.

Those previous songs are really no match.

Is this a RAP?

Is this rap?

It's just a little better than calling Mai, right?

And this word is written

I'm a bastard of a fairy.

Can it be any whiter?

Are you sure it's not a diary?

Is there really no need for any modification at all?

"Can this also be called a song? It is simply an insult to the word song."

"It's against the sky, this can be a song, it really shatters my three views, no, it shatters my five views."

"It's just a defense!"

"This song is by far the most rubbish piece of music I have ever heard. Really, there is no other song."

"This verse is one of the top ten disgusting songs in the world. Do you have any opinions?"

"That's too high. I'm afraid the first three are fine. The dogs will shake their heads after hearing this."

"What the hell is this."

The singing of this song is completely lacking.

There is no cavity.

There is no confrontation.

There is no subtle emotional progression either.

He almost yelled out his voice dryly.

And I won’t say what rhythm to pay attention to during this period.

The feeling comes with the accompaniment.

Anyone can sing it right.

The vocal part and the accompaniment are two different things.

I'm always improvising

I'm always improvising

I'm always improvising

I'm always improvising

I'm always improvising

I'm always improvising

I'm always improvising

I'm always improvising

The verse is scary enough.

But the audience still underestimated Ling Zhengyang's shame.

As soon as the chorus comes out.

It was even more earth-shattering.

No one may believe it.

But the audience in the live broadcast room simply saw signs of the decline of the Chinese music scene from this piece.

It's actually hard to imagine.

There is actually a song that brings all the shortcomings together.

Lyrics are not good

The skills are not good.

The soundtrack is not good


None of it works.

Just as successful.

The audience in the live broadcast room was disgusted.

And there are no exceptions!

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