I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 89: Perseus, Prince of Mycenae

Athens tribe.

Roy rode the black horse given by Harmonia back to the vicinity of the Acropolis, and saw a series of high cement walls rising from the ground, forming a wall surrounding the Acropolis.

Roy went around the Athens wall and came to the west gate. A group of Athens soldiers guarding the west gate immediately surrounded Roy with bronze spears, obviously treating Roy as a suspicious foreigner.

"Don't you recognize me?"

Roy frowned as he let the black horse move forward slowly.

"I am Roy, the priest who serves the goddess Metis. Please make way for me."

Hearing Roy's words, the soldiers who had seen Roy immediately recognized Roy's identity.

"It's really Roy the priest!"

"Everyone, please make way."

"Roy the priest, we didn't mean to offend you."

After the soldiers made way, Roy rode into the Athens wall and saw hundreds of wooden houses on the north and south sides of the Acropolis, which brought the population of tens of thousands to the foot of the Acropolis.

"What's going on? Even if all the residents on the Acropolis moved to the foot of the Acropolis, there would be at most 8,000 people at the foot of the Acropolis. Now there are 2,000 more people at the foot of the Acropolis. Could it be that during the time I was away, the Athenian tribe annexed other tribes?"

Roy came to the Acropolis with doubts in his heart, and saw that at the end of the mountain road of the Acropolis, there was an Acropolis Gate built with cement.

At this time, the leader of the Athenian tribe, Pandion, Pandion's wife Zeuxippe, and their son Erechtheus, with two small leaders of the Athenian tribe, stood at the entrance of the Acropolis Gate, as if they were welcoming very important people.

Seeing this scene, Roy hurriedly let the black horse speed up and run to the entrance of the Acropolis Gate.

"Leader Pandion! Lady Zeuxippe! Prince Erechtheus!"

When he came to Pandion and others, Roy stopped the black horse and said.

"I didn't expect that you would welcome me here so grandly after hearing the news of my return."

"Priest Roy——"

Looking at Roy riding on a black horse with a golden belt around his waist, Pandion first showed a surprised expression, then came to his senses and said.

"You went to follow the Phoenicians led by Cadmus, and you were away for so many days. I thought you had an accident, or betrayed the Athenian tribe and became Cadmus' companion. Procne and Philomela have been worried about you these days. Go and tell them the good news of your return!"


Roy said in surprise after hearing Pandion's words.

"Aren't you here to welcome me?"

Eryktheus rolled his eyes and said.

"What kind of important person are you that I, my father and mother are here to welcome you. We are here to welcome the envoy of the Mycenaeans——Prince Perseus, the grandson of King Acrisius of Mycenae."



For Roy, this is a familiar name.

Because in the ancient legend, Perseus was a true filial son and grandson.

Perseus was the grandson of King Acrisius of the Mycenaeans. His mother was Princess Danae of Mycenae, and his father was Polydectes, King of Seriphos Island.

When Perseus grew up, he left his hometown to inherit the throne of his grandfather Acrisius and never returned to his parents.

Later, seeing that his grandfather Acrisius was unwilling to let him be the heir to the throne, Perseus killed his grandfather and directly seized the throne of Mycenae by force.

Knowing that Pandion's family of three was welcoming Perseus, Roy turned over and dismounted, then led the black horse to Pandion and asked.

"Chief Pandion! Even if the residents on the Acropolis moved to the foot of the Acropolis, there were only 8,000 people at the foot of the Acropolis. Now there are more than 10,000 people at the foot of the Acropolis. Did the Athenian tribe annex other tribes during my absence?"

Pandion shook his head and explained.

"During the time you were away, we did not launch a war to annex other tribes. But two tribes of a thousand people saw that the Athenian tribe was protected by a cement wall and took the initiative to join the Athenian tribe."

"So that's it!"

In this era, it was extremely difficult for small tribes to survive.

Not only could they not resist the attacks of large tribes, they would even become targets of robbers or pirates.

So it was very normal for small tribes to rely on the Athenian tribe for survival.

"Then what about Perseus coming to our Athenian tribe?"

Without waiting for Pandion to answer, Erechtheus said impatiently.

"You have so many questions! Prince Perseus visited our Athenian tribe on behalf of the Mycenaeans to propose to my sister."

Perseus came to propose--

Legend has it that Perseus' wife is Andromeda!

Seeing that Pandion and his wife valued Perseus so much, Roy knew that if Perseus really came to propose, they would most likely accept Perseus and let Perseus become the husband of Procne or Philomela.

Just when Roy was in a panic, twelve Athenian soldiers escorted three foreigners to the Acropolis.

The three foreigners were led by a young man riding a white horse. He not only had a young and handsome face, but also wore a white cotton robe, a golden bronze belt around his waist, and a bronze sword hanging on the belt.

From the appearance alone, it can be seen that the young man riding a white horse is Perseus, and the two people behind him are his followers.

Perseus and his two companions arrived at the gate of the Acropolis under the protection of the Athenian soldiers. Perseus took the initiative to dismount and came to Pandion and bowed politely.

"Great King Pandion of Athens, Perseus, the son of Danae, is here to visit you. If I have been rude, I hope you can tolerate my mistakes as an elder."

Hearing Perseus calling himself the King of Athens, Pandion couldn't help laughing.

"Prince Perseus, I am just the leader of the Athenian tribe, not the hereditary king of Athens."

"In my heart, you are the King of Athens."

Perseus raised his head and said.

"In many places, let alone rulers with thousands of people, even rulers with only hundreds of people dare to call themselves kings. Now the Athenian tribe has a population of tens of thousands and has built tall city walls. The Athenian tribe can already be called the city of Athens, and you are the king of Athens who rules the city of Athens."

Hearing Perseus' words, even Erechtheus couldn't help but feel good about him.

Pandion looked at Perseus with a satisfied look and smiled.

"Young Prince Perseus, you are such a lovely guest. I have prepared a sumptuous banquet for you. Now come back home with me and let me and my family entertain you together!"

After that, Pandion held Perseus' hand intimately and led Perseus into the Acropolis.

After Zeuxippe, Erechtheus and the two small leaders surrounded Pandion and Perseus and entered the Acropolis, Roy also held hands and passed through the Acropolis gate.

Entering the Acropolis, Roy saw that the Acropolis, which was originally very crowded, had become very empty.

Because all ordinary residents moved to the foot of the Acropolis, now only Pandion and the houses of the two small leaders, Roy's Temple of Metis and the papermaking workshop were left in the Acropolis.

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