I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 624: The premature death of the sun god Talos

It is obviously impossible to satisfy everyone.

So Roy doesn't care about other people's ideas.

But Roy can ignore other people, but he can't ignore the ideas of the goddesses around him.

After all, these goddesses will become Roy's wives and accompany Roy in the eternal time in the future.

"Dear friends! Just like I treat human beings equally, all human beings are equal in my eyes. You are also equal in my heart, so you don't have to care who becomes my first wife."

After Roy persuaded the goddesses earnestly, Hera said immediately.

"If that's the case, let me be your first wife. I don't have a special identity and status, and I don't want to bully other goddesses. I just want to be your first."

Quetzalcoatl couldn't help saying.

"Although I didn't fall in love with you, I don't want to lose to others in things like marriage."

Metis said directly.

"I want to be the first in all fields."

No matter how the times develop -

Even if everyone's identity and power are equal, there will always be a leader.

So the specialness of the first will never disappear.

Seeing that he could not convince the goddesses, Roy said helplessly.

"Then I have a suggestion - let's hold a grand wedding, all of you marry me together and become my first wife at the same time."

Roy's self-righteous suggestion was responded by the goddesses rolling their eyes.

Alina said with dissatisfaction.

"Dear! Although I don't want to embarrass you, it is your promise to me that I will become your first wife, so this must not be changed."

Roy nodded immediately.

"I will definitely fulfill my promise."

Metis said with a cold face.

"You said you love me, now is the time to prove whether you lied or not."

Hera said with a crazy grin.

"Good brother, why don't you let me kill them all, so that you won't feel embarrassed."

"I hope you sisters can love each other-"

Roy couldn't help but complain.

"And even if I agree, sister Hera, you can't beat Alina and Metis!"

"As long as you support me, I can beat them all."

Hera wanted to continue to seduce Roy, but Mnemosyne interrupted her and said.

"Make your choice quickly! Hesitation will only bring torture and pain to everyone."

If you hesitate when you should make a decision, you will suffer from chaos-if you hesitate when doing things, you will suffer from disasters.

Roy's current situation is a true portrayal of this sentence.

After Roy and Amphitrite looked at each other, Amphitrite smiled gently and said.

"No matter what decision you make, we will accept it."

Persephone looked like she was hesitant to speak, just like Roy who was hesitant.

Aphrodite smiled cunningly.

"Anyway, I can't be your first wife, you don't have to care about my thoughts."

Sekmet looked at Roy coldly like a lioness who admired herself.

"My request to you is like what a lioness asks of a male lion. As long as you can defend my territory and give birth to my children, I won't care about anything else."

Inanna looked as if she had nothing to do with it.

"I'm just here to watch the show. What are you going to do?"

"I'm so stupid!"

Looking at the goddesses around him, Roy suddenly smiled brightly and said.

"Since I can't satisfy all of you from the beginning, I just need to make my own decision and let you obey my will. Now I have decided that starting from the first month of next year, I will let you marry me in order.

In January, Alina will marry me and have the power of the first wife in January.

In February, Metis will marry me and have the power of the first wife in February.

In March, Mnemosyne will marry me and have the power of the first wife in March.

In April, Persephone will marry me and have the power of the first wife in April.

In May, Amphitrite will marry me and have the power of the first wife in May.

In June, Hera will marry me and have the power of the first wife in June.

In July, Selene will marry me and have the power of the first wife in July. The month has the power of the first wife.

In August, Aphrodite married me and had the power of the first wife in August.

In September, Sekhmet married me and had the power of the first wife in September.

In October, Inanna married me and had the power of the first wife in October.

In November, Iekotel married me and had the power of the first wife in November.

In December, Procne and Philomela married me and had the power of the first wife in December.

I am not asking for your opinions, but telling you my decision. If anyone is not satisfied, I can let other goddesses replace you and become my first wife in a certain month of the year. "

Hearing the decision made by Roy, some goddesses showed dissatisfied expressions, and some showed helpless expressions.

These goddesses can only be the first wife of one month in twelve months of the year, and it is natural that they will feel dissatisfied.

Although the goddesses were dissatisfied, they could only accept Roy's decision helplessly.

After all——

There were too many goddesses in the Athenian Empire.

When the goddesses competed with each other, there would definitely be many goddesses willing to replace them as Roy's first wife for a month.

Of course!

The goddesses competed with each other for Roy, not because they loved Roy deeply.

It was just because Roy's first wife had a territory of more than 5 million square kilometers.

In other words, other goddesses who became Roy's first wife could also have a territory of more than 5 million square kilometers like them.

After letting the goddesses accept his decision, Roy's figure fell from the sky.

The Royal Palace of Athens.

The royal courtyard with birds singing and flowers blooming.

Roy came to Prokne, and Prokne immediately threw herself into Roy's arms excitedly.

"Brother Roy, you are finally back."

Roy asked while reaching out to wipe away the tears on Prokne's face and looking at her slender waist.

"Procne, where is our child?"

When Roy and Procne separated half a year ago, Procne was already six months pregnant.

Calculating the time, Roy and Procne's child has been born for two or three months.

"Our child is in the bedroom, being taken care of by the palace maids."

Procne lowered her head in shame and said.

"Brother Roy, I failed to give birth to a son for you."

Roy said with a happy smile.

"I don't care whether the child is a boy or a girl, take me to see my little daughter."

Procne's bedroom.

Seeing his daughter crawling around surrounded by the palace maids, Roy first picked her up, then lifted her up and said.

"The sun that shines on the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa is born! My lovely little daughter, your name is Talos."

In some dialects, Talos means the sun.

There is a view that, influenced by the sun worship in the Egyptian region, Crete not only has a moon goddess, but also a sun god named Talos.

In the myth of Icarus, Icarus' father Daedalus murdered young Talos because he was jealous of Talos' talent.

So Talos is the sun that died young.

Roy gave the name of Icarus, who flew to the sun, to his eldest daughter.

Now he gave the name of the sun Talos, who died young, to his youngest daughter.

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