I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 623 Who can become the first wife?

The plain north of Qishan Mountain.

The Athenian army and the Rongdi coalition prepared to fight, and Roy and Emperor Taihao also started a confrontation.

Emperor Taihao became Yuanshi Tianwang Yuanshi Tianzun more than a thousand years later.

Therefore, the current Emperor Taihao is just the Haotian God who symbolizes the sky.

His name comes from the ancestors of the Rongdi tribe, but at his core he is the sky god.

Just like the name Donghuang Taiyi comes from the ancestor of the Shang tribe, Emperor Jun, but the core of Donghuang Taiyi is the sun god.

"What a pity!"

Looking at Emperor Taihao who looked like a nomadic god, Roy said with regret.

"You in front of me are neither the Yuanshi Heavenly King [Yuanshi Tianzun Pangu] two thousand years later, nor the Haotian God six hundred years later. How weak is the Rongdi tribe now? You, the Emperor Taihao, are No matter how weak you are, if the strength of the gods were not determined by the strength of the tribe that worships them, you would have competed with the Earth Goddess Nuwa and the Sun God Di Jun for the throne of the King of Gods."

It was indeed a pity for Roy that he could not fight Yuanshi Tianzun and Emperor Taihao in Pangu form.

But Roy will not let Emperor Taihao continue to exist just to make up for this regret.

"You sound like you know me very well!"

Emperor Taihao looked at Roy with a solemn expression and said.

"I have no intention of competing with you for the throne of the co-owner of the world. Even if I surrender to you, it is not impossible. I heard that you not only accepted Nuwa, but also the daughters of Emperor Jun and Xihe. As long as-"

"How stupid! Haven't you seen it yet? I will accept Nuwa and Chang'e because they are both goddesses. As a male god, if you don't want to be eliminated by me, you have no choice but to leave the territory of the Athens Empire."

After speaking, Roy directly stretched out his right hand and released endless solar fire towards Emperor Taihao.

The battle between Roy and Emperor Taihao began, and the war between humans also broke out at the same time.

The Athenian soldiers wearing iron armor and using sharp iron spears rushed like an unstoppable torrent towards the Jun-Di army who used stone spears and wooden spears and wore civilian clothes.

The armies of both sides collided, and the Rong and Di soldiers immediately fell one by one.

The civilian clothes of the Rong Di soldiers were like paper and could not withstand the sharp blades of guns to protect the Rong Di soldiers.

The iron armor of the Athenian soldiers could block the attacks of stone and wooden spears.

The war between the Athenian army and the Jundi coalition was a one-sided crushing.

The battle between Roy and Emperor Taihao [Yuanshi Tianzun·Pangu] was also one-sided.

Burned by Roy's sun fire, the body of Emperor Taihao [Yuanshi Tianzun Pangu] gradually turned into ashes.

Just before Emperor Taihao was about to disappear, Emperor Taihao suddenly burst out with all his divine power and smashed the stone ax in his hand-Pangu Kaitian Divine Ax at Roy.

The next moment!

Roy used the palm of his left hand to block the blade of Pangu's Kaitian God Ax.

"Is this the power of Pangu to create the world?"

The blade of the Kaitian God Ax did not cause any damage to Roy's palm.

Roy said a little disappointed.

"This level of power cannot create the world. But having said that, the creation of the world by Pangu was originally a late myth born 1,800 years later. Even if Pangu is set as the god who created the world, it does not mean that Pangu really created the world. Power. After all, fictional settings are just fictional settings and have no impact on reality and history.”

After saying that, Roy took hold of the Kaitian Divine Ax with his left hand and crushed it.

As the Kaitian Divine Ax disappeared, Emperor Taihao also completely perished in the flames of the sun's fire.

The war between humans also determines the winner at this time.

The Jun-Di coalition collapsed completely, either fleeing in panic and leaving the battlefield, or kneeling on the ground and surrendering to the Athenian soldiers.

This battle laid the foundation for the Athenian Empire to incorporate the entire Kyushu into its territory.

However, it is obvious that the assimilation of the people of Kyushu cannot be completed overnight.

1594 BC.


Roy left the matter of conquering and assimilating Kyushu entirely to Xia'e, and then returned to the city of Athens alone.


Roy teleported to the top of his temple and found that there were several goddesses in the city of Athens.

Alina, Selene, Metis, Hera, Persephone, Mnemosyne, Amphitrite, Aphrodite, Sekhmet, Inanna, Eekote you--

The powerful goddesses of the Athenian Empire have gathered in the city of Athens. Is this a meeting of the gods?

Just when Roy was full of doubts, Alina suddenly appeared in front of Roy, jumped over to hug Roy with joy and said.

"My dear, you are finally back."


Seeing Selene appear with Alina, Roy asked with confusion.

"Why are you in Athens? Have you been waiting for me here?"

"I'm waiting for you to marry me!"

Alina explained shyly.

"During this period, the Libyan, Algerian, and Moroccan regions of North Africa have been included in the territory of the Athenian Empire by Knight and Pandora, and the Mediterranean Sea has become the inland sea of ​​the Athenian Empire. So according to our agreement, you should marry me."

Libya, Algeria, and Morocco have a combined area of ​​5 million square kilometers.

Loy was not surprised that these areas would be conquered by Knight and Pandora.

The indigenous people in these areas originally worshiped the earth goddess.

In Greek mythology from another world, Heracles came to Libya, and the enemy he encountered here was Antaeus, the son of the goddess of the earth.

In other words, the Athenian Empire's conquest of Libya, Algeria, and Morocco would not change their beliefs.

In addition, the Athenian Empire had advanced civilization and military power——

The conquest of these areas by the Athenian Empire was a natural outcome.

"Dear! I am getting married for the first time, how should we hold the wedding?"

Looking at the shy and cute Alina, Roy said a little embarrassed.

"As Phaethon, the sun god, this is also my first time getting married, so I don't know how to hold our wedding."

At this moment, Metis, Hera, Persephone, Mnemosyne, Amphitrite, Aphrodite, Sekhmet, Inanna, and Eeocotel appeared at the same time. Beside Roy and Alina, they looked at Roy with eager eyes.

"Do you really want to marry her?"

Metis gritted his teeth and glared at Roy.

"The words you said you loved me were indeed lies."

Hera also stared at Alina with murderous eyes and kept muttering.

"Kill you—as long as I kill you, I can become his first wife—"

Although the other goddesses did not speak, Roy could also feel their dissatisfaction.

after all--

The first goddess to marry Roy will have a special status as Roy's first wife.

Just when Roy didn't know how to appease these goddesses, Roy suddenly noticed the eyes from the ground.

Roy lowered his head and saw Procne standing in the courtyard of the Palace of Athens looking at Roy and the goddesses.

Procne was the first wife of human Loy.

So she knew exactly what it meant to be Roy's first wife.

After Roy and Procne looked into each other's eyes, he felt greater pressure in his heart.

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