I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 90 Perseus's Marriage Proposal

Pandion entertains Perseus——

This matter has nothing to do with Roy.

But the purpose of Perseus's visit to the Athenian tribe was to propose to Pandion's daughter, and Roy certainly could not turn a blind eye.

So Roy did not return to the Temple of Metis, but came to Pandion's stable.

After handing his black horse to the stable's horse breeder, Roy immediately came to Pandion's stone house.

The hall of the stone house.

When Roy walked in, he saw that everyone was already sitting around the stone table.

Pandion and Zeuxippe sat in the main seats next to the stone table, and Procne and Philomela, who hid their faces with veils, sat next to their parents respectively.

Erechtheus and Perseus sat on the north side of the stone table, and the two little leaders sat on the south side of the stone table.

Seeing Roy's figure, Philomela immediately said happily.

"Brother Roy! You are finally back. Do you know how worried we are about you?"

Procne also looked at Roy with excitement.

Seeing that Pandion's daughter cared so much about Roy, Perseus asked curiously.

"Chief Pandion, I just wanted to ask, is this noble prince also your son?"

Pandion shook his head and said.

"He is Roy, the priest who serves the goddess Metis! Although he is not my son, I intend to make him my adopted son, so my daughter regards him as her brother."

After explaining, Pandion said to Roy.

"Roy, since you are here, celebrate the arrival of Prince Perseus with us."

Roy did not refuse, walked to the stone table and sat down opposite Pandion.

Looking at Roy across a stone table, Procne and Philomela suddenly widened their eyes, as if they saw Roy for the first time.

Even the chief's wife Zeuxippe showed a surprised expression, staring at Roy's face.

Perceiving the abnormality of his wife and daughter, Pandion asked puzzledly.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zeuxippe came back to her senses and said with a frown.

"Nothing, I just think Roy seems... a little different from before."

"Mother! Not a little different, but like a different person."

Philomela looked at Roy with an obsessed look and said.

"I used to think that brother Roy was very smart and could invent many magical things. But now I find that brother Roy is also a very charming and beautiful boy."

Although Procne did not speak, she obviously had the same idea as Philomela, because she looked at Roy with the same obsession.

I didn't expect that the effect of Aphrodite's blessing [Charm Enhancement] was so powerful that Philomela praised herself as a beautiful boy.

Roy hurriedly covered his face with his right hand and said.

"Philomela, are you teasing me? It's not the first day you saw my face, why are you suddenly kind enough to praise me?"

Perhaps because Roy covered his face, Philomela regained consciousness.

Seeing Pandion frown, Philomela immediately said.

"I was just teasing you because you made my sister and I worried for several days."

Hearing Philomela's words, Pandion retracted his gaze from her and turned to Perseus.

"Prince Perseus! Welcome to the Athenian tribe and become my distinguished guest. Before my servants serve the food, can you tell me what is the purpose of your visit to the Athenian tribe on behalf of the Mycenaeans?"

"Great Pandion! I came to the Athenian tribe on behalf of my grandfather, King Acrisius of Mycenae, to promote an alliance between the Mycenaeans and the Athenian tribe."

Perseus said with a smile.

"Now we Mycenaeans have conquered the entire Argos region in the Peloponnese Peninsula and established three city-states with a population of over 10,000: Tiryns, Tiryns, and Mycenae. As long as the Athenian tribe forms an alliance with us Mycenaeans, we will not only pass on the advanced technology and civilization of the Near East to you, help the Athenian tribe upgrade to a true city-state civilization, but also support the Athenian tribe in conquering the entire Attica Peninsula. As a symbol of our alliance, please marry one of your daughters to me."

In this era, it is almost a necessary condition for two forces to form an alliance and conduct a marriage.

If there is no marriage relationship, the two forces cannot establish mutual trust at all.

After listening to Perseus' words, Pandion smiled faintly and said.

"Prince Perseus! Although you Mycenaeans are a foreign ethnic group that migrated from Crete, you have conquered the locals in Argos and become the real masters of Argos. You Mycenaeans are so powerful that I really can't think of any reason for you Mycenaeans to form an alliance with our Athenian tribe."

"We Mycenaeans want to form an alliance with the Athenian tribe because we will go to war with the cruel King Sisyphus of Corinth. King Sisyphus of Corinth is not satisfied with ruling the beautiful and prosperous city of Corinth, and he actually collects tolls on the Isthmus of Corinth, so we want to overthrow the rule of King Sisyphus of Corinth."

Thebes and Corinth are the two major city-states that can compete with Athens for the title of the strongest city-state.

Corinth has the potential to become the strongest city-state, and the Corinth region where Corinth is located is naturally a prosperous region.

Now the wise and virtuous Sisyphus rules Corinth, the only city-state in the Corinth region, and worships Amphitrite, the sea goddess worshipped by the Corinthians for thousands of years, as the patron saint of Corinth.

The city of Corinth guarded the Isthmus of Corinth. Even if the city of Corinth really collected tolls, it would not be a reason for the Mycenaeans to launch a war against the city of Corinth.

Because it is actually normal to collect taxes such as toll tax and toll tax.

The real reason why the Mycenaeans launched a war against the city of Corinth was that the Mycenaeans had conquered the Argos region and could now regard the Corinth region as their next target.

Since the Mycenaeans were about to launch a war against the city of Corinth, the Mycenaeans wanted to form an alliance with the Athenian tribes, and they probably did not want to see the Athenian tribes become allies of the city of Corinth.

Because after the war broke out between the Mycenaeans and the city of Corinth, the city of Corinth would definitely seek assistance from the Athenian tribe.

"Prince Perseus! Our Athenian tribe does not want to get involved in the war between the Mycenaeans and the city of Corinth, but I really want to find a husband worthy of her eldest daughter Procne. Although you are only Mycenae The grandson of King Acrisios, but I can see that you are both ambitious and powerful. In the future, you are likely to become the Mycenaean king who rules the Argos region, so I am willing to take Procne. Marry you and make my daughter your queen."

"Great Pandion, your daughter Princess Procne will not be my queen."

Perseus shook his head and said.

"I ask to marry your daughter because I want your daughter to become my concubine. Because I already have a candidate for my head wife in my heart. I want Princess Andromeda, the daughter of King Cepheus of the Egyptian Empire, to be my head wife. . Princess Andromeda is the daughter of the king of the Egyptian Empire, so it’s natural that Princess Procne’s status is lower than Princess Andromeda!”

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